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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:07 am
by fotherz
The Court, Tottenham Court Road, was the venue for the first title-fight to contest the new Word Up Heavyweight Championship of the World.

For the uninitiated, players alternate turns at the game, with the higher score in each round taking a point.

The bout started evenly between the much-fancied "Vajinal Bob" and the enigmatic "Fotherz", with Bob drawing first blood for a 1-0 lead. Fotherz hit back to tie at 1-1, and it looked like it would go to the judges for a points verdict.

However, Fotherz stepped up his game with a 1460 non-clear and a 1380 non-clear to power to an unassailable 5-1 lead. In the post-match press conference, promoter Frank Warren told us "Bob stumbled away, a broken man - he just couldn't take any more".

"Dave" and "Jon" were rumoured to have watched the bout, hidden in the gathered crowd. One ringside spectator commented "It was spectacular - gladiatorial combat at its finest".

So the winner by TKO, and NEW Word Up Heavyweight Champion of the Wooooorld....


Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:45 pm
by JustAnotherClone
lol well done, is this also in the quiz section?

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:29 pm
by WaterGate
WTF? :shock:

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:50 am
by Guest
Don't worry, Fotherz, today is the rematch - just like the Atacama your reign will be short lived (boxing banter). 8)

We might even go as far as writing the scores down and making sure I don't go first all the time to give you targets to beat. :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:07 pm
by Istenem
vaginalbob wrote:Don't worry, Fotherz, today is the rematch
which arena? if it is near me i may come down with my pompoms:
give us a V...
PM me if you want.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:03 am
by Guest
Thursday saw the WORD UP HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD BELT up for grabs once more.

At last, the Word Up World Governing Body had put their heads together to prevent the debacle of the shambolic first world championships.

We agreed on a proper set of rules and procedures (best of 7; previous leg's winner starts) and noted down all scores.

Here's what happened (venue: pub near Waterloo station):

Game 1: Fotherz: 1726 (clear) - VB: 1221 Fotherz came out strong and put the pressure on me with a standard clearance. I came within a whisker of edging it with an unhappy NVA left at the very end.

2: Fotherz: 1103 - VB: 1402 Bummed

3: VB: 1349 - Fotherz: 1651 Continued strong word-finding from me but theoretically unclearable grid meant that all that Fotherz needed was a bog-standard clear to top my score.

4: Fotherz: 1645 - VB: 1705

5: VB: 1349 - Fotherz: 1174 Another mediocre 1100ish from Fotherz. How on earth had he taken the first title, I hear you cry?

6: VB: 1901 (QUIZZICAL) - Fotherz: 1192 Capitalised on a stonking board to eventually eke out a QUIZZICAL before clearing.

7: VB: 1546 (non-clearance) - Fotherz: 1095 The final nail in the coffin.

Final Score: VB: 5 Fotherz: 2

Clearances: VB: 2 Fotherz: 3

Ave score (not including clearance bonuses): VB: 1353 Fotherz: 1155


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:24 am
by Guest
If anyone wants to challenge for the belt, you're all very welcome. I can already hear Dave and Jon beating at my door in a rush to get spanked. :lol:

btw - sorry I didn't get back to you, UP - I was already in London by the time you had posted.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:35 am
by Istenem
Is there a real belt? if not i'm not interested.

Your mission Bob, should you choose to accept it is to go to a market/charity shop/traid shop and buy the gaudiest most hideous belt and decorate it with appropriate sloganry and mark the reverse with the monikers of holders of the belt.
only then will i consider pretending to your throne.

nb the belt must be proudly worn when engaging in wordupmanship.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:07 am
by Guest
unknownpseudonym wrote: Your mission Bob, should you choose to accept it is to go to a market/charity shop/traid shop and buy the gaudiest most hideous belt and decorate it with appropriate sloganry and mark the reverse with the monikers of holders of the belt.
only then will i consider pretending to your throne.
Will do!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:58 am
by Istenem
jolly good. i hope Ernest deems your textile smithery worthy of star billing amongst the murals and tapestries.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:37 pm
by fotherz
Whats all this?!?

I've been in Paris all weekend!!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:55 pm
by Ernest W. Quality
You should also have to wear a cowboy hat. While playing. In the pub.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:30 pm
by Guest
fotherz wrote:Whats all this?!?

I've been in Paris all weekend!!
Well done - you've failed to notice that Thursday is not officially regarded as part of the weekend.

Now join the queue to get pulverised (again).