Can you

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Can you

Post by jimbo111 »

Is it possible to realistically make money long term from playing poker online??? the reason i ask this is i used to play 25c/50c games consistently and pretty unsuccesfully...the reason id need to say is because of the spectacular outdraws usually be up a few £ and then lose say for example AA against 2.5 os just for a example..i always play AA strong but it seems no matter what site you play on your almost guranteed to get a suckout every so often by someone claling with ridiculous hands...

I know that guys at higher stake level wont get so many dodgy calls but my bankroll wouldnt ever go up to that level say 2/4 ..ive tried loads of sites and all seem to be the same suckout after suckout..thats why ive gave it up cos i know i cant win and no point throwing away cash but does anyone relaly continuously win at these levels??
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Post by harry 3 »

10c/20c sees a lot of very poor/new players. All in on a-rag or 5-5 is not uncommon.
Come on you Royals
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Post by JG »

You need a dynamic ip address jimbo. The poker room identifies static ips who are constantly winning money at any level and skews the cards against them. It also deploys suckout bot shills to break their aces and tilt them even more. You can see this by playing basic short stack strategies against players of poorer ability. Note down the results in a poker tracker. It'll start with your pocket KK taking down their AJ on the J 2 3 rainbow flop whereby you move all in as dictacted by the short stack strategy. You'll soon get bored, but the protocol is strict, so keep playing and watch as things turn sour. You'll start running into all kinds of crazy junk. Q2 which calls a 5BB raise in middle position to your early position raise with AA. The flop comes 9 2 2. It's a miracle! Time and time again. Or similar situation, they call with 5 4, cos it's connected innit? And call on a board like K 5 2 watch and marvel as the turn is a 5 time and time again. As you play on and on, convinced it's a run of good luck for the bad players, winning a hand will be a novelty, a total rarity. YOu just **can't** win. Don't dare revert back to 'normal' play. The bad luck will continue in abundance as you'll be playing more hands, not waiting hours for that big pocket pair. What seems like logical betting, aggression will be humiliated by peculiar cards hitting time and time again. Pushing with two pair on a board with no made straights or flushes is a BAD move. Someone is bound to call a sixty million pot sized bet with a gutshot AND hit.

The best thing to do is wait until you get a Royal Flush. Whatch and marvel as you valu bet the turn and everyone folds double quick.

Keep changing your ip and you'll be ok - I know I did for the Ladbrokes tournament here. It worked wonders I had sets, top pairs, draws, trousers, bananas, plums and I'd bet, people would call and I'd be winning every time.

So don't let them get a handle on you, don't worry about username and account, it's all about the ip.

Hope that helps - mind out for the suckout bot cheat scamster shillprops over Christmas.
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Post by pokerpete »

that is absolute, pure, ridiculous bollocks.

Every word of it.

Utter shite.

I played live and online poker for a living for a while. I'm not talking about a few quid in my pocket, living at home with my parents. I mean a grown man with a wife and two kids earning a full time wage from poker, paying a mortgage, utilities, groceries, etc.

I played 4 nights a week in a casino and 40 hours a week online. I saw just as many amazing things live as I did online.
Royal flush dealt on the board LIVE
one player dealt A,A three concecutive hands, getting KOd from the tourney by 2,2 on the third time, LIVE
AA v KK v QQ v JJ and the J,J won LIVE

I personally flopped a royal flush twice holding Kd, Jd both times. once LIVE, once ONLINE

I had AA dealt hundreds of time, and won about the right amount of times. I had some horrific beats and key times in tournaments LIVE and ONLINE and it was never because someone or some software had it in for me.

Skews the cards against them? Suck out bots? pfft. absurd.
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Post by JG »

You're probably right. I just view the glass as half empty, probably with a small sample of MRSA infected sputum in the froth at the side.

It is of course nonsense. Total fiction. I'm a little bit tilty at the moment, so I posted some self indulgent bollocks. Sorry. But there are suck out mind reading skew odds prop shill bots out there. For sure. Whatever they are. Or maybe not.

May I ask why you don't play online/live poker for a living any more?

Actually I've got a better question. You're probably much better at poker than I am, you sit down at an on line table, you have a sparse bunch of statistics at your disposal showing it's probably a loose aggressive table. You've got no specific notes on the other players. What's your strategy?

It's a six handed £0.50/£1 table. You've got 10*£50 buy ins in your bankroll. It appears that two of the players on the table appear to be very aggressive. Raising up to 3-6BB almost every other hand between them. You're getting dealt junk/marginal pocket cards. You're being whittled. Any tips or emptiers?
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Post by pokerpete »

I don't do it because poker, like fruit machine playing, is not a suitable way to support a family. The swings are too great, particularly as a tournament player.

Families need stability and a £20k job does that better than poker. I still supliment that income with regular live poker, but online is only there to pass the time and maybe score a few live tournament buy ins.

I have a friend who won a major 6 figure European tournament this year. It would take something like that for me to quit work again.

I prefer live to online because when I'm not in a hand, I love studying people, but I hate studying avatars. The successful online players I know do one of two things. They either multi table and play absolute nuts poker (A,A / KK / QQ / AK only) or they play at a higher level and REALLY FOCUS. No surfing, no porn, no TV in the back ground, FOCUS. Other than that, it's the same as live. If you're tight, be tight/aggressive. If you're loose, be loose aggressive. If you're tight, expect to get outdrawn more (because you usually have the best hand). If you're loose, be prepared to reload.

Remember that lower buy in poker, you see more river cards, so there are more out draws. You are pretty much never more than 9/2 favourite, but in most cases you'll be between 7/3 and 6/4 if you're ahead when the money goes in.

Also, I don't rely on online stats, because you need hundreds of thousand before you get an impression of a player. They might play early and late, drunk and sober, on lunch breaks, let their wife / kids use their accounts, etc. Psuedo-science.
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Post by Drpepper »

Streakypoos wrote:You need a dynamic ip address jimbo. The poker room identifies static ips who are constantly winning money at any level and skews the cards against them.
As much sense as you type normally, that my friend is not true at all.
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Post by Dibble »


Which Casinos do you play at?

Play poker not as a living but to supplement my income too. Completely agree with all you've said, I just think that some players over play AA and KK. With regards to playing low cards, if there has been an early position raise and 3 callers, and I see something like 67 I will pretty much always call. I have won more doing that than most other hands.

Pete, had a situation at Walsaw casino last night when I was playing in a £10 rebuy tournament. After heading to the final table with a small stack of 12k after a few circles I had built that up to about 42k (one non believer on the flop and some hollywoood with AA). A few hands later I lose a race of 10 k with jj vs aj...of course the ace hit. But, after that everyone of the table wanted to do a deal to split the prize money between everyone. To make it £210 each. If I hadn't lost that last race i would have dfinately said no, but 3rd was only 200, second 350 and first 690. I was pretty sure I could run over most of the reminder of the players, and a few had stacks of 9/10 k. Would have you held on and not done a deal?
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Post by pokerpete »

I don't generally deal. The sums aren't significant enough and I like my short handed game, so it's nice to play for the win.

I used to play at Nottingham Gala, but now Dusk Til Dawn is open, I play there.

Played in Broadway and Walsall in W.Mids as well as Sheffield and Luton.

At DTD any deals are done by chip count, rather than player agreeing the amounts.