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Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:54 am
by paragoon
QuizMaster wrote:I used to stand behind Suri and do that to him on Pharaoah's when he didn't know who I was. Used to rile him to fuck.
I was in Birmingham in July this year and was having a miserable time every machine seemed empty. Eventually caught up with the culprit who was gliding to £6 on Beat The Landlord with money already credited. I watched him for a bit as he blocked my view. I tried a bit of chat - "You're really good at that" at which point he finished up and walked off without saying anything! Within his rights I suppose.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:46 am
by cp999
QuizMaster wrote:I used to stand behind Suri and do that to him on Pharaoah's when he didn't know who I was. Used to rile him to fuck.
I know a pro (now retired) whose speciality (one of many, really) was getting punters off machines. He would achieve this by standing right behind them and breathing very noisily.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:52 pm
by QuizMaster
My technique in the old days to get punters off machines, particularly those in a group was simply to win them £5 or £10 so they'd fuck off. This only really backfired when they decided I was some sort of wunderkind and that I would help them empty the machine - I'd then claim that the machine had gone into 'diffcult' mode and I couldn't guarantee results. They usually bought me a pint and stuck around to see how I got on, at which point they realise that they'd been hoodwinked but weren't too bothered because they had their winnings. All that ended with multi game terminals since punters now move to another game when they have won a few quid. I just leave if punters are on machines now, I can't be bothered with hanging around, not that that seems to be much of a problem in this day and age.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:43 am
by Nil Satis
QuizMaster wrote:Clever pros target the GW question bank but end up in a bigger pond, hence the recent game design changes to BAM etc. It's a clear indication that they know that you're there, otherwise why else change it?
A cynical person might suggest that if the industry in general and GWHL in particular spent less time worrying about the tiny number of top players, spending all their time designing ways of making things harder to play, and more time worrying about the vast proportion of ordinary punters, they wouldn't be looking at a situation where fewer and fewer people play their games and where pubs everywhere are choosing to get rid of their quiz machines for good.

A cynical person might also suggest that the last couple of years have been like watching Ford ignoring their mass customer base in order to put all their design and production work into building a car to deter Lewis Hamilton from driving, only to find that the only person who ends up wanting to drive the resulting car is ... Lewis Hamilton.

Luckily I don't know any cynical people. ;-)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:01 am
by Roll_With_It_Russ
I see fatty is at the BDO

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:52 pm
by SoccerHQ
Apologies for bumping a very old thread but was in a pub on the outskirts of Nottingham (towards Mansfield) and convince this guy was playing the quiz machine while I waited.

One of my favourite haunts now as incredibly still has an issue 32 Gamesnet (any more locations would be very welcome!) so saw someone playing it and decided to have a sit down and watch from a reasonablre distance.

I remember reading his article and his main game was Colour of Money and low and behold this guy was playing that game and was pretty rapid at answering the questions. Just looked at his picture and again it does bare a resemblance to the bloke in today. Most amusing thing was the coins on that machine get jammed up and they don't all fly down when pressing collect so he had a crafty look at the bar and tilted forward the machine to get out the tenner he won!

So...anyone ever seen Mr Drummond out on his round?