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Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:24 pm
by AMK
Yes they can be good. But they can awful. They take a grand just for shits and giggles.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:32 pm
by spa
Any game that can only pay a pot and said best pot gets too £500 and stays there speaks volumes to me.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:47 pm
by ob
One of the big losses I got silver and gold to 500. It then gave gold and took 600 for another pot which was silver....nice!!!!! Not.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:27 pm
by Plumy2k
Ive had quite a few 1k+ losses on these. Can be an easy 200/300 raise but beware they can be rruthless. Bit like freespins game.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:40 pm
by Roll_With_It_Russ
BFK wrote:4 pot featues can't give bronze!!!

What stake were u playing on titch? Only way is the £20 stake option.

I did about £700 in one just to see a 2 pot teaser the other day. In fact I barely see a pot landing at all which on £20 stake is unusual. I did get about £350 back. They give bronze for fun but then that's cos on the mega spins they do give pots a lot.
Hence why I said it would be unbelievablly unlucky...

There is after all no reason why any pots cant end up as a 500 win...all about lucking ouf on the end game gambles.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:50 am
by bubbles
up at least 10k on these. if ever i lost 3-400 on one i got it back on next 2......

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:28 am
by BFK
I've played a few and they do seem much fairer than most random games. But only on the ultra spins.

Titch if u made that kinda money on them in a couple of days then u should know they can give pots a lot. U were lucky not get deeply involved in one before tho.

I'm still taking one on at the right pot levels but you just don't see them high enough these days.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:23 am
by streakseims
thing is you win gold and it resets a 250....local loads it up and sees 250 and then just plays pots of gold as that's always 500 in coral now or in lads pog or rocky always get played same if you win silver it resets t 100 and pog its 150 minimum so they play that.

Reflex Pots Of gold resets gold to £488 silver to £390 and bronze to £260

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:40 pm
by spa
BFK wrote:I've played a few and they do seem much fairer than most random games. But only on the ultra spins.

Titch if u made that kinda money on them in a couple of days then u should know they can give pots a lot. U were lucky not get deeply involved in one before tho.

I'm still taking one on at the right pot levels but you just don't see them high enough these days.
Probably because of threads like this. Now everyone is going to have a go.

"I made 10k" "I made 5k". Who wouldn't.

I have a vid of a £700 loss if anyone wants a gander? Bronze x 8 then silver.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:56 pm
by BFK
They're still makin money/playing to %age.

Regardless of whom takes them on, obviously people like 'us' don't take them on at low levels.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:29 pm
by tommya
Check this for naughty. 1st spin standard shit second spin rainbows for jp lovely. 3rd spin 1 pot. Last spin 2 more pots gives gold but the game can only give you 500 but still wiped the 480 gold pot.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:36 pm
by JG
streakseims wrote:
Reflex Pots Of gold resets gold to £488 silver to £390 and bronze to £260

Yes and in a few spins they're all £500.

In my opinion there's no edge with high pot levels. They're a high variance game and outlandish long term wins are far more plausible than on something like pots of gold. Ask yourself if you were a mathematician developing Pure Pots how would you code it? Pot roulette style whereby the pots have a set reset value and a % of the random win plan is reserved for pot additions/extra wins if pots are full OR varying odds of hitting pots decreasing as pots get higher?
You know that any sort of edge scares the industry shitless. They hate it. It gives them sleepless nights. Therefore it's the second option. Those who have won long term are luck boxes.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:51 pm
by JG
The obvious counter argument to that is "but what of pot based roulette? Surely that is the thorn in the ointment?" Well I can explain the anomaly. Whilst those games will send a shiver down the spine of many......tbc

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:21 am
by streakseims
The vids spas on about is a full clip of all gameplay n is about 45-1hr long! was soul destroying!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:07 am
by BFK
tommya wrote:Check this for naughty. 1st spin standard shit second spin rainbows for jp lovely. 3rd spin 1 pot. Last spin 2 more pots gives gold but the game can only give you 500 but still wiped the 480 gold pot.
I had that on a ladbrokes mega spins on a POG. Big win from rainbow riches symbols, then pots for big silver then pots again for the £500 gold.