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bad day

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:51 pm
by maverick69
out all afternoon and made 46 quid not had a badun like tht for a while

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:31 pm
by feeder22
welcome to my world

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:04 pm
by maverick69
better today made 250 was out about 6 hours

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:25 pm
by titchno1
I don't know how you can think 46 as a bad day maybe down 46 is a bad day.

Fare enough you might make more day to day but u can't expect it to run smoothly week in week out. 46 pound for a day out after expenses is a lot better than it sounds.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:40 pm
by maverick69
i suppose its a little bit spoilt to say its a bad day, 46 quid 6 days a week it a wage for most ppl. i usually make over 100.....if im out for more than 6 hours. i dont think its my god given right...and i dont make as much as some players. i work hard for my money......ppl dont realise. it does take time, planning, concentration, discipline and skill to make money these days. so many ppl after the same money its scary. prob right tho 46 up is not a bad day....but if i make the effort to go out i like to make more....but i spose so does everyone

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:42 pm
by maverick69
i honestly do think if i u put the time in and are good enuf, its pretty guarenteed u should raise between 90-95/100

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:14 pm
by trayhop123
ive had a shocking cpl of weeks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not just fruits though ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, life /bills etc too.

but ive always tried to plan for the future and put some away .

not everybody lives like this though ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, some just live for the day ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, have 800plus weeks and blast it on the high life spending .

fair enough ,,,,,,,,,, each to their own and all that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but 1 thing this game teaches you is that however good you think you are ,,,,,,,,,, a bad stint can be just around the corner ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, like i have just had.

some players live day to day , and borrow floats off others etc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that in my humble opinion ,,,,,,,, isn't a pro player .

be prepared.

ps , i have always maintained , and always will that anything 50quid plus is a good day , when you take into account the freedoms this allows ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no boss , no strict hours , if you fancy a day off you can etc

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:22 pm
by maverick69
lol ive got enough put away......but you are right lee..most just live in the moment make enough to eat out and pay the rent and go out clubing. Fuck im gunna live my life like that.....i wanna know if i cant play machines for a year im gunna be ok. This isnt a bragg, i was thinking just the other day ive not used a cash point 2 maybe 3 years ago that was a day i will never forget...35 pound days...i put 400 pounds in red gaming cash or bust that never gambled past super streak. It was redding to fuck.....turns out there was something wrong with the programme on it. i will admit my judgement was off that day i took an absolute tonkering.i lost my 200 float and took antoher 200 out of the bank at cash point. walked away with my tail between me legs that say. Then again some ppl like to bank cash regularly...where as i will save a bit up then deposit

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:27 pm
by AMK
maverick69 wrote:lol ive got enough put away......but you are right lee..most just live in the moment make enough to eat out and pay the rent and go out clubing. Fuck im gunna live my life like that.....i wanna know if i cant play machines for a year im gunna be ok. This isnt a bragg, i was thinking just the other day ive not used a cash point 2 maybe 3 years ago that was a day i will never forget...35 pound days...i put 400 pounds in red gaming cash or bust that never gambled past super streak. It was redding to fuck.....turns out there was something wrong with the programme on it. i will admit my judgement was off that day i took an absolute tonkering.i lost my 200 float and took antoher 200 out of the bank at cash point. walked away with my tail between me legs that say. Then again some ppl like to bank cash regularly...where as i will save a bit up then deposit
I had that happen on a Bob Rudd cash or bust in Liverpool. Nasty lol

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:29 pm
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
Spot on Lee.

I like to disassociate from the usual player. I won't say what I earn, or what I think I'm worth. Players can come on here saying they're earning x amount and bigging themselves up, but many of us see it as an insecurity. Maybe to boost their profiles etc, except that only cuts with the "dimmer" player.

If I'm asked what I'm playing or how much I'm earning, I'll just say "not bad" or "could be better". That way no-one is likely to tap you up when they go skint (like they inevitably do).

I get a couple on Facebook stating how they're "smashing it" yet hear they go out four handed, and get bailed out by Daddy!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:33 pm
by Spyder
bank statements from the last 6 years please?

i expect to see cash for gold and payday loans every other transaction..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:44 pm
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
There's a guy in London who always claims to have "hundreds of grands" in the bank and owns two houses outright, paid for in cash etc.

One day I told him that if he had amassed more than a certain amount in his account, that the bank would investigate him.

A few days later he rang me saying the cashier said to him "You do know you're under investigation, don't you?"! He'd forgot it was me that said it to him!

In all seriousness though, it never bothers me what anyone else is earning or what they've got. It won't increase my money.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:47 pm
by Scott
I never been bothered what others are making either, get out there and get stuck in.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:57 pm
by trayhop123
your so right grant

ive been at this now since around 14-15 ,,,,,,,,,,,, now 39 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the stories ive heard and the people ive met are incredible .

a lot of people are all front ,,,,,,,,,, and in reality have fuck all in the way of savings ,,,,,,,,, cant ever admit to a losing day EVER ,,,,,,,, (why?)

is it because they dont want to be seen by their peers as nothing short of top of the tree player extraordinair. ,? ,,,,,,,,, ?? do they think other players will laugh at them or judge them differently ??

i personally think that there is no shame in admitting to a losing day ........... it happens to us all ,

i was once in a train station waiting for my train ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and just for the fuck of it , had a board on a shit bandit ,,,,,,,,,,,, just as i was returning to my seat , a shell suited oik jumped up ,,,,, '' ere m8 ,,, play the other one ,,,, its due to drop m8 ,,,,, its gagging to pay out , im a professional , play these for a living''

so i said ''why arnt you on it then ?''

he said '' cos im skint''


what a turnip. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

look bottom line ,,,,,,,,,,, i dont care if your grandmaster chucknorris at skill ,,,,,,,,,, and get your info first hand ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if you've been at it for more than a year and dont have a float/pot to piss in /backup funds in the bank ,,,,,,,,,,, then your not a pro player.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:04 am
by maverick69
tbh the only person you are fooling is urself...i cant stand these ppl that want to make a name of themselves. only today i had some guy saying to you know him to you know him. tbh i couldnt give i flying fuck who u know or dont know. as long as im making money...and have a roof over my head, and food in my stomach and money for my bills and some savings and a holiday once a year. i couldnt care less