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Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:15 pm
by titchno1
Does anybody on here suffer from family dipping into your hard earned money?

I really don't know what to do/think. I just used to put my money in a tub. I noticed it was going missing. I bought a big bottle for my change but It counted when putting it in. I got up to £160 mark come back from Carlisle after a weekend on the drink and went to put my a coins in. I lifts the bottle up and noticed it had went from quarter full to a half full of copper in the bottom. This is all silver and copper.

Confronted my bro many of times he isn't obviously going to admit it. He has jut ha a kid (first one) he also has a cannabis habbit and I mean a big one. I have no doubt at all this is what it's going on. I got a safe after that. Anyway I have roles of £500 in money bags and I had one wrap of a thousand off the bank. I went to put more money in the safe and some reason it didnt look right. Their was only 520 in the wrap when obviously it was supposed to be 1000.

I didnt know how many roles of 500 I had either. My safe key is on my car key so some one has nabbed it when using my mams car or something.

It comes to something when a safe isn't safe in your own house. The feelings I have at the minute are just rediculous.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:31 pm
by Noels Beard
Fratricide? Or is that a step too far.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:45 pm
by amazing
titchno1 wrote:Does anybody on here suffer from family dipping into your hard earned money?

I really don't know what to do/think. I just used to put my money in a tub. I noticed it was going missing. I bought a big bottle for my change but It counted when putting it in. I got up to £160 mark come back from Carlisle after a weekend on the drink and went to put my a coins in. I lifts the bottle up and noticed it had went from quarter full to a half full of copper in the bottom. This is all silver and copper.

Confronted my bro many of times he isn't obviously going to admit it. He has jut ha a kid (first one) he also has a cannabis habbit and I mean a big one. I have no doubt at all this is what it's going on. I got a safe after that. Anyway I have roles of £500 in money bags and I had one wrap of a thousand off the bank. I went to put more money in the safe and some reason it didnt look right. Their was only 520 in the wrap when obviously it was supposed to be 1000.

I didnt know how many roles of 500 I had either. My safe key is on my car key so some one has nabbed it when using my mams car or something.

It comes to something when a safe isn't safe in your own house. The feelings I have at the minute are just rediculous.
Maybe u won't want to hear this but had the same myself once if u can theif from your own your scum simple sorry but he has to sort himself when he is ready on the drug side been there too
Hope it works out for u though heartbreaking situation

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:58 pm
by The Dark Horse
Mate I'm not being funny, doesn't matter how bad someone's weed habit is, they wouldn't need to take £500 or more to sustain it. If you'd said the odd £20 was missing I might have believed that, but it looks like he might have a worse habit you dont know about or he's just a thief in general.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:06 am
by amazing
The Dark Horse wrote:Mate I'm not being funny, doesn't matter how bad someone's weed habit is, they wouldn't need to take £500 or more to sustain it. If you'd said the odd £20 was missing I might have believed that, but it looks like he might have a worse habit you dont know about or he's just a thief in general.
Sounds like a coke habit
All the daft youngsters now days think it's cool
They forget about the state it leaves other loved ones in!
Sadly a victim of the distress and waste that comes with living with an addiction craving bitch myself once
I hope we are all wrong on that one mate but alarm bells ringing maybe!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:23 am
by maverick69
sounds like a coke habbit to me mate...i would put ur money in a bank from now on

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:25 am
by maverick69
ur from a deprived area of newcastle so its going to happen.....either that or hes on the piss and hookers and stuff with ur money. bad times, ive never stolen off family....but i know ppl who have

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:31 am
by titchno1
It's a horrible feeling he's always been the same though.

It a shame he's not just clean and honest. If he come to me wanting money I'd sort him out without a doubt with him just having a kid and being my brother etc.

He's jut a knob he even keyed my car about 2 month ago and bragged about it to my parents, both sides full length.

Iv wondered if he's on something a bit more hardcore than a bag of skunk a day.

Yeah I decided last night I'm going to have to just bank everything and keep as little as possible, just my float in the house. Even when I'm not playing I take my float with me.

Life goes on I suppose, it just shows there is alway someone worse off.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:51 am
by Ruler of The World
Definitely bank that money, make sure he has no access to it. Sad, really sad. I just hope he grows up and grows out of it but it might be a long wait. I've never done any drugs so have no idea how it is to do them. They say bookies roulette is like crack/coke, if that's true then it could well be a huge problem. I'd tell your parents or confront him but in a caring way, not aggressively.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:06 am
by JG
He has tried to cover up by taking money from the big roll but next time you know the whole lot will go. Whatever it is, that's desperate measures robbing from your own family. I don't know your exact circumstances but if it were my brother I'd just have to speak to him. However I can't imagine any relative of mine keying up my car and then boasting about it. That is just something else. I hope you can rectify this somehow with kidgloves.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:12 am
by BFK
You didnt know how man rolls of £500 you had??????

What a player you must be!!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:26 am
by JG
Yeah I was going to ask what £500 he was emptying as well. There's more to titchnos route than mists and megas or he doesn't like going to the bank.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:36 am
by Oscar
My advice is move out, get a flat or rent a small house.

Living at home and being unable to trust family members sounds utterly miserable to me. Without knowing the ins and outs i'd say that your brother is probably bitter because you have a surfeit of cash at your disposal, and it most probably doesn't seem to him as though you are doing much to earn it, whereas he is obviously struggling, has a kid to look after and a drug habit. What motive would he have for keying your car? Jealousy.

Smoking weed makes you very lazy and purposeless (I should know), and i'd consider giving him a slap and tell him to wake up to his responsibilities before it gets any worse for him.

What have your parents said?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:46 am
by titchno1
My parent said. 'Well that's what you Safe is for'. Made no sense really.

Believe it or not my money is just of 70s. Also like bfk says I don't bank. It was a case of a few good days change them up and hoy it in the safe.

I'd love to move out. I don't think I'd last 5 minutes though. I can cook, but I havnt a clue about washing machines ironing etc. The whole idea of moving out seems scary.

He's just a complete waste of oxygen.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:53 am
by JG
It's not as daunting as it seems. Sexist comment alert>>>>find a good woman to take care of the washing ironing etc However obviously living costs substantially more than being at home but then is it worth it? Bad times, I do feel for you. I can't imagine my own flesh and blood cheating on me.