
Forum to discuss any type of club fruit machine...


Post by Guest »

Tonight im going on a belfast/stranrear ferry for a gamble.

The machines there are all clubs of course, 2xPCB, 4xCNR, 2xTOT, casino crazy (the old one), thunderbirds, monopoly WOTW, few globals, roller coaster, trick shot pool, and loads of other ones which i cant remember :)

For a start the how does TOT go on a push, cant imagine it being too progressive :? though heard its quite good. Also how does it indicate the IM?

I intend not to get to caught up on the way there, simply watch people playing on the way and locate buzzing machines for the way back :) Hopefully shouldnt be any problem.

Wish me luck :D , il probably need it :wink:
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Post by Nixxy »

Club TOT is a bit of a pain - it gives relatively frequent boards (compared to other clubbers) which lull you into thinking you might be getting somewhere, when infact it's not happy at all.

When it's letting you gamble beyond the £35 cash win (on a £250JP machine) the features get better. It seems to be like the gateway to better feature offerings. Be warned - normal TOT usually awards a win and 2 repeats, usually totalling about £60. Never seen it do a red TOT.

I'm not convinced it has an IM - but I'll leave others to correct me on that one!
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Post by king_conspiracy »

Tell us how you got on Darren....

Also is it only club machines on a ferry?

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Post by Mattb »

.....and most are set to 68% too. They get hammered by a lot of playes, so i wouldn't even dare go on!

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Post by Cardinal Sin »

I've done that route loads of times. Piss-poor percetnages, but I've won a hefty amount of jackpots too.

Don't run out of time though! You don't want to be caught £200 into a machine and then get told to get off the ferry.

Post by Guest »

Went well actually, i started by playing a club ceasers palace mainly because i only started with a £250 float and didnt wanna get laid into the PBC's just yet.

Anyway, within £30 i am offered 20 spins, collected and goes for £75 ish.

On we go to a PCB £250, backing from the off but looking fairly dead, fuck it- i go for it. £200 it takes to IM and gives £75 in afters so very good i thought for my first attempt.

Now i run into a backing CNR deluxe £250 both cashpots full. and dubiously go for it anyway. Costs £100 to see the first 4 of a kind win and a furhter £100 do get them dropping in regularly, this is where the fun began :? , £50 later i get 4 grapes for £20 i believe and it lets me hi-lo the whole way to £100, which LOSES on a 3 :o ops: (was gonna just take the jackpot instead of cashpot as was running a little lowish on cash (about £100 left)) but obviously it was having none of it. £50 later i am shitting myself, it is clearly WELL buzzed but im running out of time and yeah- cash. Reels spin in cashpot, cashpot, cashpot one something else. The machine offers 3 nudges and i think, whats the chances.... Look up and to my relief there it is, a shiny gold cashpot bar :P £50 in afters came very quickly and then it started to pay out in 20ps :? I asked at the guest services if i would be able to claim a refund if the particular machine IOU'd and was told that wouldnt be a problem. Of course i go back on, it is still 4 of a kinding and i take another £50 which IOU's at the £30 mark.

So i go to the reception to claim my refund and they ask for ID, which i dont have on me. Oh dear, no ID, no refund :roll: Bastards but never mind i was up a little anyway.

Next- Another PCB which wasnt backing on the 1st part of the journey now is. Everyone apart from the new non landers are off the boat.

I consider buying yet another ticket but its not needed, this one is clearly buzzing and regularly goes to 3rd and 4th zones. A 'hold em' on blue 7's for £8 which gambles on a 2 and the exchange offered looks VERY lucrative, starting on the 4th zone with a skilltop and 7 K.O's. I go higher than the 3 hoping for an extra zone for the guarenteed jackpot which never comes so i exchange anyway. Damn it, extra bonus 1st spin so i now lose my SS and have psycho cash active instead. Its at £40. A few more dodgy feeling spins put me on 9 K.O's and one zone from the top. I just took my k.o's on zone 3 and got to the top zone with 2 k.o's remaining the 1st rather strangely lands on the £250 :shock: :D

The end result is a £300ish profit today, not at all bad for my first attempt, after all the ticket was only £15.

By the way, to save arguement i was on a non landing trip, not just the 1 hour 45 single, hence i was able to play out 4 machines.

Also the machines were by do means dead today but i know people do play them out etc. However i saw 2 £80+ wins obtained by punters as well from little stake.

Looking forward to doing it all again in a few days time, was nice to get a break from the usual £25'ers for once too 8)
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Post by Mattb »

I thought CnR only had a block at £75 and not one at £100?

They can't really be forced that well anyway. Best bet is to trap cashpots and bells and hope for the nudges. Train Robbery can give £220 on a £250 JP one sometimes, i've had (and seen) it give JP on a £100 version.

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Post by Guest »

Thats what i thought as well, though it was blocking for ages at £50 and never once at 75 :?

Yeah i noticed they cant really be forced lol, was panicking :)
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Post by itsme »

sounds like you went on a mission and it was job completed. thumbs up to you !! :D

i wouldnt try it my self though.....dont have balls big enough.
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Post by ob »

club tot is alright, red feature offering is only really sign its due, there is an im by which it does no bonus numbers the whole way...

you were lucky on PCB's the ferry ones can easily take £500 for pot, especially dover - calais ferry's even if full.

cops and robbers with both cashpots on £250 I would leave alone unless obviously flying, believe it or not both cashpots being full is probably a bad thing..

Post by Guest »

Yeah i think i was talking to you before on msn or something, However the 'ferry' i got on wouldnt be to appealing to most id imagine as the journey is short etc...

Many many machines were full and the fact that the PCB seemed dead suggests to me that they dont get played out a lot.

A few years back when i was very young i was on a slower ferry and regularly saw people forcing out jewel in the crown etc and a lot of other machines, there was no one playing anything out when i was on :)

On CNR i believe you said the cashpot is to be played for when the reserve is around the £170 mark on a £250 version yeah?

See ive just came across a CNR (gold :( ) in that state, in an out of town location, with the cashpots at exactly that, also doing 4 of a kinds. Would you advise a push? I took a very quick £80 but might take a visit tomorrow to give it a go :)
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Post by ob »

if they do 4 of a kinds then they are certainly there to be potted, so yep give it a go