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What's going on?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:42 pm
by JG
What's going on? How come I can burn up the stts and get my 100000% ROI and 10000000% ITM? Yet when it comes to mtts and cash games I don't even get wind of the bubble or constantly get outdrawn?

Actually the whole bloody lot was annoying yesterday. I had had some terrible luck and wrote a strong letter to customer services. This resolved the issue and I started winning it back. I checked my inbox and customer services had replied back saying that they had received my email and I would receive a response shortly, I said "No worries, the issue has been resolved, my luck is back to fair settings again". Sure enough, that was the catalyst to spark off a load of stupid outdraws again. My pocket kings got reraised with QJs I put him in and he hits two pair. The old big fat raise called with 2 5 and when the flop comes down 2 5 Q rainbow, I find it hard to put down my kings(again) and get taken to the cleaners. Usually by people I've got pegged up as fish in stts.
My 9 4 in the SB (not raised) sees a flop of 4 Q 9 and I play it hard to see aces. Good(ish), turn 2, river 2.......fuck off! so irritating, I'd rather see an ace but that just twists the knife.

Then I tilt like an idiot and push in with A 2 and get called by Ten eight which spikes. Ffs, no wonder I'm not winning if they're hitting EVERY OTHER HAND. Play it street by street and you think you're being outplayed..NO they just hit the flop SQUARE ON practically EVERY hand, because they only play when they know they'll hit.

It's absolute poker again. Shill twathead insider robots that sweep up on all levels that can see your cards and make the 'dubious' winning play x% of the time.

Worse late in the morning as ratio of shillbots to genuine human opponents is much greater.

I've no doubt the deal is random, my poker tracker stats show this.

It's the inisider knowledge that irks me. When a 'mouse' suddenly reraises your aces with 2 3 s and hits. Surely a flag has to go up?
Even better when you type the name into Sharkscope and it goes 'beeling' access to this username statistics have been disabled.

Absolute bullshit at times. You need a good deep tinfoil hat to sweep up all this absolute bullshit. They need to clean out their random number generators and sterilise them.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:51 pm
by mr lugsy
fooking bots man,i end up with a few against me quite reguarly,they all got names with silly numbers and characters in,when i get my aces even a small raise will always make the whole table fold at light speed back round to the big blind ,the bot on the big blind will then wait about 2 seconds and then fold also........... unless it re-raises .the flop will come down with no connectors and all different suits which point i'm usually lumping it and always behind against 2 sh1t pairs or freakin raggy trips :x

i wonder if jpfuk can rustle up a cloaking program for my hole cards to bugger these bots up ,excuse me whilst i just go and chuck my empty vodka bottle in the road outside.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:09 am
by harry2
Anyone notice all those players like TTR34547654. Hundreds of them.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:02 am
by mr lugsy
precisely harry,these "numbers" love to call raises with eff all,and never chat either.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:05 pm
by ma71lda
Thats why you should railbird a table for clues before you sit down (not that I ever do), or try and get a response from each player to prove they're human.

In the micro stakes tables I play on they're usually the same old people so I tend not to worry, its when you enter the wee small hours and people start to disperse you have to worry.

Conclusion - be sensible and get yourself a good nights sleep. 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:06 pm
by harry2
Last year I played the following I-Poker sites and consistently had a ROI of about 23% on Paddy Power, Bet 365, Victor Chandler and also Sky Poker playing over 2000 games at beginner level. A decent enough sample, you would think. Signed up to Mansion on 03/01/09 and have constantly been outplayed, outdrawn and have a ROI on there of -15% over 200 games. This is just too much of a variance unless I run over a black cat, a rabbit and spilt a Siberia full of salt.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:50 pm
by betchrider
Playing today, semi short stacked gets 77 somebody before me goes all in im thinking"what the hell might not get another chance".So everybody else folds,over go the cards any guesses?J 2 off suit and what flops JJ2.What the fuck is all that about?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:55 pm
by mr lugsy
they were probably just trying to nick the blinds betch,i've had the same thing happen a few times.

harry ,mansion are wronguns i've posted about them a couple of times ,scan your machine mate.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:32 pm
by harry2
Last game I played. All in with aces, player calls with A10. Flop J Q K.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:59 pm
by betchrider
But J2 f me i was screwing!