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Anyone play hex or monopoly?

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:24 pm
by standardliege
I love these games and i do think you get more chance than most on the timers.
I liked the post about using the palm or pda but you would need 3g or wireless cos gprs would be far too slow.

Anyone have any other ideas?

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:00 pm
by SWP
The idea's good but won't work in practice even with a direct connection to the web because of the way the game's are set up.
I think the developers have considered the possibility of some looking up the answers in an encyclopedia or similar.

Off the top of my head the following work against someone looking up the answers:

1. Time you've got to answer is too short to do the look up.

2. You may have to do several look ups to find the answer to a question.
Example: Who was born first?
A. / B. / C. / D.

Until you know all four birth dates you can't answer.

3. Deciding what to google would be difficult in some cases (again with the time pressure) i.e do you google..
the question verbatim? the question and answers if the question doesn't have sufficient detail (e.g. which is a herb?)
certain keywords?

4, Out and out (cheating) spoiler questions can't be looked up. Search this board for spoilers and you'll see just how dirty these can get!

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:54 am
by Nil Satis
Apart from all the issues that step7 mentions (to which I would add - the risk of getting thrown out and/or barred) the major issue I would raise here is that the games you mention (Hex Appeal and Monopoly) just do not lend themselves to making this kind of approach profitable in the long run.

This is because they do not have a progressive prize structure (as far as any of us can tell!). If you take Monopoly as an example, you usually need to answer say 20 questions to get to £1. The next prize is then £2 which would I presume be another 20 questions along, and so on. Contrast with my my old favourite classic Millionaire (i.e. not the disgraceful new version) - here you answer around 8 or 9 questions to get to £1 but then the next 8 or 9 questions get you to £20. This type of machine has 'moods' in the sense that if someone has won the Jackpot recently it will be a lot harder (if not impossible) to win but the current mood of the machine can usually be assessed within a game or two.

I've no idea what happens when you get towards one of the higher prizes on Monopoly or Hex Appeal - I've never done so nor have I either witnessed this or heard of anyone on here winning big on these games - but my guess is that the prize structure gets even more unhelpful - maybe 30 questions per prize.

Given the time such games would then take to play, plus the inevitable losing games when you get a spoiler that no Googling can solve, plus travelling time and costs to get between pubs and to buy a drink, I'd be amazed if you could clear more than a couple of quid an hour at best playing like this on these and other modern games.

I wouldn't want to discourage you from playing and enjoying these games but fundamentally if you've got the brains and the ingenuity to play SWPs like this then surely there are better ways to earn less than the national minimum wage!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:12 am
by QuizMaster
I don't play either of these so can't help really.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:39 pm
by quizard
QuizMaster wrote:I don't play either of these so can't help really.
It's taken you six years to compose this reply QM? LOL

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:25 pm
by QuizMaster
I'm championing the old threads.........

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:55 pm
by tonkarentino
QuizMaster wrote:I'm championing the old threads.........
Don't it will only make us yearn for the good old days