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Number Runner Yet Again

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:43 pm
by southeastlad
Hey Guys

Have been playing around on a legal tender on 10p play £5 jackpot, just to make sure I don't lose too much, and have been doing OK so far. But here comes the bit that makes me look like a right t**t. I really can't get the hang of the number runner bonus, every time I get it, I always seem to end up nudging in too many numbers which completes the trail. A familiar story I am sure. Can anyone here give me a little advice on this and stop me going round the bend with it please


Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:52 pm
by Dunhamzzz
one reel at a time and plan ahead. watch out for nudging in wins tho like mixed bars/7's or mystery wins.

always aim for 7s of one colour or another.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:53 pm
by ssgtsnelly
first trick is to look at the reels 1st and decide what you are going to not always best to go for 7's

a tenner or fiver set up might be the best thing on offer..

remember to let numbers slide through and not to press hold when they are on the winline as that will automatically take you onto the nudge scale no matter what the number..

sometimes the reels do slip to screw you over if it dosent want to play nice so its prob not your fault every time..

its hard to explain how to do it properly without showing but saying that i and no doubt many others will still mess it up a few times...

i did other day and bought in mixed bars :(

any more info let us know

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:54 pm
by southeastlad
Yeh that's kinda been what i have been doing, but every time I nudge a number of any sort into view, the numbers just keep adding up the trail to complete it, even if I go straight past the number and stop on the fruit after. It's rather maddening hehe


Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:56 pm
by ssgtsnelly
take one reel at a time, u dont have to let go of all 3 at same time..if numbers are all over the shop then try and bring them if they are decent like 3 and 4..will boost you up the trail nicely..and might bring in the 7's with them

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:59 pm
by southeastlad
that makes good sense, will definately try and practice a bit more I think, damn reds, knew I should stick to barcrests. Just me trying to be greedy I guess, live in a small town just inside the M25 where no-one seems to come and play so every pub we have round here always seems to have nicely full machines..........

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:13 pm
by ssgtsnelly
playing reds is not really greedy mate unless you start trying to force every day or sumthing then youl get stung badly..but they can be real good money makers if you do things right.

practice can be the difference between a good profit and a break even or small loss as missing skill stops and number runners may not bring back the opertunity for another 10-15 quid or so...skill stops you should nail at least 11 each time...granted legal tender is a little faster than most reds..but still do-able

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:15 pm
by Mattb
Its actually very hard to get anything decent from number runner a lot of the time as you only need 4 numbers to get onto the trail. What is often better is try and set up something close by, then bring a few high numbers down to get a good start on the trail. As everyone will tell you, practice makes perfect on this one. I sometimes think people make it out to be a lot better than it is.


Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:23 pm
by ssgtsnelly
mattb is def right....number runner will only offer you say £15/25 if its happy..its KIND of like boost...even a normal boost will take you to 3 or so nudges if it really wants too...just like super can go to twelve...take NR as a fairly good sign but dont be dissapointed if you only get say £4/5 thats still not a bad start...a few good numbers/bonuses and your up where you wanted to be in the 1st place :)

try, try and try again :D

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:24 pm
by Drpepper
Playing a bobby dazzler today, always put some shrapnel in if i'm about, txting someone with my left hand. get bonus, not really thinking, i press start and see the reels offering the JP of NR at the same time as i see the number runner on the screen, so i shat myself and lobbed the phone in the air to get to the buttons faster, just in time to hold the reels after they'd stepped once... bastard. cost another 15 quid to get jp that didnt repeat.

Never lose concentration :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:16 pm
by Nixxy
drpepper wrote:Playing a bobby dazzler today, always put some shrapnel in if i'm about, txting someone with my left hand. get bonus, not really thinking, i press start and see the reels offering the JP of NR at the same time as i see the number runner on the screen, so i shat myself and lobbed the phone in the air to get to the buttons faster, just in time to hold the reels after they'd stepped once... bastard. cost another 15 quid to get jp that didnt repeat.

Never lose concentration :lol:
You never told us what happened to the phone ... c'mon we're all dying to know!


Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:01 am
by Drpepper
It bounced off the glass, onto my belly, then onto the floor near my foot, so luckily no pikey or chav stole it for crack money, and it remains safely with me :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:36 pm
by led
Classic :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:50 pm
by Dunhamzzz
drpepper wrote:It bounced off the glass, onto my belly, then onto the floor near my foot, so luckily no pikey or chav stole it for crack money, and it remains safely with me :lol:
Wow, close ones!