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Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:19 am
by party time
allso seen some one have what was the number 1 hit in 1984??

Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:39 am
by johnnyg
how about:

male kondo dragons outnumber females by:

3-1, 5-1, 7-1,

yeah! because there are pleanty of those in the uk!

Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:49 pm
by unknownpseudonym
cryptic clues

i chose musical instruments (have seen this one twice can't remember exact details) each time i didn't have the complete phrase bonus otherwise would have noted it down.

something along the lines of 9 6

and the answer was something like DJIMBLAIC PCAZAH (!)

on the second time it came up i kinda remembered it had Js and Zs but got it wrong again. although before drowning the mummy in blood i pressed the bonus clue. it said

"musical instrument, you'll never get it"

as spoilers go this one's my favourite.


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:12 pm
by unknownpseudonym
just been to gooooogle trying to find that instrument but with no luck, i did however find a few others which the good people at (whoever made cryptic clues) might like to consider adding; all of these are 100% genuine musical instruments:

but no sign of the one i got given on the game.

also btw, a google search for 'itbox quiz' gives this page as the first match. (before any affiliated sites) just 'itbox' puts this site 4th


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:39 pm
by Don Quizlione
> I keep getting impossible questions like...
> Which year had it's days on the same dates as 1786?
> a. 1784
> b. 1791
> c. 1797
> how the **** is anyone sposed to know that????

Its obviously c. 1784 is only 2 years behind, 1791 is 7 ahead, so the difference is 7 + the number of leap years, which is not 0 obviously, so the difference is not a multiple of 7. So its c.

Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:05 pm
by unknownpseudonym
football crazy:

"heroes of 66" six letters

nope; not: stiles, peters or wilson

the answer was HTTGES
(i have since found out that mr httges was the german left back, (hardly a hero).)

on the same subject category i have also seen


but i happened to know that one; he was the russian linesman.


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:53 am
by unknownpseudonym
also the "self-generating questions" are often spoilers:

e.g. what is the average combined gestation period of (animal) and (animal2)?
e.g. what is the combined length of the (river) and the (river2)?
e.g. how many years separate the invention of (invention) and (invention2)?

all of the above are utterly unfair and 100% reliant on luck.

however what number is represented by the roman numeral YYYY is fairer


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:29 pm
by unlucky Alf
Try these two on for size, both on Hangman reloaded this weekend

Who won stars in their eyes in 1997 ?
(not the name of the celebrity they were impersonating , but their real name)


What is Bellorussian for Our father who art in heaven ?

suprisingly enough i didn't know the answer to either !

something told me they didn't want to pay out a quid


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:36 pm
by Womble
"What was the first CD bought by Lorraine Kelly?"

I can't even remember the options. Ridiculous.

Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:07 pm
by Streakypoos
In answer to Don quizlione

I believe 'dominical'(?) letters will tell you what days will fall on what dates from year to year.

Google it - It should provide the tables of dominical letters.

Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:35 pm
by Barry Trotter
Mbira Dzavadzimu is the one i think you're referring too...
Its a popular native Zimbabwe instrument actually! ;)

Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:04 pm
by doolallyladee
Playing Cryptic Clues the other day the clue was...

"Famous Western"

So i looked and i looked and i hit a few letters... to no avail.... why!!??

Because the answer was bloody Robin Hood!!!!!

Have i missed something in my life somewhere to have been confused by this!! lol


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:40 pm
by Demmerz
On the Matrix I got the same question 3 times in a row; that did nicely for a quid. No try-agains, guessed the answer, ran neatly up to the £1 mark and cut my losses.


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:21 pm
by Russell
On a who wants to be a be a millionaire machine a good 4 years ago, at the start it gives you the lifeline question

It asked me to put in order how long these things take to do, and one of them was "bonking"

Made me chuckle anyway.

Also unrelated slightly, but i was doing very nicely on a snooker themed machine from the cluedo era (give us a break/big break/pot black, cant remember name) the one where you needed 147 for JP, was going along very nicely, and gave me a mystery bonus. All of which were "miscue." Bastard, something tells me that machine wasn't going to pay out lol.


Re: Most ridiculous question you have had?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:09 am
by unknownpseudonym
can't remember which game it was but got asked this:

"Which instrument would you most associate with Beatles drummer Ringo Starr"
a. saxophone
b. drums
c. piano

hmmm (!)


Post Edited (26.04.05 10:11)