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global games wish you were here

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:36 pm
by mr2nut
Anyone got one of these machines and know a bit about them? Im wanting to make some changes to it. Any help appreciated. Thanks

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:10 pm
by mr2nut
79 views and not replies? Please help guys.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:18 pm
by Matt Vinyl
Hi mate, can't help you directly, but have you tried posting at I understand there's a lot more techy-types over there... ;)

Best of luck!


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:41 pm
by admin
Can you be a bit more specific on the type of changes you want to make?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:27 pm
by mr2nut
admin wrote:Can you be a bit more specific on the type of changes you want to make?
Sorry i didnt mean to ignore this post ive not been online for a while. Ive figured out how to make the changes ive just moved a few switches inside and hoped for the best. Its only 30p play now but thanks for the offer anyway :D