World Cup Shootout

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Barry Trotter
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World Cup Shootout

Post by Barry Trotter »

Sorry for being a bit slow here, but i haven't seen this game yet. I'm led to believe its the Alternative Universe world cup game which has replaced the Revolution Games version...

Its got nothing more than a slating on here, so whats so bad about it? Is it just unplayable, too hard, too unfair, or is it just a general pile of poo - like BFM's the Da Vinci Code - which is laughably bad - and also so hard to understand, its almost enough to make you put money in it to work out what the hell's going on...l In fact, maybe thats the game! The Da Vinci Code is supposed to be hard to crack, right.... so maybe BFM have made their SWP SOOOOOO hard to play, that you can only win money from it if you figure out what in god's name to do....

By jove, i've got it!! lol
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Re: World Cup Shootout

Post by Istenem »

Barry Trotter wrote: too hard, too unfair, or is it just a general pile of poo - like BFM's the Da Vinci Code - which is laughably bad - and also so hard to understand, its almost enough to make you put money in it to work out what the hell's going on...
i thought there was a different thread on this so apologies for the hijack.
i found one of these and thought it was pretty simple to understand.
the number puzzles are embarrassingly easy, ditto anagrams, questions are not much harder. the end game is like doing a ( very) easy crossword. maybe i just caught it at the right time (after one of you berks has spent several quid trying to work it out :wink: )

i have no interest in the book or film, i'm with stephen fry that it is a dribbling load of arse gravy but the game is pretty stylish. and i got 2x£2 and 1x£1 in my three goes so far. it is not a fortune but if it pays whatever % return to me i'll be back. meanwhile i'm not telling anybody any secrets or my conspiracy theories.
gamesnets are looking up (imo). so itbox might need to raise their game to stay as market leader.
nobody ever wins on those things.