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Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:54 am
by Noels Beard
Have to totally agree with ROTW here. Dark Horse, I see no benefit enlightening my competition to become better players. Yes indeed, they may work stuff out. But as I've said so many times, once these tricks are with the masses, they're ruined. When someone rings me up and tells me an empty, most of the time I can't even be bothered driving to the next town. It's THAT bad. In my opinion it's unfortunate that a couple of the best minds, are now networked to the degree that I hear everything at least twice, maybe three times.

The player population isn't always rising. It has been, over the last 6-7 years, because of the ease of the tricks/methods, and the dawn of Internet sites such as our own. Post "Vivid" and pre "Fireball" there was a noticeable drop. With talk of people giving up, we may now see another.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:31 am
by Ruler of The World
Mr. Horse, I am not on a wind up! It is simply better that rats stay as rats and don't get upgraded to 'super rat' status! You're telling me that instead of trying your best to burn out the rats in your own area, you'd rather say, "Hi mate, you do the some of the hits I do and cost me money so how about I teach you EVERYTHING I do so you can cost me even more!?" THIS APPEARS TO BE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! It is a clear as day, try and wriggle your way out of this one!

I am not automatically going to disagree with anything you say - most of it is usually sensible but you seem to have lost the plot! We're going to come back to my Jesus example now - are you trying to become the messiah of the rats? Maybe Moses - delivering the jews from Pharoah (Pharoah being these illuminati leaders of 'our world')? Why would you help your RIVALS??? Please TRY to explain because I simply CANNOT believe you are saying what you are!

If you love these rats so much, why don't you rename yourself The Pied Piper of Hamelin???

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:38 am
by feeder22
People are just seeing the points they either agree with or want to debate against. Anything else is ignored.

Who cares there's nothing anyone can do. One persons rat is another mans golden contact.

Can I ask, what came first the rat or the player?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:57 am
by Ruler of The World
Obviously the 1st player couldn't have been a rat. Simple logic my friend!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:41 am
by feeder22
What if that first person who exploited a fault, was a degenerate addict?

Made 100 a day on his find but punted away 200 a day?

Some people have no problems making money. Keeping it on the other hand.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:56 pm
by Ruler of The World
But he'd still be the pro - rats aren't called rats because they are addicts, they are called rats because they are the ones who get the scraps from the pros a long way down the food chain...

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:42 pm
by The Dark Horse
ROTW:- Either you are trying to completely twist everything I say or you have lost the ability to comprehend English. I'm not even gonna reply to that.

NB:- You made fair points and perhaps I'm being overly optimistic but I think you are missing some things. Yea I agree whenever I'm told something it's worthless but that's because the person that told me is usually just a rat passing on relayed information. Only by experience of working something out can someone learn the value of a trick and want to become independent of the network/chain.

Yes there are dips in the in the population when scavengers who jump on board for clues you don't need a brain to do die out, but I wouldn't class most of those lost as players. For every 10 of these hangers on lost a couple will meet people and manage to become a permanent sponger on the chain. The chain of spongers is constantly growing , I would visualise it something like a successful poker graph, some dips but always rising. Short of hacking this site or placing a bomb at the ICE, I can't think of any sure fire way to lower to player population. Tricks are always ruined once they reach the masses but that's why I'm thinking that by encouraging those capable to learn to become independent of the chain the masses could become a differently minded collective.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:47 pm
by Ruler of The World
I speak, read and write English, you seem to be doing so in Horse-speak. How am I twisting what you've said? You said it would be better to make the rats better players and I questioned whether you're serious! I think you've realised how insane what you said is and are now trying to save face.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:59 pm
by The Dark Horse
To become better players by learning to work things out themselves and becoming independent of the chain, not by training them up on things I work out or giving them my hits like your pathetically trying to twist it into. It's pretty simple I'm sure everyone else can understand.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:08 pm
by Ruler of The World
Yes but why would you want to HELP your rivals? This is what I don't get? If you were tooling and you saw another tooler, would you go up to him and say, "Here mate, have a newer tool, now you can rob this machine as well!" If you walked into a pub where you saw 1 of your local rivals playing the fruit you would play last and knew he didn't know the empty on the machine he hasn't touched, would you clue him up? Give a man a fishing rod instead of a fish?????????? NO! Give him NO fishing rod AND NO fish because he is doing your stuff! If he's not doing your stuff, he's doing someone else's and you wouldn't like it if someone clued up your rival to do you over, would you??? Well, to be honest, it sounds like you WOULD like it! I need to learn how to play some fruits better - when can you educate me? You must be holding seminars!

How could you do what you're saying anyway? Educate them how? How could you train someone to find flaws and empties without sharing a load of past ones with them? Why wouldn't they have worked out how to have done this by themselves in the first place? You'd STILL be teaching a rival - not only existing tricks but future ones. What would be the point?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:50 am
by trayhop123
just a quick , and rather pointless update , for those interested ? ,,,,,,,,,,, hmmm ,,,,,,, move along people , nothing to see here

what i am about to say , makes me look an ungrateful cunt ,,,,,, ungrateful for the lifestyle that has served me well all these years

i did a full route the other day , tracys brother took me out in his transit van , so it cost 60 in diesel , plus all the usual double cost meals n drinks etc

at the end of the day , i had all this covered and still came home with an exact chinese dentist ,,,,,,,,, which in my book is a very very good day ( but its shit to some , judging by some of the above comments ,lol ,,,,,, but hey ive never claimed to be a topboy ( a true topboy , or a topbullshitboy , ) ,,,,,, so by my standards 230 is great)

anyhow despite the money , im glad im not out full time ,,,,,,,,,,,, yes despite the cash ,,,,,,,,, erm ,,,,,, erm ,,,,,, ( this is the ungrateful cunt part)


i dont know what it is with me lately , i think i may be having a mid extralife crisis ,,,,,,,,, im just not excited or motivated by any of it ,,,,,, ( cue lots of replies of .,,,, '' well why dont you fuck off out the game completely then lee ?? ''

its boring as fuck , theres no amusement , ,,,,, its souless ,,,,,,, its ,,,,,, its ,,,,,,,, i dont know exactly what im trying to say ,,,,,,,,, its monotonous , its stale , its routine , it all feels like a chore

does anybody else feel the same ,,,,,, ?????? ,,,,,,, can any of you emphasise ????

or do i just need a course of anti-depressants ? and a different direction in life ,,,,,,,,, maybe a part time job ,,,,,,, maybe a holiday shaging in thailand ,

maybe i should just shut the fuck up , , , ,,,,,, maybe i should do some voluntary work ,,,,,,,, or visit people in hospital less fortunate ? ( no scratch that , bfk is right , im a boring cunt , and would probably make the patients feel worse lol)

at the very least ,,,,,,, i need a part time job ,,,,,,,,,,

hmmm ,,,,,,,, disillusion , no passion ,,,,, boredom

sorry for bringing the tone down

anyone else feel the same ?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:22 am
by Captain.Tattybojangles
Indeed so.

Normally in November I have a month off playing the machines just as a break. Anyway this year I'd been getting second thoughts about my liking for playing them in general. I'd just finished with some of the usual days tasks and went to the pub, and decided to play the machines this time because I deserved a little 'treat' even though it was November. Lost 100 quid between a few Deals. That's OK. I always lose anyway. I've lost 100 quid in Mr P's before and had a great time. After all, I just play for the fun.

Hold on

That wasn't fun at all!
The machines are just appalling now. You never used to know what was going to happen next back in the day, but now, you KNOW. It'll go there, there, there, there. That'll be game over. Open both wings on super start will get you £4 supermeter, close both then hazard. I've had more fun playing lotechs sometimes! You can't even use a few sneaky move back 3s like you could on Crests etc just to make you feel like an advantage. Blocks are horrendous and blindingly obvious. Features are so rigidly in line with the cash stacks or sometimes lower so you end up just taking cash and the entire mini game scenario is obsolete. The window of opportunity is so small now too thanks to the higher Jackpots. See them much more of the time just blocking low down on the stacks due to having to recover. When it does come as well it's nothing fantastic. Last time I did the Live the Dream I got myself 20 out of it. Not much of a reaction, just had myself an extra 20 quid. Yet when my 8 quid repeater on Doctor Who goes for 16 down Gravesend I'm over the moon! Since that day in November I haven't touched a 70 and havent felt the least bit inclined to. For someone out there to have fun on the machines in the pubs, they've ruined that now. For players, if it suits them it suits them but I couldn't hack it. It would be like operating a conveyor belt factory machine except with a few more lights and buttons, and you don't have to see the Boss at the end of the day for the wages, and if you operate the machine in the best order he might give you a bonus!
Pub slots have gone to "monotonous,,,,stale,,,,routine" whether you spend 15 minutes on one or a good few months playing them over time for me. Game over Noel! Game over!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:34 am
by titchno1
There's only one thing motivating me and that's the nuggets. I'm absolutely sure it's not just you lee. Not many people come on here and be as down down to earth and speak the truth like you do. Hang in mate I'm sure you will be ok!!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:05 am
by bubbles
prob averaged 60-80 per hour for the whole of dec. including driving between targets. why am i so lazy to only "work" 12-15 hours per week? i mean, it's not as if we can't reasonably assume for the usual huge drop off that comes with january. these fruits that have been there every other day in the lead up to xmas could easily only be ready once a week, and then if someone else has been there first....

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:16 am
by trayhop123
thanks titch m8