Random things that piss you off

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Post by Istenem »

ma71lda wrote:
.............now. I was laid off mid December. I knew it was coming but I hadn't been there long so I didn't get redundancy. I don't have Industry recognised qualifications but I'm a hard worker, unfortunately that is not enough (neither is my BTEC ND in Art & Design :( ). I knew it was going to be quiet jobwise Jan-Feb but its now 3 full months of not doing a great deal and I'm bored shitless. Whats the reason for me being unable to find work? Foreigners. They work for Min. wage and they don't know their rights, therefore they don't answer back they think overtime is a gift. Most Agencies would rather employ a Pole than a Brit and I think its disgusting.
It gets better though. I can't even claim benefits (if I wanted to) because my gf/partner :roll: works full-time and brings home just over £400 p/w. Apparantly thats ample for a couple withe a 4 year old, a Mortgage, school fees and everything else we all have to pay each week.


Neither my savings nor my patience are going to last forever, but I feel alot of us sing from the same hymn sheet on here.

I'm glad I've got that out of my system. Phew!
sorry to hear that Matilda. it does sound like your situation sucks. you obviously feel strongly about this and have the eloquence to be able to put a coherent point across to a stranger. it is none of my business but if you have the time to meet with/write to your MP (i'm guessing (s)he is labour in manchester) it is the MP's job to listen to constituents and it will be his/her pleasure to speak with somebody coherent rather than the nutters they normally have to deal with. labour should listen to the individual as it has been in their manifesto since God was a boy.

not sure the benefits thing is quite right unless you and Mrs Matilda are married.

good luck.
nobody ever wins on those things.
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Post by JG »

Sorry to go all shallow, but getting back to Hollyoaks. Agree totally. There's something about that program which is so irritatingly naff. The g/f watches it and it's shocking. I can tolerate Corrie/Eastenders, but that shit is just so irritating totty or no.
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Post by ma71lda »

Cheers for the advice Istenem. The MP up here is meant to be a bit of a plank so I don't think I'll go down that route, plus by the time I get to speak to him I hope to be back in work. I'll probably have to take a part-time with lower wages than I'm used to - something is better than nothing.

Oh yeah, I'm not married but we've been together for 9 years and with a kid there's no way of claming as a single person, I don't think I'd want to claim even if I was entitled to anything now.
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Post by Matt Vinyl »

meant to be a bit of a plank
Sadly, I think that's what MP stands for! Hope you get it all sorted though, shouldn't be treated like that...[/b]
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Post by ma71lda »

Haha, very true!

I'll be in work soon enough, I may even try something totally different like working in a LBO as I believe BetFret are recruiting in my area. At least I'll have an interest in what I (potentially) do. :)

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Post by trayhop123 »

getting back to the original post topic

barmen that only see what you take out, but conveniently dont see that you put 70 in to just scrape ya stake back....,,,,,,,,, ''no you didnt m8 you put about 4 quid in and took 70 out ''..... stupid fuckers

twat scroungers that try to offer pointless help to you on a fruity in return for a pint/cpl quid

doubters among family relatives that assume that because you play fruitys your a looser/ criminal '' you must be a thief scumbag lowlife''..... no amount of explaining that youve been doing this as a pro for years and have more money than them will ever get through to their tthick( conventional job is the be all end all ) brains.
Little discipline = BIG issue

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Post by YoungKai »


the words "squeezing" "blood" and "stone" spring to mind.
Fuck you Noel.
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Post by mjd »

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Post by jonnyg323 »

now THIS is my kind of thread

Here comes the long list

1) People walking slowly in front of u on the pavement

2) Tourists standing on the left on escalators in tube stations

3) Non-disabled people parking in disabled spots - really gets my goat

4) Skinny jeans on guys - for fucks sake, people...

5) Waiting for ages at the bar only for some fucker to come and get served as soon as he sidles up.

6) Alcopops - what the hell is the point in alcopops, someone please explain.

7) People who seem to go clubbing JUST to hold a camera at arms' length and take photos every five minutes

8 ) Agreed with many previous posts - smokers in doorways

9) Juice from concentrate...call me fussy but its absolute shite and i refuse to drink it

10) Really REALLY henched up guys in the gym who are freakishly strong and make u feel like a pussy although the weights you are lifting are far heavier than most other people could manage.
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Post by JG »

Here comes the long list

1) People walking slowly in front of u on the pavement
Yes, really annoying. They deploy the ultimate in retro detection blocking technology. Perfect at marking you. Take a left, they go left. They might also have a bag and if they're really annoying as you overtake they'll move into you and shout after you.

2) Tourists standing on the left on escalators in tube stations
I don't use the Tube, but it sounds annoying.

3) Non-disabled people parking in disabled spots - really gets my goat
Yeah, usually laziness.

4) Skinny jeans on guys - for fucks sake, people...
What?!? No room for pound coins? C'mon let's go back to the 80s.

5) Waiting for ages at the bar only for some fucker to come and get served as soon as he sidles up.
Yes that IS irritating. Then you have to turn into the pushiest most arrogant bastard there becuase you detect it might happen again. Then someone starts on you because you're being so pushy and arrogant.

6) Alcopops - what the hell is the point in alcopops, someone please explain.
Errr.....errrrr.......errrrrrr........errrrr...........conspiracy theory. Launched by drug companies to induce increased chance of diabetes into a generation of gullible teenage lightweights?

7) People who seem to go clubbing JUST to hold a camera at arms' length and take photos every five minutes
Yes, don't stand too close to these people after the music stops. They let out along continuous squeal that sounds like a cross between an orgasm and a murder 24/7. ear plugs. Get a grip. Use words. Talk. Oh no, that requires use of a brain, not air.

8 ) Agreed with many previous posts - smokers in doorways
Yeah, boot 'em out the way. Fuck 'em!

9) Juice from concentrate...call me fussy but its absolute shite and i refuse to drink it
You're fussy, you can get used to ASDA smart price orange juice concentrate after a while....or can you?

10) Really REALLY henched up guys in the gym who are freakishly strong and make u feel like a pussy although the weights you are lifting are far heavier than most other people could manage.
Really really average looking girls who are lifting far more than I could even dream of managing.

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Post by pat624 »

1) Lead one pound coins

2) People who stand behind the roulette machines in the bookies and shout out where the ball will land the second the wheel appears on the screen......like they think they have some sort of magical knowledge

3) windows VISTA....what a pile of shite

4) people in the 10 items or less queues at supermarkets who blatently have more than ten items, (I now demand these people be removed from the queue)

5) Cabin crew on long haul flights who insist on waking you up every 15 mins to offer you drinks/shit airline food or duty frees

6) all the people who litter London , especially the tube

7) Arcades with fruit machines with bulbs not working, they cost about 5p each.....replace em

8) People who exagerate their gambling winnings and never mention their losses

9) Non gambling people who think what you win is "free money" and that you should buy all the drinks and food and cabs and dont appreciate that I have spent almost an entire day play mind numbing machines to make that money

10) Any pub/cafe/resteraunt that when I ask for a coca cola serves me pepsi or worse still some cheap immitation cola
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Post by YoungKai »

all of the above . . . and Crawley gala bingo. :x :x
Fuck you Noel.
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Post by JG »

What's wrong with Crawley Gala Bingo? Have they got an irritating man there with THE SAME NAME AS ME who spends 24/7 hawking the Golden Games and as soon as £30 is lost will jump on and chase it again rendering it CONSTANTLY F'ING DEAD UNLESS YOU FLUKE A SET OF BARS quickly?

Hmm? Have they?
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Post by YoungKai »

no, just the global mentioned by young ob in another thread
Fuck you Noel.
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Post by thecannonball89 »

pound coins that come out of a machine but wont go in..

a 5p that has found its way into the pound hopper

them old women who smash the fuck out of the hold buttons 10mins after a win has banked in (what are they trying to achive)