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Post by Nixxy »

bigv038 wrote:Someones trying to get their post count up :roll:
The very next post confirms your suspicions :wink:
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Post by TheMission »

toby wrote:yeah :D + they cant drive the tippers! bloody basters are working for mathew's :P fuckersssssssss
Why exactly are they "fuckers?"

They need the money for themselves and their families. They choose to do a day's hard graft to get that. Contrast this with the average English dole bludger who sits on his fat, lazy arse all day, expecting to be force fed benefits whilst watching Jeremy Kyle and other daytime TV shite, or pissing other hardworking taxpayers' money up the wall at the Green Dragon.

I know who I would rather employ.
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Post by Mattb »

Spooky.....my local is the Green Dragon! :shock:

Fortunately i'm not a dole bludger :P
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Post by itsme »

They need the money for themselves and their families. They choose to do a day's hard graft to get that. Contrast this with the average English dole bludger who sits on his fat, lazy arse all day, expecting to be force fed benefits whilst watching Jeremy Kyle and other daytime TV shite, or pissing other hardworking taxpayers' money up the wall at the Green Dragon.
I like that.

I know of a few fat sloth's round our way what dont work.But they seem to alway's be in the club or the bookies.......................................................................................................................Spending our fucking tax money.

At least when I have a bet I know my money has been earned !!
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Post by JG »

Hear hear. I also get robbed by The Inland Revenue on what feels like a bi-monthly basis. I even have to declare how much I feel they should be robbing off me.

I know a handful of Jeremy Kyle sloths who were given chance to buy their council houses at bargain basement prices. We're talking about 33% of the market value back in 1998ish. What a lovely leg up for them that was. Why? errr why was that done? I don't offer tenants in a buy to let property who have been living there for 10 years the chance to buy the house off me for 33% of the value. Yeah maybe knock a bit off for loyalty and paying rent/council tax, if it was paid, I'm not sure now. However just giving them 66% of a house for effectively living like a Knock off Nigel for evermore and floating around the local doss pubs and bookies? Makes you sick. Makes yer sick. Where were the freebies for all the hard working people? Hell even the part time job/fruit playing people who earn their own money and pay tax? Where's my offer to buy into 33% of something worth thousands for a 100% return all handed to me on a plate?
Oh don't worry I've spent it all on stamp duty, tax, petrol and the gas bill. Sorry I don't have any money.

Why do the beureaucrats (sp?) spoon feed these spongers? Then offer them a house, which they may be able to afford from the proceeds of selling knock off this that and the other or saving up a few months benefits. The really bad ones have spent it all on drugs/drink/rubbish, so they've not been given a leg up yet. Feck it, buy 'em a mansion. Nice new car. Free food. Pay 'em £20,000 for each sprog they can produce. Give 'em allowances for fags, booze, drugs, electric, gas.

Remember if you work to make money for a house where you can leave your car outside and wake up to find it still has four wheels, you will get taxed to the hilt for doing so. If you choose to travel anti-socially because you object to people who don't know words like 'soap', 'personal hygiene' and 'I'd rather not hear your life story about how you travelled around every football stadium in the country back in 1976', you will have to be taxed numerous times.

I'm thinking of taking up smoking to get my money's worth. COPD acute excacerbation hospital admissions take up a lot of the NHS budget. Let's see now, if I start smoking 5 a day, build up to 10, there's a 46% chance that by the age of 53 I can seriously dent that health budget. That's that. Now I need to pretend to be depressed, so I can claim disability allowance...let's seee....tum de dum de dum dee dah........
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Post by Stevie S »

The f**kin irish poof in hollyoakes who wears those big boots. It pisses me off so much, i mean WTF!! why cast something like that? why? :x :x :x

The GF watches it im not a fan.

God i hate that bastard.

Does anyone know who im talking about?
how about a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.
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Post by thecannonball89 »

i hate hollyoakes what a load off fags
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Post by ma71lda »

I dislike the f*cker as well, not 'cause he's a douchebag but because he is a class A prick. I only watch it cause the missus watches it and although I wouldn't consider myself homophobic in the slightest, seeing 2 blokes kiss does put me off my tea, alot.

But you do get to see the stunning Carmel McQueen most nights. :D
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Post by bigv038 »

Kris Fisher - I don't like him either. But it's got to be watched when there's that many hot women in it :P :)
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Post by Stevie S »

I wouldn't consider myself homophobic in the slightest, seeing 2 blokes kiss
This is getting a major issue now, every year it gets more and more acceptable/graphic to show this shit on TV, in the daytime aswell. I for one totally disagree with it.

Some anti smoking group in liverpool want all films with someone smoking in it to be classed as an 18. Fuck off i say and get with the real issue that i have mentioned above.
how about a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.
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Post by Matt Vinyl »

I tell you what pisses me off, not even being second-class citizens in our own country! I say we're down in the 6th or 7th class.

Does the goverment not realise that if you concatenate all the minorities in this country, you end up with an overall majority?

You can only have this if you are non-English.

You can only do that if you are non-English.


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Post by ma71lda »

When we start making comments about religion, sexuality and minorities etc we start to tread a very fine line (not that we all walk on egg shells due to political correctness in this country anyway), but the world has gone mad.

Today I read in the paper the goverment are to create non-white male jobs. Yesterday I was looking in a jobs section of a local rag, saw a decent job then further into the ad. it says 'being able to speak an Asian language would be an advantage'. So if me and an Asian geezer went for the job who'd get it? Exactly. Btw it was a Pakistani name to ring for the job.

Now I like to live and let live. I have white, black, Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Polish and even a couple of friends who are gays. But if shit like this is starting to happen it is the beginning of the end. If I was in power then I would check everybodies Passport/Birth Certificate and those not born in Britain or without immediate British family (i.e. parents) would be sent home - no ifs or buts, because this country is F*CKED!!

I may have crossed the fine line but rant over.

P.S. I hope all you 'pros' out there who don't claim dole aren't paying your stamp because its wasted money - Do you really think there will be a state pension waiting for you :? :
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Post by Matt Vinyl »

Oh I agree - I'm more than happy to share the world with any race / culture / sexual-orientation / etc...

But, why oh why, do we 'have to' bow down to so much of it, and the government of this country forget about the indigenous population...? :(

I know people that live near me from, let's say, an eastern European background... ...and they are literally 'loaded' with all the benefits and lovely house and things they get 'given'. This is the key to it all.
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Post by Istenem »

i have white English friends who pop out kids and live off the state in that way. i also have asian friends who have worked very hard to get good jobs as lawyers. it is not simple.

there was an interesting survey a while ago which found (an obviously unscientific but resoundingly true) correlation which found that the size of penis is inversely proportional to dispensation to hard graft.

i couldn't give a tinker's cuss about any ism (except istenemism which should be banned) but i do think that the labour government has ballsed up this country.

anyone who claims to not be racist is a liar, it is human nature. qed.
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Post by ma71lda »

I give you 2 examples of this country.


When I was 19 (nearly 12 years ago) I was temporarily out of work and as a single man with rented accommodation I needed to sign on to receive Housing Benefit and Council Tax relief, so I did. I had to fill in forms and take them to local council offices to be vetted (which took around 7 weeks, with rent arrears mounting). Anyway there was a discrepency and I had to go back and sort it. While I was in the queue there was an Indian bloke (could of been any nationality) who was claiming, nothing wrong there, but he couldn't speak a word of English - he had an interpreter with him, and I'm struggling to claim, I speak the language, I'd worked since I left school, my parents, grandparents and their forefathers were born here and grafted.
Back then I wasn't too bothered but if that was now with the influx of Eastern Europeans I'd have flipped me lid big time. I was out of work for 4 months and I've worked constantly until..........


.............now. I was laid off mid December. I knew it was coming but I hadn't been there long so I didn't get redundancy. I don't have Industry recognised qualifications but I'm a hard worker, unfortunately that is not enough (neither is my BTEC ND in Art & Design :( ). I knew it was going to be quiet jobwise Jan-Feb but its now 3 full months of not doing a great deal and I'm bored shitless. Whats the reason for me being unable to find work? Foreigners. They work for Min. wage and they don't know their rights, therefore they don't answer back they think overtime is a gift. Most Agencies would rather employ a Pole than a Brit and I think its disgusting.
It gets better though. I can't even claim benefits (if I wanted to) because my gf/partner :roll: works full-time and brings home just over £400 p/w. Apparantly thats ample for a couple withe a 4 year old, a Mortgage, school fees and everything else we all have to pay each week.


Neither my savings nor my patience are going to last forever, but I feel alot of us sing from the same hymn sheet on here.

I'm glad I've got that out of my system. Phew!