calling it a day , , , well sort of

Off-topic chat, talk about whatever you like..
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

I come here to speak my mind, if doing so happens to belittle others they should think before they open their mouths.i wouldn't question that the likes of cannonball are making up a large percentage of the player population, we've all visited seaside towns and we've all seen plenty of rats in tracksuits. I just don't like chavvy scummy people I guess, it's a prejudice I won't pretend to hide, and a little decorum and a pair of sensible trousers costs very little. I would question whether the fact that I still play fruits means I'm unsuccessful, and that is a very self-defeating argument for any of us to pose on a fruit machine forum.

As for your last point, well I think I covered this earlier, I can handle pleasantries. However, these do not tend to extend to the sort of hyperbole we're often forced to contend with on here. If a player addressed me with the sort idle boasts I routinely lampoon on here, I would give the same response in person. The fact is that people tend to be a little more humble in the flesh, and I'm able to repay that gesture by not pointing out how thick they are.
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Post by feeder22 »

Oh how I guessed your reply would be so pretentious. It doesn't make you look clever, it just makes you look like a cunt. Speak your mind as everyone else here does, but would it kill you to approach things in a different manner?

You choose to play fruits but someone like yourself I'd imagine could be successful in many other things, I guess fruits make you happy? The pub to pub, the player paranoia, the leaking of tricks, the fire, the competition, dealing with locals/out of towners... all things that put a smile on your face?
He isn't right of course, he just thinks he is.
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

I'm simply addressing your points. It's difficult not to sound self-righteous when you're speaking the truth.
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Post by thecannonball89 »

You said things about my missus and kids, I play fruits to support them. If you spoke to people who have met me from this site they prob confirm that im easy person to get along with. You dont know me so saying somone is a chavs as iv put my name on a fruit. tracksuit wearing? Even know iv seen you bumboy ryan wereing a tracksuit? is he chav scum when hes giving you info?
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Post by thecannonball89 »

cba waiting for some up my own private school arse im off remember will its a small world
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Post by feeder22 »

Noels Beard wrote:I'm simply addressing your points. It's difficult not to sound self-righteous when you're speaking the truth.
Your truth.

Also you only address something you feel you can validate, anything else is ignored or replied with a barrage of verbosity.
He isn't right of course, he just thinks he is.
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

thecannonball89 wrote:You said things about my missus and kids, I play fruits to support them. If you spoke to people who have met me from this site they prob confirm that im easy person to get along with. You dont know me so saying somone is a chavs as iv put my name on a fruit. tracksuit wearing? Even know iv seen you bumboy ryan wereing a tracksuit? is he chav scum when hes giving you info?
Are you denying that you are a chav?
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

What have I missed, Feeder?
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Post by thecannonball89 »

My mum and dad dint have the money to send me to a private school so i must be a chav. You think your better than people who you have a better education than, do you have a social life outside of fruits? if you wish to discus more we could always meet up? so whos getting smart then?
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

We can meet up if you like.
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

If its going to be a proper duel, I'll be nominating my valet to champion on my behalf.
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Post by johncluedo »

What's this all about anyway?
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Post by trayhop123 »

will , your not doing yourself any favours on here are you ?

all the intelligence in the world doesn't make you a very nice person

'' it is not enough that i win ,,,,,, all others must fail''

people have tried to be accommodating to you will , but you cant seem to shift the '' up your own arse '' persona

you do belittle everyone ,,,,,,,,

a little bit of humble pie can work wonders ,,,,,,, you should try some and apologies to the rest of the group

but you wont ,,,,,,, you'll most likely just come back with a pointlessly over written sarcasm piece as usual

im wasting my time here ,,,,,,,,,, put simply your a cock

and another thing , if you met titch (yes he's very young) , ,,,,,, your assumptions couldn't be further away ,,,,,,,,,, a decent well spoken respectful youngster if ever there was one , who has just as much right to try to carve a living out of fruits as you do

i haven't met jack , but he rarely has a bad word to say about anyone , and despite his tender years , he comes across as far more respectful to his peers than you do

oh , i cant wait for the smarmy reply
Little discipline = BIG issue

**** ****
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

I'm not gonna be smarmy Lee, but it's enough to say that when you make comments that go against the grain, you expect a few splinters.

I can't see that I have anything to apologise for. I know that I've obviously upset yourself, for my comments with regards to your "semi-retirement"; Feeder with regards to multiple things but mostly related to his veneer of legitimacy; and titchno1 & cannonball for my criticisms of their spelling, punctuation and general airheadishness.

Just because other people have met Jack and titchno1, and not had a problem with them, it doesn't follow that they are now untouchable.

At all times I've presented my views with justifiable evidence, and they are nothing more than my opinion. The best way of countering my arguments would be to actually counter them, rather than calling me 'posh', 'verbose', or whatever.
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Post by titchno1 »

I am untouchable to you, Would you call me touchable? Fucking nonce.