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My only ever £1 for £70 moment...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:12 am
by AshP1979
So I went to Leicester this weekend floor my Mum's 60th birthday meal and in the afternoon before it I was in the Table Table just grabbing a coffee. Had a pound in change, put it in a DOND machine, 50p stake, got on the board, GO ALL THE WAY!

I can't remember the name of it - Take A Break, or something like that...had 6 white boxes needing to be filled to give Mega Streak.

Had another board after that, was playing OK, opened Deal or No Deal, ended up hitting a ?, took the streak boxes lit (3 of them), gave £20.

Should I have played on after that? I was more than happy with what I'd got, but the greedy side that lies within me (and most of us, I'd hazard) wonders whether there was more to be had.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:58 am
by HornyNick
During freshers week a couple of months, sunday night a nightclub that didnt normally open sundays, and i never go in anyway was open. It was dead but i managed to find a hi lo silver in the corner, first i had seen in at least a year. £2 coin in, 1st spin on the board and 3 horseshoes for 70. Bar/shift/whatever manager just happened to be stood next to me. He gave me the most disgusted look he could, muttered something about changing them and stormed off. :D