Pocket Aces cracked

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Pocket Aces cracked

Post by Hangman21 »

Playing on blue square last night i had my ocket Aces cracked three times

Three times i lost with Pocket Aces i played them right each time and lost to runner runner or just a runner anyway i was wondering if anyone has lost with them more times in one sitting

Post by borgcontact4 »

Play quite bit myself, must say it seems pretty poor streak for three in one sitting. Can't say it has happened to me, Ok one ste maybe two at outside but three defo bad beat!!! Very unlucky in deed. Don't suggest anything sinsister .
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Post by soapy00 »

not played in a while but when i did regulary seen mine and others AA cracked, usually with river flush :x
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Post by JG »

Last night playing mtts on William Hill I put my opponents all in by the turn three times. Two times was my nut straight vs their two pair giving them four outs on river. Both times they hit for the boat at approx. 8% chance.

I was also reraised on a 5,K,2 rainbow with my pocket kings by their pocket aces. They didn't reraise my preflop raise, so I was mildly surprised to see aces. Anyway, the ace came rolling in on the river to make their hand. Another 2 outs, again approx 8% chance of hitting.

The fourth major hand was my AJ vs an AK - actually this was the third major hand. The two cracked straights caused me to fall from being chip leader and on course for a cool 1.5k to being back in the sludge. I was tilting, as I go on tilt and I'll carry on going on tilt, because secretly I like tilting. Anyway, I overplayed my AJ and got lucky(ish) when I hit my pin and he missed his. Being dominated isn't as bad as you think says Harrington. The aces was the hand that pretty much finished me off. I was down to a chip and a chair and pushed with KQ suited and lost to ace rag.

Granted I made a couple of nice hands to start off with, a flush on flop which I got paid on and a set of 8s which I got paid on, to put me chip leader in a field of 600ish. However that kind of huge bad luck vs mild respite seems to plague my on line poker playing 'career'.

Poker tracker says I'm unlucky on races (and on aces!!). Even when I'm ahead I get screwed over more so than you'd expect.

HOWEVER I'm prepared to concede it's not rigged. I only say that to start silly arguments up when there are no fruit machines to moan about. I mean if it was rigged, the top dogs would have got a lot of data to suggest irrational patterns going against the statistical grain. When it comes to luck, if I played bingo in a room by myself, I'd still end up losing somehow. I wish I was luckier. Whinge moan, whinge. No one cares about my bad beats. I don't care that they don't care, I'll carry on whinging. It's like that signal that got sent into space to detect E.T life forms. Probably no one can hear it. Didn't stop Jodrell Bank or whoever boooming it into the stratosphere and beyond. I'll keep on whining and whining and whining all day as it's self indulgent and makes me feel better. As a quirk, I love hearing bad beat stories. Love 'em.

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Post by Superhold »

Was playing a mtt ther other night was ok stacked not far from the prizes, 30ish left top 20 paid. Had Aces went all-in pre-flop to protect them. Two callers one was a short stack the other had me just about covered.
The others shew 55 and 66. Flop comes 5 6 K turn 2 river 5! Therefore I lost both pots :x :(
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Post by betchrider »

william hill told me there hands are worked out over 300,000,000,000,000 hands and its 5 CARDS to a hand. William hill is established over 70 yrs blah blah blah basically you lost stop moaning. CUNTS
The Duke of betchington Betchrider
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Post by harry2 »

Wooooo hooooo Paddy Power . Online one week $900 up.