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It's the hope I can't stand

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:53 am
by muddle
A good phrase that,often used by football fans,and I think it sums up my feelings about the quiz machine world at the moment.I keep hoping that surely they'll sort out the problems soon and have some reliable machines with a decent line-up of games.I could almost cope better with the finality of an announcement that quiz machines will have disappeared by a certain date.
I don't know if anyone from the industry reads this forum,so I may be typing away pointlessly (no change there then lol) but if there are,then imagine this analogy:You start doing a pub quiz with your mates and it's not bad,maybe not as good as a one you went to a while back,but still quite good.You've been going for a couple of months,even won some prizes once or twice,then one week the quizmaster refuses to accept your money.You try coins and notes but he's having none of it and you can't play.You're a bit puzzled but you go next week and it's back to normal.The week after you actually win the quiz for the first time,but the questionmaster refuses to pay out the top prize and asks for your details instead,saying that he might have it some time next week or the week after.You're now all close to giving up on it,but you give it one more chance,but none of the pens the questionmaster hands out actually work,and the music round is so quiet you can't hear it.You all then decide never to bother trying to play the quiz again and simply meet up for a drink.
Pub quizzes are quite an old idea now but remain popular (even with the younger generation) because none of the above actually happens.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:03 am
by JG
Right. I am the quiz master. You totally missed the point of my last quiz. Lateral thinking is all the rage these days. If you had taken the first letter of each of the previous answers you would have discovered that an ear trumpet was located behind the radiator in the snug, so you could have heard the music round with perfect clarity. The answers were Barbie Girl, Vengaboyz and Duck Sauce. You would have written this down with your pen, had you realised that by studying the picture round carefully, the ink pad was located under the soft pedal of the honky tonk piano in the games room.
In the terms and conditions it quite clearly states we only accept chocolate currency as payment. Cadbury's buttons or a pack of Wilkinson own brand chocolate coins would have got you a season ticket.
In the grope the sportsman round you failed to put on the UVB super dark sunglasses, hence why you were locked in the cellar for the week.

Hope this helps,
Much love,


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:45 pm
by muddle
Brilliant,JG.I want to find a pub quiz like this!