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Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:39 pm
by Legend_Returns
I would be interested to know whether your parents were keen fruit machine players?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:54 pm
by anonamouse
my dad hated machines.

but he liked heavy hand tools.


Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:59 pm
by titchno1
Mine have seen the potential and love seing me walkin through the door with a bag of money and a smile on my face after iv been out all day.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:01 am
by trayhop123
like all good parents mine hated the fact i was playing machines for a living ,my dad was the typical dad who had a few quid dabble on em on a friday night out after work and never thought more of them than a bit of entertainment , , , it took a while before their aceptance settled in etc

but despite me surviving off it for over 20 years and having money in the bank etc , , , , , in hindsight i still think they were right , and that i should have studdied hard and chosen a different path in life.

trouble is , its easy to look back on life with a head full of "what if's?" , , , , i may have ended up with no qualifications and in a dead end factory job with no money whatsoever,

so , regrets , , , yeah like sinatra a few , , , , im never gonna be a millionaire, but overall, , , life hasn't been too bad , and i should be thankfull because i could have chose far worse

but my advice to titch and anyone of his age would be to "GET OUT NOW" , it may seem rosy now , but you will reach a point , maybe 10 years from now where you wish you had gone down another path.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:58 pm
by ob
I'd echo those thoughts, got money in the bank, lived a good pretty extravegant lifestyle bought what I wanted in the main part, but you soon tire off the same old routine of shithole pubs day in day out. Also where most jobs involve promotion over the years and better prospects this line of work is nigh on the opposite. The best time was the early 15 jps imo, fuck all players, nothing much dead, a trick would last months on end, no need to go to shitholes, v.high proportion of playables.

These days although higher jps can lead to higher profits, alot of the time machines are dead, you are forced into shitholes to find decent machines, theres players ten a penny, tricks last days due to the info flow.

Still can't complain too much, its been a laugh in the most part.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:01 pm
by titchno1
You say get out now. What could I be doing instead?!