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tightest Cnuts : quiz machine players v fruity players

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:45 am
by cool
I was in a large city (not my own) during the past couple of weeks and came across some cheeky fruity players the two worst walked into a pub ordered a half a lime and soda then extracted a princely sum from the fruity DOND next to me including an offer double up of £112 pound I think so that leads me on to the question who are the tightest in the drinks ordering. If anybody can beat a half. A lime and soda between two I will be amazed. Yes those with long memories will remember my own decaf tea stunt though that was more about saving me from migraines rather than saving money (honest!)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 2:21 pm
by quizard
It always depended on the circumstances how much I spent in pub. In a difficult pub I might buy a pint (and try and get rid of it) or even some food although I never thought it made any difference in a pub were you were always going to get banned anyway. In a Wetherspoons it has to be a cheap tea or coffee, or nothing at all if it is going to take some time to get served and no one is playing the machine.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 3:58 pm
by paragoon
The Wetherspoon's refillable coffee is a godsend imo.
I get annoyed at how much some soft drinks cost in pubs it's a fking joke to have to pay nearly £3 for a half a lemonade.