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Low lock-out on note acceptor

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:38 pm
by reelman
Hi Guys,
I've recently fitted an NV10 note acceptor to a Club Frenzy, which runs MPU5 technology. It's currently set up with a £250 jackpot, but for some reason, the note acceptor doesn't appear to lock out at all, and continues to take coins, even when the float has dropped as low as £105, whereas they normally lock-out at around £270. I'm aware that some Empire machines lock-out very low, in the region of £150, but £105 has surely got to be some sort of fault? Unless of course there's an option on it which disables the lockout completely, allowing the machine to keep accepting notes, all of the way down to zero?
Have aleady tried re-floating it, just to check the machine realised it only had £105 in it, but sure enough, the NV10 illuminated again, and started taking notes. I do not suspect the NV10, as I believe it's the machine that should cut off the power to the note acceptor.
Any advice gratefully received.