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Post by trayhop123 »

martin n myself did something awful yesterday

feel a bit guilty ,,,,,,, totally out of character

we played a ltd yesterday at a golf club/pub place , and all the way through playing it there was a bloke trying to sell home made glass trophy's to the bar staff ,,,,,,,,, and to us , and anyone else he could talk to (think he was a little tipsy) ,,,,,,,,,, i was saying ''yeah m8 , there nice n all , but im not affiliated with any clubs etc , ,,,,,, thanks but no thanks m8 ,,,,, etc'' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (now just go away n bother someone else please)

anyhow as we were leaving , someone else was walking in ,,,,,,,,,,,,, he looked at martin , martin looked at him ,,,,,,,, i looked at ,,,,,,, etc etc ,,,,,,,,,,,,, there was that awkwardness of ,,,,, is he/they a player etc ?? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you know how it is.

anyhow we wasn't sure , so we left and stood outside whilst martin had a smoke.

i had my back to the window , whilst martin was looking like he was talking to me , but stealthily gazing through ,,,,,,,,,,,, to satisfy our curiosity (martin was telling me that the mystery man was also trying to stealthily gaze back at us

looking through the window , martin could see the mystery man being collard by mr trophy , and after two minutes sure enough he started to pump the ltd at 50 miles an hour.

now it was very cold , and i had one of my superman jackets on ,,,,,,,,,,,,, so anyone inside the pub looking out would have clearly seen the large s symbol on my back. ,,,,,,,, giving any of you on here pause for thought ,,,,,,,,,,,,

i started to walk back in to warn this player that we had done it ,,,,,,,,,,,, but was again confronted by mr trophy ,,,,,,,,,

and then martin said ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'' better leave it , ,,,,,,,, he's at least 30 deep ,,,,,,,,, he may already be miffed ,,,,,,,, he may not be the approachable type , may get angry with us even for being in his area etc ,,,,,,( london)

so against my better judgement ,,,,,,,,,,, we went

but i feel awful about it ,,,,,,,,,,,, because if he went all out for it ,,,,,,,,,,, he was gonna get seriously wanked.

so sorry who ever you are ?????????
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Post by Oddfeet63 »

Fuck em nobody would tell you
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Post by BFK »

He might still have made on it. You'd be surprised!!
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Post by gambogaz1 »

He may not of thanked you for it if you did warn him.

I was near manchester at the weekend, my mate was on the perfect, I clocked a man & woman at the bar, him half shandy her looked like water, probably late 40's and talk about stare, no stealth, full on disgusted stare, got what we wanted and he stormed off towards a table where the undercover 1 was sitting, saying "I fucking told Ya"
They stood for a few minutes staring from the table. Then he did 1 more flyby with a good old stare just incase we hadn't seen him, and off they went drinks left on the table.

Not the friendliest trio to say the least, I thought the woman was gonna give me a slap :D
betchrider wrote:You go upto a bird and grab her quim and say "im gonna knock the fuck outta this" and see what happens
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Post by GaryChandler »

Depends on what the situtation is really if i would tell someone, if its fruits i try to keep on top of then no way! i do like to do my live the dreams on the night before float especailly on weekends so players can go brain out in the morning!

But if i was just in a random area that i dont really know then i would say if i have done it most likely.
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Post by Houston »

I know a few players who would love nothing more than to see a fellow player lose on a recently hit machine, yet think it's out of order if the same thing happens to them.

If that's the sort of person you are, then you'll get stung sometime or other.

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Post by Oddfeet63 »

I expect the worst in anyone and give nuffem away
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Post by trayhop123 »

sorry i cant be as ruthless as you lot :P
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Post by Mr McStreak »

Fuck areas, its dog eat dog. If he was looking back unsure whether or not you were players he should have saved himself money by casually asking if you won on it.


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Post by Glendale »

I went in a pub earlier, could have smashed the machine, Turk in the bar left him to it! He lost £50! :D
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Post by trayhop123 »

im just not ''out to get'' other players , like some of you seem intent on .

i dont relish in anybody elses misfortune ,,,,,

ffs ,,,,,,,,,, all this fuck everybody dog eat dog shit .

is there no room for compassion?
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Post by Glendale »

Where turks compared, no lee, we were in the same pub, offered to do the said machine for him, still no, he had to go, i even said i would leave a drink behind the bar for him, person then left, he ran to that machine, played it dick, even with certain top boy advice from here, and deserved to lose! Funny to see! :D
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Post by Istenem »

if you are going to start feeling compassion, it shouldn't be for a pro player, it should be for old Bert who has spent his meagre state pension in the machine.

rather than one more rum&coke (or a hot meal), Bert has put a fiver into an AWP and lost. then he had no other option but to return to a freezing council flat early with no money until next week and only a picture of Millicent for company.
nobody ever wins on those things.
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Post by blackmogu »

Istenem wrote:if you are going to start feeling compassion, it shouldn't be for a pro player, it should be for old Bert who has spent his meagre state pension in the machine.

rather than one more rum&coke (or a hot meal), Bert has put a fiver into an AWP and lost. then he had no other option but to return to a freezing council flat early with no money until next week and only a picture of Millicent for company.
I find it hard to feel compassion for anyone who gambles. If money is tight, stop drinking and gambling. There is plenty more to do with life than fill it with chemical crutches and addictions.

The pub culture in Britain is a huge social problem. It's time people woke up to more productive pastimes.
"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"
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Post by trayhop123 »

there's just hasn't been one reply from anyone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that says '' lee you should have gone back in'' or '' it would have been the right thing to do'' etc

if 20 joe munters all lose a 5ver in a bandit ,,,,,,,,so i can make 50 quid,,,, then thats fine ,,,,,,,,,,,,, its the nature of the game etc

but if one man loses 100 ,,,,,,,,, its not nice ,,,,,,,,,, we've all been there ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and if i can prevent it , i will.

seems greed has gotten the better of many of you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, seems a lot of you have lost your way , ,,,,,,,, where are the values your parents tried to install in you as kids ,,,,,, politeness , compassion , courtesy etc.

when i was at the cinema with my two young teen niece's ,,,,,,,,,,,,, the man in front of us moby had fell out his coat pocket un-noticed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my niece's wanted to keep it ,,,, i gave it him back ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i hope one day somebody would do the same for me.

theres ample money to go round , without purposely doing things just before float day , to purposely fuck someone over .

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its probably me that needs to wake up and smell the coffee ,,,,,,,,,,, it is a harsh dog eat dog world ,,,,,,, but it doesn't have to be.

what happened to simply being,,,, kind?
Little discipline = BIG issue

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