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Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:03 am
by Ruler of The World
This should interest you all:

Dan: Welcome to Ladbrokes Live Chat. How may I help you?

Ahmad: I want to close my account

Ahmad: I have spent 2 long chat sessions and been shafted

Ahmad: hello?

Ahmad: are you awake?

Ahmad: this is what I mean

Ahmad: you csn't even bother to respond

Dan: I am here. Please have patience as we cannot always respond straight away.

Ahmad: and when you do nothing happens anyway

Ahmad: why respond at all then?

Dan: I am here to help sir. Would you like my assistance?

Ahmad: well what do you think?

Ahmad: I have told you I am not happy with the level of service so I want to close my account

Dan: I can see you are unhappy, but I can assure you I am here to help. You just need to have some patience while I respond.

Dan: I can close the account for you no problem.

Dan: Can I ask what lead to the decision? Did you experience any issues I can address or help you with?

Ahmad: read my last 2 chat sessions

Ahmad: this company is too greedy

Dan: I will do this now.

Dan: One moment please.

Ahmad: they want you to continue wagering every bonus you ever get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you never get the money or any money to withdraw EVER!

Dan: One moment please.

Ahmad: I will give you time to read it all, please read carefully

Dan: The account has now been closed for you. Should you wish to open it again at any-time then please contact us and we can do this for you.

Ahmad: hahaha

Ahmad: i would never open an account if that is your bonus policy

Ahmad: are you claiming it is correct what has happened?

Ahmad: if so I think you will soon be hearing from the gaming board

Ahmad: as far as i am aware what you are doing is highly ILLEGAL

Dan: I can address any questions you may have.

Ahmad: duping customers into thinking they have a bonus to claim and not informing them of the fact that they must continue the wagering of bonuses ALREADY COMPLETELY LOST!

Ahmad: right then you can answer my query

Dan: Do you have an example of this to look at on the system?

Ahmad: which you have chosen to ignore because you cannot be bothered to READ what has gone on

Ahmad: yes

Ahmad: i got the £25 free

Ahmad: I lost it

Ahmad: I got the £50 match

Ahmad: I lost it

Ahmad: I got £12.50 free for the 150% bonus

Ahmad: I LOST IT

Ahmad: and i mean i made my balance go down to exactly 0.00 every time

Ahmad: so when I got my £11 win on the spins....

Ahmad: instead of only having to wager that x30......

Ahmad: I had to wager something like over £2000!!!!!!

Ahmad: because apparently I had to wager for all previous bonuses given too!

Ahmad: that is ILLEGAL!

Ahmad: it is not in your own terms and conditions for starters and even if it was that would be illegal anywayt

Ahmad: that's like saying if i lost a horse race bet I must keep betting until i have all the money i have lost back for every bet I have placed in history or i don't get my money!

Dan: I have checked the live chat and we did not inform you that you had to wager a playthrough if the bonus had already been used and there was a zero balance. Who informed you that this was the case?

Ahmad: when i was playing I had at 1 point exactly £100

Ahmad: when i checked my banking screen it showed that only £26 was withdrawable

Ahmad: £74 was bonus funds

Ahmad: that £74 had to be wagered a further 30 times

Dan: Okay, this sounds like the way it should be so far.

Ahmad: no

Ahmad: you don't understand

Dan: If you had bonus funds, then the playthrough as to be met.

Dan: as = has.

Ahmad: when it shows £74 is bonus funds it means it must be wagered x 30

Ahmad: i had only won £11

Ahmad: so if i had £100 after a good few spins the maximum that bonus funds amount should have been by then was £5 which had to be wagered x30 NOT 74!!!!

Dan: The play-through would be all of the playthroughs for all the bonuses you received, if you had any winnings or funds left over from those bonuses.

Ahmad: yes well THAT is illegal

Ahmad: you cannot keep tying bonuses to each other

Dan: Where have you got that you have to wager x74 sir? It is x30.

Ahmad: no it is £74 i had to wager x30

Ahmad: after each bonus is used as soon as the bonus reaches 0 that bonus is FINISHED

Ahmad: therefore how you can then continue to tax people for the same bonus after it is used up is beyond me

Dan: It was the original bonus amount x30. Any winnings you have only affects the playthrough in regards to whether you have the funds to meet the playthrough. The playthrough requirement does not change the more you win. It only changes in the sense that you have less of it the more you wager.

Ahmad: but i assure you it is illegal

Ahmad: what do i have to do to make you understand?

Dan: There is nothing illegal about our promotions sir.

Ahmad: right offer 1

Ahmad: you get a bonus, you lose

Ahmad: why do the wagering requirement get carried forward to offer 2?

Ahmad: THAT is illegal

Dan: Because you don't just have the playthrough of the initial bonus. You then have a further play-through added on top. This means if you receive a few bonuses with a few playthroughs it becomes considerably high to meet.

Ahmad: or impossible

Ahmad: which is why it is stupid

Ahmad: and a rip off

Ahmad: and illegal

Dan: Impossible does not mean illegal or a rip off. I also would not say that meeting the conditions are impossible.

Ahmad: they are when you have £11 and need to wager over £2000 with it!!!!!

Ahmad: then you lose that and the next bonus comes with even more requirements

Ahmad: it is simply stupid

Ahmad: every bonus becomes worthless

Ahmad: only a brainless fool would continue

Dan: Can I ask why you did not read the Terms & Conditions so that you were aware of the play-throughs before you claimed?

Ahmad: do you honestly think that if people understood this is happening they would bother with Ladbrokes?

Dan: If you were unhappy with the terms of the promotion, you had the option to claim or not.

Ahmad: because, in all honesty, I thought more of Ladbrokes

Ahmad: you have simply become like that criminal Paddy Power

Ahmad: what you are doing is nothing short of robbery or monetary rape

Dan: We are sorry to hear that you feel this way, however, all promotions for online casinos have terms & conditions. Some of these terms & conditions are designed to make you play the bonus on the service. This is a business after all, and customers have an opportunity to walk away with winnings.

Ahmad: you cannot expect customers to be happy when you tie every bonus to each other with such high wagering requirements, you give them no chance

Dan: It is not robbery, as you are getting £25 for free, as this is one of our promotions. You have to expect that a gaming company would attach some conditions to this, otherwise they would not have a business.

Ahmad: if i was to 'win' £10 now on more free spins I would need to wager around £3000 to get that £10!

Ahmad: you might as well make it x1000000

Ahmad: sorry but you are crooks

Ahmad: Ladcrooks

Dan: I understand you are unhappy with our bonuses, but it is your choice if you wish to go for them. You cannot admit that you did not check the conditions and then claim about them afterwards.

Dan: claim - complain.

Dan: Apologies.

Ahmad: don't try to blame me for your company's greed

Ahmad: spare me the sanctimony

Dan: There is no blame being made for anything. I am simply stating that you had an opportunity to know what you were applying for before you applied for it.

Ahmad: you call this a business? No one who fully understood these terms and conditions would deposit a penny

Ahmad: I'm afraid I simply do not agree with these carried over wagering requirements and if you are not intelligent enough to understand WHY it is a rip off, that is your problem. I simple will not put more money into a company who I know every bonus I get from this point onwards will need to be wagered about x300!

Ahmad: simply*

Ahmad: if you were to be fair, you would reset all wagering requirements after each bonus is used up

Ahmad: each offer should be completely separate

Ahmad: and you know you would not use this company yourself if you could, knowing this

Ahmad: you would be an idiot if you did, frankly

Ahmad: as I am not an idiot, I have closed my account

Dan: Apologies sir, but the bonuses are what they are and should be checked before you claim. Do you have anything else I can assist you with?

Ahmad: no but you should take my advice if you wish to grow as a company

Ahmad: because you will shrink otherwise

Dan: Thank you for chatting with me. Your feedback is appreciated, please click on the "End Chat" button in the top right corner to help us improve our service. Goodbye.

Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:14 am
by Ruler of The World
In fact if you read carefully he has shown that my bonus was screwed up because he states if anything REMAINS from that bonus (previous) it will be carried over to the next, but there wasn't! I didn't catch that during the ranting session but fuck them anyway, CUNTS!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:05 am
by titchno1
Nobody cares

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:52 pm
by deadeye

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:34 pm
by JG
And the moral of the story is STOP gambling as it's annoying you too much.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:08 pm
by titchno1
stop gambling because he has lost everything because of it...

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:37 pm
by qwerty
I'm really pissed off too. I went to the fruit stall and bought an apple for 35p. Later my mate told me the seller bought it for 10p!! The conning scamming cunt!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:59 pm
by paragoon
I went to Ladbrokes today. The bastards had texted me with a free £5 footy bet.

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:47 am
by Ruler of The World
Oh look! Titchno has gone all gobby against me after I defended him so many times in the past!

Well, young lad, I might have lost loads of money gambling but at least I had hopes of winning things, yet you pay money to watch Newcastle United play football and everyone else knows how often they win things, that's a far bigger waste in my opinion!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:08 am
by Roll_With_It_Russ
Not illegal. Bonuses dont zero out...

Anyway I feel you pain dealing with the tards at ladbrokes. Dispute ongoing for over 2 months!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:45 pm
by amazing
Ruler of The World wrote:This should interest you all:

Dan: Welcome to Ladbrokes Live Chat. How may I help you?

Ahmad: I want to close my account

Ahmad: I have spent 2 long chat sessions and been shafted

Ahmad: hello?

Ahmad: are you awake?

Ahmad: this is what I mean

Ahmad: you csn't even bother to respond

Dan: I am here. Please have patience as we cannot always respond straight away.

Ahmad: and when you do nothing happens anyway

Ahmad: why respond at all then?

Dan: I am here to help sir. Would you like my assistance?

Ahmad: well what do you think?

Ahmad: I have told you I am not happy with the level of service so I want to close my account

Dan: I can see you are unhappy, but I can assure you I am here to help. You just need to have some patience while I respond.

Dan: I can close the account for you no problem.

Dan: Can I ask what lead to the decision? Did you experience any issues I can address or help you with?

Ahmad: read my last 2 chat sessions

Ahmad: this company is too greedy

Dan: I will do this now.

Dan: One moment please.

Ahmad: they want you to continue wagering every bonus you ever get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you never get the money or any money to withdraw EVER!

Dan: One moment please.

Ahmad: I will give you time to read it all, please read carefully

Dan: The account has now been closed for you. Should you wish to open it again at any-time then please contact us and we can do this for you.

Ahmad: hahaha

Ahmad: i would never open an account if that is your bonus policy

Ahmad: are you claiming it is correct what has happened?

Ahmad: if so I think you will soon be hearing from the gaming board

Ahmad: as far as i am aware what you are doing is highly ILLEGAL

Dan: I can address any questions you may have.

Ahmad: duping customers into thinking they have a bonus to claim and not informing them of the fact that they must continue the wagering of bonuses ALREADY COMPLETELY LOST!

Ahmad: right then you can answer my query

Dan: Do you have an example of this to look at on the system?

Ahmad: which you have chosen to ignore because you cannot be bothered to READ what has gone on

Ahmad: yes

Ahmad: i got the £25 free

Ahmad: I lost it

Ahmad: I got the £50 match

Ahmad: I lost it

Ahmad: I got £12.50 free for the 150% bonus

Ahmad: I LOST IT

Ahmad: and i mean i made my balance go down to exactly 0.00 every time

Ahmad: so when I got my £11 win on the spins....

Ahmad: instead of only having to wager that x30......

Ahmad: I had to wager something like over £2000!!!!!!

Ahmad: because apparently I had to wager for all previous bonuses given too!

Ahmad: that is ILLEGAL!

Ahmad: it is not in your own terms and conditions for starters and even if it was that would be illegal anywayt

Ahmad: that's like saying if i lost a horse race bet I must keep betting until i have all the money i have lost back for every bet I have placed in history or i don't get my money!

Dan: I have checked the live chat and we did not inform you that you had to wager a playthrough if the bonus had already been used and there was a zero balance. Who informed you that this was the case?

Ahmad: when i was playing I had at 1 point exactly £100

Ahmad: when i checked my banking screen it showed that only £26 was withdrawable

Ahmad: £74 was bonus funds

Ahmad: that £74 had to be wagered a further 30 times

Dan: Okay, this sounds like the way it should be so far.

Ahmad: no

Ahmad: you don't understand

Dan: If you had bonus funds, then the playthrough as to be met.

Dan: as = has.

Ahmad: when it shows £74 is bonus funds it means it must be wagered x 30

Ahmad: i had only won £11

Ahmad: so if i had £100 after a good few spins the maximum that bonus funds amount should have been by then was £5 which had to be wagered x30 NOT 74!!!!

Dan: The play-through would be all of the playthroughs for all the bonuses you received, if you had any winnings or funds left over from those bonuses.

Ahmad: yes well THAT is illegal

Ahmad: you cannot keep tying bonuses to each other

Dan: Where have you got that you have to wager x74 sir? It is x30.

Ahmad: no it is £74 i had to wager x30

Ahmad: after each bonus is used as soon as the bonus reaches 0 that bonus is FINISHED

Ahmad: therefore how you can then continue to tax people for the same bonus after it is used up is beyond me

Dan: It was the original bonus amount x30. Any winnings you have only affects the playthrough in regards to whether you have the funds to meet the playthrough. The playthrough requirement does not change the more you win. It only changes in the sense that you have less of it the more you wager.

Ahmad: but i assure you it is illegal

Ahmad: what do i have to do to make you understand?

Dan: There is nothing illegal about our promotions sir.

Ahmad: right offer 1

Ahmad: you get a bonus, you lose

Ahmad: why do the wagering requirement get carried forward to offer 2?

Ahmad: THAT is illegal

Dan: Because you don't just have the playthrough of the initial bonus. You then have a further play-through added on top. This means if you receive a few bonuses with a few playthroughs it becomes considerably high to meet.

Ahmad: or impossible

Ahmad: which is why it is stupid

Ahmad: and a rip off

Ahmad: and illegal

Dan: Impossible does not mean illegal or a rip off. I also would not say that meeting the conditions are impossible.

Ahmad: they are when you have £11 and need to wager over £2000 with it!!!!!

Ahmad: then you lose that and the next bonus comes with even more requirements

Ahmad: it is simply stupid

Ahmad: every bonus becomes worthless

Ahmad: only a brainless fool would continue

Dan: Can I ask why you did not read the Terms & Conditions so that you were aware of the play-throughs before you claimed?

Ahmad: do you honestly think that if people understood this is happening they would bother with Ladbrokes?

Dan: If you were unhappy with the terms of the promotion, you had the option to claim or not.

Ahmad: because, in all honesty, I thought more of Ladbrokes

Ahmad: you have simply become like that criminal Paddy Power

Ahmad: what you are doing is nothing short of robbery or monetary rape

Dan: We are sorry to hear that you feel this way, however, all promotions for online casinos have terms & conditions. Some of these terms & conditions are designed to make you play the bonus on the service. This is a business after all, and customers have an opportunity to walk away with winnings.

Ahmad: you cannot expect customers to be happy when you tie every bonus to each other with such high wagering requirements, you give them no chance

Dan: It is not robbery, as you are getting £25 for free, as this is one of our promotions. You have to expect that a gaming company would attach some conditions to this, otherwise they would not have a business.

Ahmad: if i was to 'win' £10 now on more free spins I would need to wager around £3000 to get that £10!

Ahmad: you might as well make it x1000000

Ahmad: sorry but you are crooks

Ahmad: Ladcrooks

Dan: I understand you are unhappy with our bonuses, but it is your choice if you wish to go for them. You cannot admit that you did not check the conditions and then claim about them afterwards.

Dan: claim - complain.

Dan: Apologies.

Ahmad: don't try to blame me for your company's greed

Ahmad: spare me the sanctimony

Dan: There is no blame being made for anything. I am simply stating that you had an opportunity to know what you were applying for before you applied for it.

Ahmad: you call this a business? No one who fully understood these terms and conditions would deposit a penny

Ahmad: I'm afraid I simply do not agree with these carried over wagering requirements and if you are not intelligent enough to understand WHY it is a rip off, that is your problem. I simple will not put more money into a company who I know every bonus I get from this point onwards will need to be wagered about x300!

Ahmad: simply*

Ahmad: if you were to be fair, you would reset all wagering requirements after each bonus is used up

Ahmad: each offer should be completely separate

Ahmad: and you know you would not use this company yourself if you could, knowing this

Ahmad: you would be an idiot if you did, frankly

Ahmad: as I am not an idiot, I have closed my account

Dan: Apologies sir, but the bonuses are what they are and should be checked before you claim. Do you have anything else I can assist you with?

Ahmad: no but you should take my advice if you wish to grow as a company

Ahmad: because you will shrink otherwise

Dan: Thank you for chatting with me. Your feedback is appreciated, please click on the "End Chat" button in the top right corner to help us improve our service. Goodbye.

Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.
Bookies must thank u for all the new terminals u have brought them to rip even more tits off pmsl

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:36 pm
by JG
Jesus feckin' Christ, you've quoted his whole bloody post again!

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:23 pm
by ma71lda
Why do people bother with these bonuses?! Deposit your OWN money, gamble with your OWN money, win or lose with your OWN money. Gamble with your own money, or don't gamble at all. Irs not rocket science.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:41 pm
by trayhop123
matilda is right ,,,,,,,,,, theres a laddys tv advert currently doing the rounds offering a free sign up tonight 10quid bonus

but if you look closely at the bottom of the screen , im sure it says something about having to gamble it 99 times ????? ,,,,,,, shurlyshummishtake????

i must have read it wrong , but if im right where's the incentive in that ? ,,,,,,,,,

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:49 pm
by mr lugsy
99x playthrough on supercasino 10 pound no deposit aswell

only chop amk and kidgloves could do it i reckon