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Hey im new, love barcrest machines, would love to learn more

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:40 am
by adamdare
Hi im new to this forum and from what i have seen it is very informative and interesting. Im 18, so probably quite young compared to some people on here. Anyway, ive been playing since i was about 10 years old and have always favoured barcrest.
The wetherspoons near me has a vamp it up, throw a wobbler and phil the power taylor, so its like barcrest heaven! Id love to chat with people about these machines and basically just find out how people get on with them! I subscribed to several other fruit m/c websites but there full of idiots who just seem to wanna argue with each other and makes themselves feel superior by boasting about 'big wins' etc

Anyway love to chat to anyone who shares an interest


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:04 am
by Matty
Right this is an excellnt 1st time poster ! Well done mate jus what the site needs to see/hear theres loads of tips for the machines in your local. Throw a wobbler is a well detailed machine on this site ! Have a look at the thread jus below yours.

Well as i say welcome to the site we are friendly people barr a few :wink:

Cheers mate Matty

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:06 am
by Firefox
I like 'em too Adam.

And i like you for your first post, "nod" to Matty.

Where were you playing when 10 years old? seaside?:-) I think I began playing properly i.e not on holiday! when I was about 11 or 12 in our local chippy, Top Gear, Lynx, Cashcounter. :-)

NB I have a reputation for ripping the p#ss! don't ever be offended!


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:44 am
by adamdare
cheers matty and firefox nice to meet ya!

Yeah i used to play in the holiday camp arcades and at the seaside and stuff when i was younger and ive been going strong ever since! I have to say this website is a breath of fresh air, some of the other forums on the net are so shit and full of little pricks who all think they are 'pros'

Anyway ill be chatting to ya soon, im quite happy looking over the past threads atm, but wud love to pm or summin sometime and discuss a few things

cheers guys

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:24 am
by Nixxy
I found myself on Eastbourne Pier yesterday afternoon (don't ask..) and it felt like the arcade in there had almost every machine listed in the Barcrest vault. They were all being sharked, of course.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:35 am
by adamdare
Lol i know wat u mean nixxy, i always venture down to lyme regis and other seaside resorts nearer me and the arcades are full of little chavs, who spend all day sharking each other and making out there pro's by tapping in the reset code on the simpsons (which is purely an engineers code) and doesnt do anything in particular).
I was playing on the simpsons 10p 5jpt (dont ask) the other day in one of these arcades, which i tend to stay away from these days and this kid aged about 14 was watching me and when i got on the board he showed me his 'expert knowledge' by telling me that if i just keep pressing start really quickly the machine wont knows wat happening and will give me jackpot! Bless

Then I remembered I was exactly the same when I was that age!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:44 am
by ssgtsnelly
wellcome mate..

a nice introduction there..theres a great amount of knowledge to be had on these boards so have a few searches first and then make a post if there is something your not sure of, theres bound to be someone on here who can help you out :)


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:18 pm
by Dynamike
nixxy wrote:I found myself on Eastbourne Pier yesterday afternoon (don't ask..) and it felt like the arcade in there had almost every machine listed in the Barcrest vault. They were all being sharked, of course.
I was in Hastings recently and it was very similar on the pier. The sharking was the most brutal I've experienced... as soon as I walked into the machine area of the arcade 3 or 4 local pikeys jumped out their seats into action and took to their places, classic stuff.

a question

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:54 pm
by torchie2
does any one know when andy capp road hogg cops and robbers where brand new machines and where can i buy them

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:44 pm
by toothless11
Yeah those fruits are quite old. I remember playing them in devon years and years ago. I think they might be about 7 to 10 years old. Not 100% sure tho. Maybe someone else will know the actual year they were released! :D


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:35 pm
by Nixxy
Andy Capp went on general release with a £6 jackpot in September 1993, making it almost 13 years old, according the Barcrest Player's Club.
