giving up drinking.

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giving up drinking.

Post by ruthl3ss »

I need to stop.

Any advice? Are there meds or something, ive tried on my own several times but it never lasted.

Also, what to do with the spare time and how to make new friends etc
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Post by blackmogu »

1. Really want to stop.
2. Stop hanging out with drinking mates.
3. Don't go to pubs / nightclubs or anywhere else that drink is the primary attraction.
4. Don't play pub games, e.g darts, pool etc.

The hardest part is changing your social circle and lifestyle. But if you can do these two things, then you'll have a fighting chance.

You really have to knock all those 'pub friends' and associates on the head and just stop seeing them - it's the biggest cause of failure. Find something else to do that fills the space that stopping drinking will create, otherwise boredom will edge you towards relapse.
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Post by Stevie S »

I quit smoking about 3 months ago and I finally came to realise that I knew what I had to do for years, but either just didn't want to deep down or didn't have the will and mental strength for it. Apart from the hard part of not putting things in your body, the technique is pretty much common sense.
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Post by Stevie S »

Good luck with it anyway mate, I hope you can see it through. :wink:
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Post by BFK »

I've tried and failed so many times.

I use to be a smoker and I gave that up with ease, in fact I can't understand why people find it so hard. It kills u(yep I know drinking does)and makes u stink so bad sometimes which is even more noticeable now people have to go outside, smokers breath is just awful.

But the demon drink is proving more difficult 4 me.

I say this after a 13 hr bender. I'm not even pissed. My body is that use to it.

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Post by Stevie S »

Blimey BFK, you must surely have struggled quitting smoking when you were drinking though mate?
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Post by BFK »

Not at all mate. I can have a fag whenever I feel like it and then not have another for months. It's that easy for me.

But to resist a pint/vodka/wine for that time? Can't do it.
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Post by Stevie S »

The craving still kills me when I am drinking sadly mate. :( I think people worry too much these days about their health with all the bs on the tv and people begin to forget that life is for living!! :wink:
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Post by blackmogu »

Try taking that attitude when you have a serious health issue at the age of 30 brought on by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, it does happen to people - I had to stop drinking totally because of health problems that I shouldn't have had at that age.

You only really appreciate good health once you have lost it :(
"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"
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Post by Stevie S »

Its miserable to discuss this on here, but as a teenager I used to go to the hospital with my nan because she suffered with cancer and believe me, try telling five year old children they were dying because they had lived an unhealthy lifestlye! I truly believe that genes and DNA dominate how your body will grow and sadly some have bad genes. Its like buying a dog, people only want one that is bread from a good line of healthy dogs that have had no sing of hip hip dysplasia or any other unfortunate illnesses. In saying all this though, I do believe you can help bring it on quicker but ultimately never stop it.
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Post by blackmogu »

Many diseases are the result of modern living rather than genetic disposition, especially cancers. For example, the general cancer rate per 100,000 population has tripled since 1900.

Whilst it is true that genetics can predispose you to a range of health troubles, do not underestimate the impact of a bad lifestyle.
"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"
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Post by Stevie S »

I try to live on the healthy side because you never can be sure!!! :lol:
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Post by paragoon »

I've given up a few times for a couple of months, years even. But it's too hard to stop when you spend so much time going into pubs and playing on machines - be a lot easier if soft drinks were cheaper. I get sick of paying £1.75 for a coke. (And coke's not that good for you anyway)
Last week I even took to buying a half of lager and leaving it beside the machine, but eventually I succumbed to sip.
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Post by Stevie S »

The direction my life is heading at the moment, I have only just started drinking mate! :|
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Post by maverick69 »

just been out with a fit german girl, size 8...pretty face...she could drink me under the table..ive had about 10 pints and about 5 slammers but not salt and lemon. orange and cinnamon nice touch. shes a second date fuck. bed now