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This is the reason u dont go in certain pubs at night

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:12 am
by Alpine021
Said to my mate I dont normally go in this pub but its only a flicker.
I don't even play these anymore but this is a really good one and i just fancied some beer money.

Anyway some big beefy cunt is watching my every move. Think he is something to do with the pub
but not too fussed as the overall manager is ok with me. It's the regulars that worry me, lol.

So I get a £70 box he says nothing- just gives me a shitty look but so what.

Nxt thing is my mate has put £30 in bank job gold nxt to it. I told him they were shit but whatever.

So when im finished my mate says u have to get a board (this is where it always goes wrong).

So to cut this short I go for it as this pub is the best slotters pub ever and its off it's head anyway.

So fatty is watching me again. Doesnt matter as this machine is taking note after note after note.

£230 in it gives me a £140.

The whole night (karaoke aswell) seems to grind to a halt as nobody has every seen this machine pay more than

I get abuse, told im cheating. I tell them how much ive put in and obviously they think im taking the piss - after all I've apparantely just put in more than their dole check. I even said to the big guy u've actually seen me put all those notes in? Unbelievably he goes yeah but can't have been more than about £80 and u also got JP on the other one.

£80????? Fucking scum pubs with scum people. Great in the morning but never at night.

To top it off it was a note in note out and didnt even give me my tenners back.

Unfucking real.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:13 am
by Alpine021
Shit that was longer than I thought, lol. Im just typing in a mad fashion just remembering how fucked off i was :)

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:18 am
by streakseims
Notes have to be in A1 condition for it to spit em back out. Next time if he is doing brains in the flicker and you get jp offer him £3 and say "you was only on it an hour, you couldn't of put more than that in it!"

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:38 am
by Alpine021
lol just hate people in pubs. Just dont talk to me. Not hard is it?!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:58 pm
by tommya
Happens all the time

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:04 am
by amazing
Been there doneit got the tee shirt
He was waiting for a round of drinks bless