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Attatchment Mod Added.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:25 pm
by admin
As you can see, I have added what is regarded as the best add-on for phpbb forums, the attatchment mod.

You can upload pictures directly to the site, cutting out the need to use any 3rd party like imageshack etc.

You can also upload other files for people to download. Please be very careful with this feature. Anything illegal, eg cracks or full version software is NOT allowed.

I can impose quotas etc, and will do this at a later date - when I can see how people decide to use this feature.

I will be removing the "crappy" add image mod, only installed yesterday but its not very good, and no longer needed.

Feel free to post your comments.



Full list of features.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:44 pm
by admin
- Able to add comments to Attachments
- Automatic Deletion of Attachments if Posts got deleted (manual Delete, pruning, within the Moderator Control Panel or the User Attachment Control Panel)
- Editing of existing Attachments.
Able to Delete/Add/Change Comment and Update Attachments while editing Posts.
- even if the local path for Attachments is changed in admin, all previous posted attachments will be displayed correctly
- category support - special behaviour instead of just presenting a link
- Special Behaviour on Images:
Thumbnail Support
Image Link Presentation depending on Dimensions
Inline Images
- Stream Files directly within Posts. Supported Types:
aif, aifc, aiff, asf, asx, au, avi, ivf, m3u, mid, midi, mlv, mp2, mp3, mp2v, mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv2, rmi, snd, wav, wax, wm, wma, wmx, wmv, wvx
- Play Flash Files within Posts. Support for compressed Flash MX Files.
- little image definable for displaying in front of Attachments and Threads containing Attachments.
Able to define an Image for Forum View and for every Extension Group.
- Maximum Upload Size definable.
Maximum Upload Size per Extension Group definable.
- Multiple attachments in one post
maximum number of attachments per post definable
- multiple attachments in one PM
maximum number of attachments per PM definable
- Attachment Quotas:
- Overall Attachment Quota
- User Attachment Quotas
- Group Attachment Quotas
- Quotas are definable for PM Boxes and Upload
- download counter
- Download Method selectable for every Extension Group
This is very useful for Datatypes needing a 'real' link, for example real media files
- three Upload Methods:
- Normal Upload
- FTP Upload
- FTP Remote Upload
- Able to display Attachments in Preview Window
- Able to display Attachments in Review Window
- User Attachment Control Panel
- Attachment Limit Box within Private Message Box
- Attachment Upload Stats in Users Profile