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Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:47 pm
by maverick69
Fucking fat bastard landlord, i was using a list anyway today.Pub with a alien and a stakes and think might be a nice little hit. i walk in pint of carling please.....look alien in one side. Bare in mind iv not done not come in to do my machine over have u. im just fuck ....and just say no mate. i sit down...thinking how the fuck can i play these 2 never gunna do both i might be able to do one if im lucky. anyway i drink the pint...this pubs miles out of my way. im getting my petrol money i dont give a fuck. so i walk up get another pint....i cant really drink this cos i will be over the limit.....i say to him im bored mate. can i have a go on the machine. he says ok then so bare in mind ive got 200 pound coins in my pocket i get some notes out can i have 20. he says yeah so anyway go to the alien...get a win on 25p im thinking good at least its there take 2 quid and collect. now i ram the 20 quid in play it off....go back to the bar give him another 20 get another 20 coins put em in, get the first board get it jp. its still there get another...its still there...this one takes the piss put still make.

now im thinking how am i gunna collect this bank out...i get it out...go to the bar to change 30 back. howd u get on he says...i see u took a lot out...i broke even. then he just goes fucking mental.....get the fuck out now etc....ur barred least i made 70 in there. and i bet the stakes was numbering....just pisses me off so much . i got lucky to play the alien at all to be fair....there uptight landlords to my head in.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:01 pm
by Scott
We got some agg a few months back, we made really well on it the previous week, i did'nt really wanna bother going back because i knew we was gonna get barred, felt the mood change the second we walked in, there was about 5 people in there when we walked in, and every one of them is glued, you could hear them on the phone getting more people to come up, by the time we had got a second jacky there was about 10-12 of them watching, got told in no uncertain terms to get out, one of them stood in the doorway, but stepped aside when asked, glad to get out in one piece, fucking horrible situation.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:08 pm
by maverick69
its so annoying though..that could have been a nice hit . found some other stuff around there,,,some machines on really old programmes.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:12 pm
by Scott
It does sometimes seem that they site the best machines in the roughest boozers, i'm sure a few of us have been in some horrid situations over the years, its not so bad in your own town, but in different cities it can be quite daunting, i try and keep my mouth shut as much as poss, your accent can sometimes get you in shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:16 pm
by trayhop123
aliens , electro's , dig its ,,,,,etc,,,,,,,,,,,, are all relegated to shit holes now

,,,,,,,, there's an old saying ,,,,,,,''if you go to seedy places , your gonna meet seedy people ''

in another thread ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we hear criticism for sticking to spoons and chain pubs........ that we're all rats overplaying the same machines etc

thats a fair point ,,,,,,,,,,,,,and there may be better money to be made in the tucked away village pubs,,,,,,,,,,BUT

a lot of these back street pubs are one hit wonders ,,,,,,,,,,,, you may get away with it once ,,,,,, twice ??? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just look at mavericks example above

as a rule,,,,,,,,,,,, 95% of the time ,,,,,,, you dont get shit in the chains

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:16 pm
by maverick69
This was a fucking hole mate im telling u....two skinheads drinking at the bar..the landlord was huge...looked like that bloke off orange county chopper with a huge beard. i wouldnt like to hit the skill in there....with him breathing down my neck :lol: . i was lucky the alien was right in the corner ....doesnt look good keep bashing the bonus button trying to do it inconspiuously. and i was on my own boring today just wanted to get the route done ..still took hours.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:36 pm
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
Sometimes you just have to hit back with attitude.

If they ask if you've been in any other pubs round the area, say "Yeah, but I didn't make as much". He may still do his nut, but you'd be surprised at how many take a different view of you after they see you're not put off by them.

A friend of mine (and a very notorious person) can back me up on this. We've been in some right cesspits in London and met with some right attitude, yet end up on first name terms.

Rochester was funny one evening - the Crown - the guy is extremely full of himself, especially when he has his mates with him. My mate (M) was getting comments behind his back for doing the skill (I hit it then fucked off on the quiz) so M walked up to the Landlords son and patted him on the back with the force of a bear "Alright mate? Are we all ok?" "Yes mate" "Good, I'll see you in a few days".


The machine lasted about another two months before it went.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:53 pm
by maverick69
i remember one place in leeds...just played a dig it and there all shouting get the drinks in mate get the drinks in. Then this bloke stood in front of the i was leaving. ur not leaving without buying me a pint. i said how about i play u a frame of pool if i win ...i come back in here every week and play that machine and u say nothing. if u win i will buy everyone in the bar a drink and never come back. i ended up 8 balling him cutting the black off the middle of the back cushon into the left pocket. I still bought him a pint...and after that i got him one every visit and they all been fine with me since then. sometimes u gotta think on ur feet. i still see him now...they even had a bankers bonus i was emptying. for a good few weeks

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:56 pm
by Scott
8 Balling?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:56 pm
by maverick69
yeah wrong key i was typing in the dark

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:57 pm
by Scott

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:59 pm
by maverick69
im not as good as i used to be...could break 70-80's all the time. used to go snooker hall everyday after a says slotting. i hear ur good scott?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:01 am
by Scott
I've been known to knock a few balls in :wink:

Power snooker starts Saturday for all you Snooker fans :D

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:04 am
by maverick69
what channels that on ? will have to record that

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:05 am
by Scott
ITV4 i think mate, gonna V+ it.