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machine partly not working

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:11 am
by dido68
Help needed please! I have a star wars empire strikes back machine everything was perfect until I moved it from one room to another using a trolly to keep the movement smooth,
now when I power it on at the top of the machine the the logo lights up but nothing else!
no noise,no movement of reels,no flashing lights.Inside the machine at the top the two green boards have one green light flashing on each board,towards the middle of the machine there is a green light that flashes about ten times then the red light flashes twice that is next to it.
I have check each loom to make sure there in tight,any help would be great thanks in advance

update...I have tested the battery it reads 2.6v could this be the issue?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:10 am
by duomat
if it was working before it was moved then i would say you have disturbed something.with machine turned off.remove and re-seat allplugs to mpu and power supply.also check psu fuses.if there is no +5 volt then nothing will happen as that is the logic voltage.