Lord Of The Rings £100 jp

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harry 3
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Lord Of The Rings £100 jp

Post by harry 3 »

Was watching a friend trying to force Jp on this and after about 30 loses on reaching the £50 block he got to £50 and plus 1 cash on the Super Feature and it didn't give it. Twice more this happened before he gave up and had to take the £50. It had cost £160 to get this far. No afterplay either.
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:06 pm

Post by RRE »

Been a while, but its a good fun machine this, and forceable, persevere (spelling?). The £50 block can last longer than most, but it will roll the jp or climb up on the money during the feature eventually. You should be able to get a hold on it with some timing and a couple of weeks of study as most will give up before; I had an avg £30 profit every 3 days for a good year or so on this after the initial 'learning' period. Then they put it up to 150 and the profit went up a lot, but the gap needed to be longer, there was a period of 8 monthes when it paid out every 4 days and only one of those was not to me!

However, initially you should expect it to cost more than you get back, then check regularly for how long it takes to fill again and work from there.