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Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:00 pm
by Istenem
john inman? chase me, chase me.
erm evil edna. hmm. flatscreen (no crt)?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:06 pm
by Cardinal Sin
John Inman... another cracking guess, but this chap has minced about in 2 recent BBC comedies (and I don't called Grace and Favour a comedy).

I don't know whether this guy is gay or not, but he played a nancy-boy in one sitcom, and an out-and-out turd burglar (for want of a better expression - apologies to anyone who might be offended!) in the other.

And flatscreen is another good guess, but this "feature" is even easier to spot!

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:23 pm
by harry 3
James Dreyfus ?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:30 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Bravo Harry. You got the hard one....oo-er.

Edna is now a widescreen TV witch (apologies if you are half-way through writing that out ,UP).

Anyway Harry. Fancy sparking Phoenix no.30 with a question?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:33 pm
by Istenem
and a punning title.
step up Harry.

n.b. i have no idea who james dreyfus might be

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:35 pm
by harry 3
Lucky guess. Was going to say Melvin Hayes but his sitcoms were years ago. James Dreyfuss was in Gimme Gimme Gimme, something I never watch. Question on 30 then !!!!.