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Help with decision Supernova v Space Raiders

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:58 am
by Roppa11
Hi guys

I've got the choice of either of the above machines are there any pro / cons for either over each other - in your experiences.

This will be my first machine are either more difficult than the other in terms of maintaining etc. Unfortunately there are no user manuals for either of these included with the machines are they downloadable from anywhere?


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:55 am
by the-twat
hi bud. lol its me the bloke u bought supernova of, small world. was just running rund looking for sum links t sites to help u out incase u get stuck down the line. lol nd there u are 1 step ahead of is. I will get wat i can find that will be of use to u.. Did that machine have to plug in things with with swiches onto adjust stakes and prises, nd other purcentige. as im not sure i waited almost 2 year for him to get the machine to me which never happend so never got to realy see and play w it. just had pics to put into colection of bandits a ownd so only seen inside wen 1st decided wether to buy or not. sory bout spelling still early morning brain still akip nd sory didnt get back to u yesterday ended up with a house full till l8 last neet, wiil see wat a can find to help u get to no machines a bit beter nd anythink i can find out about supernova.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:04 am
by the-twat
also the mpu5 field manual a emailed coveres all mpu5 machines just not the game, but will help with a lot future problems that might pop up. i am on looking to see if i can find a manual for supernova to email u.