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Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:56 am
by Cardinal Sin
Robin Day never presented "Call my bluff", did he?

Right: another guess: Think of a mediocre day-time word-based quiz show presenter from Glasgow who married the rather foxy presenter of another mediocre saturday afternoon quiz show for school children.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:21 pm
by Istenem
i should know this :? was this programme shown in England?

jimmy krankie?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:33 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Erm.. the quiz show he presented was shown daily on weekday afternoons on BBC2. It was responsible for teaching the nation the word "floccinaucinihilipilifications" and had a computer called Brian. It definitely wasn't just a Scottish show, as I lived in Ireland at the time.

Here's a picture of him with his wife, Debbie Greenwood, a former Miss UK, who looks just as hot now (presenting QVC) as she did then (presenting First Class).


Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:49 pm
by Istenem
ah, that makes you an old fogey Your Eminence; i am a spring chicken.

he looks a bit like paul coia(?)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:50 pm
by thehut
It's Paul something... :x

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:55 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Cheeky bastard. I'm still in my 20s.

Over to you, old timer (UP i mean..)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:10 pm
by Istenem
merci grandpère.

erm, okay here goes:

(apart from keeping their wealth on their person) why did pirates wear gold hoop earrings?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:20 pm
by Cardinal Sin
I for one think it's marvellous that our "more mature" posters can still make a valuable contribution to this forum, despite their advancing years and new fangled technologies such as word processors and teletext.

As for the answer... was it away of identifying which pirate club you belonged to?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:28 pm
by Istenem
nope; nothing to do with partisanship.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:37 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Has it anything to do with superstition, e.g. to ward off the ghost of LeChuck?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:41 pm
by darcle
Is it to show rank e.g. the bigger the hoop, the higher up the hierarchy you were?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:44 pm
by Istenem
good guesses but still no. it has to do with religion/social mores of the period

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:51 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Anything to do with Roman Catholicism and tithes?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:00 pm
by Istenem
nope, fraid not (also not the myth that piercing ears improved eyesight.) the answer is entirely logical.

a bonus gag:
why are pirates scary?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:06 pm
by Cardinal Sin
I've not got a clue. Could it be something about being ostentatious with ones wealth before the eyes of God?

Here's a keyboard for pirates:
