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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:10 pm
by keno
Has any one ever been fortunate to fluke a one number bet i.e chips on just a single number and it's come out?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:39 pm
by ming
me and my friend were going halves a couple of years ago and he done a max split on 26 29 and 29 came in, thats the closest ive got

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:10 pm
by Glendale
Thought you had signed a self banning order in every bookies in town?

coralroulette f.o.b.t

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:46 am
by gaztarra
hi am gaz!im new here,after reading many many forums & blogs,i decided to join this one<there seem to be a few people here that understand they arnt random"these people clearly pllay the machines,& have very very likely played real casino roulette,,its these people i am very interested in speaking to...firstly let me ad that a few year ago i was adicted to these!!& that i wish no debate over there random or not"as to me they certanly are not random to ME or those that av actualy played them!!the reason for my post is this...the simple fact they are not random"fair"can be proved like this"to none can a random outcome game have a % pay & take?its a paradox that can not exsist...either it has an house edge 2.7%,,or it has a pay take ratio"i wont go deeper into this now!!the question is this!ifthey are some how some way rigd<odds skewered against us to take more than a normal real game does"on avridge"is it then possible to litraly turn the tables around"excuse the punt"to some how some way exploit the odds to our short:the simple fact its rigd to legaly cheat us"legaly.leagaly,legaly...cheat us! is the only reason they can be beat..i dont want to go into depth yet,but all i will say is the players that readingthis"help me & al help you!!i want to try establish characteristics of hot they play,,coral for instance has the same game as will hill,,& the screen jerks to "usualy"rob u on a bet..often the number next to yours is drown"teaser"maybe!..also wen u make your last bet"wen ya nearly dead"it often jumps,jerks,,to give u a win "under ya last stake, seem to have dif machines,like a video play of the result"punters can predict the number from the shoot of point & style...i would realy like to know Exactly wich bookies have wich machines..wich bookies ie machines u rate the best"i only playd william hill & coral<same machines>& importantly player caracteristics like the above & things like>>a number always seems to repeat if u just lost on it & respin or press respin,yet if u ad backed it"it would ov never come out!also the sreaks of red,blacks..yet if u bc with them they never apear ,hence u bc black & red comes & vice versa! also i would luv to here from players who ALWAYS stick to the same bets"any strange accurances"the outside red black players,& coloumn players!and those that mix there bets,,i am not that interestid in the actual numbers,more so the outcomes,win,loss or draw"brake even "as an example:u get a good win,you know in ya heart wen u respin that its likely to give"award"a loss bet!has anyone noticed anything concerning how fast u play<bet>in reguards to the out comes!!!also to those that realise its alot easier to double a fiver to a tenna than 100 to 200 i would love to here your views...also is there any good sites on them or blogs forums"apart from this one"out there,,do u know ov any good videos utube ect:to those that play them"hopefully will hill & coral"global draw"help me to help us both!!i am not a system seller & nor cani bleed thousands from these daily,but i do know things thatothers simply do not about these machines..& i am doing all i can"with your help"to crack these..these machnes defo av antimartingale software in them"any thoughts on it?or wat it implys..also i woulld like to say this,,the ball jumps,screen freezes,,why on eart?would the best games designers in the world have this very unreal,unatractive feature or flaw,given that they do a fantastic job of allreading riping us out of much more than a real game,randomgame of roulette statisticly does!!why?why?why?have such an ugly glitch!wich creates total doubt in the players mind to the fairnes of the game!!PR could it be that they have to av this ugly thing,hence 2 proghrams running that are not in snyc with eachother?ie:r.n.g sender & another proghram.....i believe i have the answere to this and how to beat these,& i believe they can be beat on many levels & in dif styles,,i believe money can be always made grinding & also there is a way to get them to payout big..anyone who helps or just trys to help me build a picture.profile of these..players,adicts,x players..i will share everything with you!!!let me leave u with this to think about,,ever noticed it never jumps on red black bets?& wat it implys..ever noticed wen u up a bet after a loss"chase"it fucks u nearly always,or that any martinglae aproach ie:cover nearly all the numbers<yet it defys beliefe & logic to screw u,or it screws u on double up bets,infact it will kill u always wen u aproach them logicly<system play>ever thought abbout wat all this COULD imply & wat can be deduced from this?because you SHOULD,u realy should..the times u av bin playing and ya shore its read ya mind or and is teasing u,provoking you"but u dismiss the thought as imposible!!is it?last but not least i will say this,,i can beat them but only for very small profit,my understanding is growing further all the time..its just the tip of the ice berg,,the way to always profit on these small & i believe with ma whole heart profit mega big"and daily"is dun in away u wont believe,but wunce told about it,u wont fail to see it!!hence the proof of its exsistance........also no system can beat these machines,,force zero,triger numbers ,bullshit like this if it does work,wont work for long..any machanicle system would bleed them dry...always back X with X amount then do this that the other,,is a pipe dream..think about it,,,,then think on this,,,they are robing us out of more than a true table would and could,if in the mists of there greed they av created a loophole to beat them!!then this can never be closed,hence stopd,as it comes hand in hand with how they cheat us,,they are one..u carnt av one without the other,,lets asume x is the amount of players say10.000 players & that Y is the amount of people that are in the KNOW,designers ect,& normal guys like me that have inadvertantly found ways to win,wich ever way it is,,lets asume only one in every 10.000 players ever gain this insight,edge!i realy believe other people apart from me know ways to beat these,but would never share it let alone post on the net as there scared there little hack,loophole will be closed down,,but unlike me!i know it can not be stopd,,the only way o do it is make it a fair game"wich they never ever will"its simple..if stoping Y"me and hopefully you"cost more than X"there profit"then forget x & y altogether as they do not av a problem....we those that help me,maybe we will exchange emails,fbook,even phone numbers,,,this is just the begining i hope!!if u believe me"many wont"then know this<they are niether random or fixd pay & take ratios,they are BOTH!/they are hybrids!!the R.N.G"independant & fair software provider sends packs ov numbers"totaly random"the machine gets to choose one..since it can choose"its not entirely random"but because it doesnt have free rain,choice over all numbers at any one time"spin,bet"to chooose from,it CAN NOT ALWAYS control the out come..wich creates chance & a random element!!think over that..then this..they beat us legaly if not fairly,legaly & fair are not the same,so how is it possible to clearly have a rigd game that qualifies as random in the eyes of the law?if they are legaly not aloud to statisticly beat us,how is it possible?yet we,I know it is & that they are doing.but how?if they havnt manipulated the larege law of numbers then how av they legaly manipulated the out comes or strings of small out comes?now think about this,,they are a bandit with a pay take ratio,,x amount goes in & x amount is paid out"with a totaly random game this would be impossible to control,in short:a bandit decides if u win loss or draw,,so do f.o.b,t,s yet they can not always exacute there pre determind choice"if u had unwillingly backd all numbers sent from the rng then it would av to award a win & equaly vice versa!!!IF THEY HAVE DESIGNED THEM TO ULTIMATLY ROB US"WICH CLEARLY THEY HAVE!!THEN WAT AV THEY MANIPULATED,IF STATISTACLY SPEAKING ALL ADDS UP AT THE END"LEGALY"THEN HOW ELSE COULD THEY SEEMINGLY OFFER US A LEGALY SOUND GAME,YET!!CHEAT US?LEGALY,MATHAMATICLY LEGALY?........THE NIGHT I REALISED THE ANSWERE TO THIS!I RELISED WHY & HOW THEY TUCK SO MUCH MORE THAN A REAL GAME OF ROULETTE,WHY THE BALL JUMPS,SCREEN JERK BUT NEVER ON RED BLACK,Y IT REPEATS LOOSING NUMBERS..WHY I ALWAYS SEEMD TO GET SMALL STAKES UP £10;ECT,,BUT NEVER HIGH STAKES 100 SAY,,THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I REALISED WAS HOW THEY HAVE DUN IT,IN SHORT TO GET MORE FROM SUMONE THAN THEY WANT TO GIVE,,U OFFER THEM SOMETHING,U PLAY ON GREED,,BEFORE U TAKE A LOT"EVERYTHING"YOU MUST OFFER A LITTLE,,GIVE..TO TAKE..THEY AV PLAYED ON ARE NUMBER ONE EMOTION!GREED".......TO GET MORE FROM US THAN A TRUE GAME WOULD,THEN THEY AV TO OFFER US MORE THAN A TRUE GAME DOES"WICH LONGTERM OFFERS NOWT"the odds are skewed in there av just got to know how to play the odds in reverse"kind of"bluf bluff double bluff,i kid u not! sos about spelling,,

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:45 am
by BFK
I gave up reading that half way through, have you just cut and paste that from somebody else who can't string a half decent sentence together?

Not rigged.

On the subject of the blackjack game on fobts....

What's the ruling when u split 2 aces? On fobts, u only get dealt 1 additional card but with no chance to bet on, like a double down bet.

I've had this 3 times now and each time this has happened, it's never put a ten/picture card in and I've lost all 6 hands. Probably costing me over a ton in the process.

Do you only get 1 card in casinos if u split aces? Anyone know the official ruling?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:15 am
by xhopz
gaztarra, why would a game that already cannot be beaten be 'rigged?

You say you have joined here because there's plenty on here who agree they are rigged also? Wrong, most on here have half a brain and know these games are random.

You say they are rigged because the graphic that represents a certain number is always the same..the number is chosen before that graphic starts, who cares how the machine presents it?

You claim you know more about these machines than the average punter yet cannot yet get your head round the most fundamental of factors, the game is 100% random and cannot be beaten.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:27 am
by pokerpete
Not a chance I'm going to even attempt to read that barrage of words.

Paragraphs or GTFO

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:31 am
by pokerpete
Decided to try, but gave up.

Are you writing in a second language?
Is English your second language?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:52 am
by harry2

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:19 pm
by Northern Monkey
BFK wrote:I gave up reading that half way through, have you just cut and paste that from somebody else who can't string a half decent sentence together?

Not rigged.

On the subject of the blackjack game on fobts....

What's the ruling when u split 2 aces? On fobts, u only get dealt 1 additional card but with no chance to bet on, like a double down bet.

I've had this 3 times now and each time this has happened, it's never put a ten/picture card in and I've lost all 6 hands. Probably costing me over a ton in the process.

Do you only get 1 card in casinos if u split aces? Anyone know the official ruling?
Only one card in the casino - unless you draw an ace in which case you can split again. Very overrated hand in my opinion especially if dealer is showing a picture. I always seem to end up with multiple splits for some reason and much more exposure than feels comfortable.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:29 pm
by QuizMaster
Always split 8's & A's.

Never split 9's or 10's.

Split everything else if dealer shows 3/4/5/6

Dealer showing 2 is a coinflip - discuss.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:37 pm
by blackmogu
QuizMaster wrote:Always split 8's & A's.

Never split 9's or 10's.

Split everything else if dealer shows 3/4/5/6

Dealer showing 2 is a coinflip - discuss.
A few minor adjustments to play better strategy than the basic strategy above (assuming European blackjack with 6 decks, BJ pays 3/2)

Split 9's against dealer showing 2,3,4,5,6,8,9
Hit hard 12 against dealer showing 2,3,7,8,9,10,A
Split 8's against all but dealer showing 10,A
Split A's against all but dealer showing A

House edge with these rules is further reduced.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:48 pm
by blackmogu
funny how aces always seem to congregate in a shoe. Had to split to 7 before !

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:43 pm
by tommya
keno wrote:Has any one ever been fortunate to fluke a one number bet i.e chips on just a single number and it's come out?
A mate and I put six quid in one and he had gloves on and 5 quid of it went on 22 black on its own I said it had to be fate and it come in.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:45 am
by QuizMaster
blackmogu wrote:funny how aces always seem to congregate in a shoe. Had to split to 7 before !
Yeah, I've had 8's go 4 or 5 times as well. I think it's probably more to do with the fact that you split both these more often than any other card, so the probability is higher that you'll see more duplicate splits.