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Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:55 am
by betchrider
Just been watching WSOP on bravo2 and some effing badbeats happen!Im talking like 1 out hitting.If that were me id be doing time,i HATE bad beats and find em hard to swallow.I spose im just like Phil Helmuth,financially and skilfully to!(i wish)

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:52 pm
by ma71lda
I feel your pain JG. I too feel as though its rigged especially when things are going against you and non-talking players are constantly hitting rivers with miracles, but at the end of the day what would the big online sites gain from rigging it? They make more than enough via their rake.

Plus, I don't know which site you frequent but if its laddies I know where you're coming from, Here's what they do.......

If I deposit say, £20 ($30 approx), they let me win a bit on the cash tables, they let me place in mtt's and win a few SnG's, so my account grows to about $200. Cool. I deposited my £20 to enjoy a few games of poker and anything I win is a bonus - it gives me a few more tournies. Then things go wrong, I suffer bad beat after bad beat and I mean seriously bad luck, things that just should only happen every now and again, not 3 times per day. Then my 'roll' runs dry and I swear never to play on the site again. :lol:

On Dec 23rd I deposited £10 ($14.86), played a bit of cash and came 3rd in tourny last night winning $115 - shoould of been 2nd and $175 but K,10 beat my A,Q :( ). The first thing I did was withdraw $50 (£33.3 8) , that leaves me plenty to play with and as I only play poker for fun, clean entertainment every game I now play is technically a freeroll*.

Roll on the next run of sick beats............

*although I do believe I'm good enough to make the money in most mtt's, it isn't meant to be.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:46 pm
by harry2
I'm useless at cash, but well up on STT's on beginners tables.When my three months is up, just move to the next one. ROI about 25% on low levels.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:41 pm
by betchrider
I used to swear blind "my luck would change"as soon as i made a withdrawl but i just think you may play different cos you know you made a win.But i will reiterate some of those bad beats on wsop were rediculous and i spose with all those river cards coming some are bound to be naughty

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:49 pm
by Hangman21
these poker sites are making so much money why would they need to fix it?

More bad beats happen online because you play more hands per hour online than you ever could live.

reality is poker can be a really fuckin evil game that can send you mental.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:49 pm
by betchrider
Seen it all tonight,watching wsop and 5 left.All in 2 of em 1 has 66 the other A3 dmnds flop comes another A then somebody announces they folded 6 clubs,turn another A so theres 1 6 left in the deck and what happens........6 dmnds comes now THATS a bad beat!1 out probably cost em about $2,000,000 not bad eh?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:55 pm
by harry2 ... t-ever-wpt

Edit:TBH never even watched this video.

The four of a kind getting beat by a straight flush is a beat

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:18 pm
by joe3_3
[Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

GLesss sitting in seat 1 with $215.75
th_66_fors sitting in seat 2 with $109.44
ETML sitting in seat 3 with $14.79[Dealer]
j0e_ sitting in seat 4 with $77.25
Fubziii sitting in seat 5 with $94.00
coledogg sitting in seat 6 with $19.43
j0e_ posted the small blind - $0.50
Fubziii posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing cards to j0e_: 4d, 4s
coledogg raised to $4.00
GLesss folded
th_66_fors called - $4.00
ETML folded
j0e_ called - $4.00
Fubziii folded

** Dealing the flop: 4c, Qs, 7s
j0e_ checked
coledogg went all-in - $15.43
th_66_fors called - $15.43
j0e_ called - $15.43

** Dealing the turn: Qc
j0e_ checked
th_66_fors bet - $59.29
j0e_ went all-in - $58.32

** Dealing the river: 3d
j0e_ shows: 4d, 4s
th_66_fors shows: 7c, 7h
coledogg mucks: 9d, Qh

th_66_fors wins $56.33 from the main pot
th_66_fors wins $116.60 from side pot 1

Bit of a shocker!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:42 am
by JG
Set gets beat by higher set. It happens and it's a peril of fishing with lower pockets. A shortish stack invokes a war and it's game over. Tough luck. One 4bb raise, two callers, six handed, holding the small blind. I wouldn't say you went too wrong, just plain bad luck.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:35 pm
by pokerpete
that's not the worst Beat ever.
It's barely even a bad beat.
when the money goes in it's not much more than a 2/1
Only the order they come out makes it look worse.
if they come out 7,7,5...5...K then no-one bats an eye

not even close to worst bad beat ever.

now THIS is a bad beat

4/1 pre-flop (not counting the A6 mug)
flops top set and even against the made straight is only 2/1
turns full house and is 98%
guy hits a 1 outer on the river

watch this and tell me you've EVER seen a beat as bad online or live

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:44 pm
by pokerpete

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:53 pm
by pokerpete

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:41 pm
by joe3_3
JG wrote:Set gets beat by higher set. It happens and it's a peril of fishing with lower pockets. A shortish stack invokes a war and it's game over. Tough luck. One 4bb raise, two callers, six handed, holding the small blind. I wouldn't say you went too wrong, just plain bad luck.

To be honest id do my money every single time in a hand like that every once in a while ill lose but imo to big a hand to lay down.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:23 pm
by ma71lda
.......and to think whilst I've been reading and watching the last couple of posts I've just flopped a set of 7's, it got messy and all the chips went in only for me to see a bigger set. :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:09 pm
by mr lugsy
phuckin' pokerstars is rigged you phucking phucker phuckers etc,were the exclamations of a certain player called derringer from billariccay 2nite at a tourny when i called his 2 queens with jd,kd and flopped a set of jacks with a king on the turn.
why you call you phuckin schitt khunt whangca ,phuck,phuck,etc?
the guy continued to rant like nothing i've seen b4 ,much to the annoyance of other table members and much to the satisfaction of my evil sense of humour as he continued to get called with worse hands and suck out having to re-buy yet again lol.
in the end he was removed from the table by an apologetic mod.........i have never seen this on a poker site in over a thousand games he was absolutely hilarious :lol:
btw i sucked out b4 the second break :x some mug called my bluff ,it's phucking phixed is phokerstars :x