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Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:21 pm
by Scott
silent g wrote:ive never seen a roll back go to the top again on these :(

seen a hi lo silver do £100 roll back £70 roll back £100 roll back £70

In my view STC was by far the best for it, it took me months and months to get my first one on a HLS, by this time i'd had loads on STC, never seen it on an Indy Raiders though.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:32 pm
by MrRed
STC use to roll in the 1 for bonus for number runner on the roll in board
Had it light all letters once for Big Money straight away on the roll in too

Had HLS do £100 then £95 MS on the roll in off £15

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:58 pm
by anfield road
thecannonball89 wrote:
anfield road wrote:jack you get 4 out of everything, you constantly tell me how you make £500 around one area of mine, when I had done everything the night before you were there!!!
I have leps that have never ever got more than 2 in so I dont even try for a third yet you get 4 or 5 everytime!!

If you done pallace on the friday night mate u need to quid playing, fame was holding in boxes and monoplly was ready, coin was dead il give you that....
haha ok lad! you do realise that the hall of fame is on a £125 and after it goes £100 off you cant really carry on as it will go empty and cause trouble! plus the monopoly can go ready at anytime as I only try one board not really into playing them on £35

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:24 am
by thecannonball89
Didnt go empty for me pal