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Night out

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:36 am
by Spyder
i went on a night out the other day... and while i was out i played some machines.

the details are quite boring but i can confirm that on each machine it cost me more than £10 to get a board...

each machine left me a loss, nothing gave any entertainment value at all..

i went in about 8 pubs and played more than one machine in most pubs..

i have no particular interest in playing on a professional level, and i have played for entertainment for a few years, but from an entertainment level these machines arent just pocket change or drink change anymore...

from what i can work out, pretty much every machine has a rip, empty, shortcut or is just plain bulls**t..

those of you who i know (electronicly) i hope you remain profitable and have a good time at it... ill pop by in a week or so and check messages but after that i wont be coming on here anymore...

if you live in any seaside towns then while £35 and below jackpots exist, i might play one if im on holiday or passing.. but these £70's are not the same league as before.. the roulette terminals have a better appeal than the pub machines, which is sick.. because the manufacturers have started to notice this and are introducing them to pubs the best they can..

To anyone i offended during my stay here... a lot of it was for a laugh

the people i didnt offend... (well, there arent many so no real point writing anything!)

anyway... cya..

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:46 am
by keno
Out of interest which machines did you play?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:32 am
by betchrider
Sad but true


Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:10 am
by ruthl3ss
dont go blud
Your bullshit statements based on pure myth will be surely missed
btw are you the same rat from arcadia?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:50 am
by toothless11
And I always thought you was a full timer....