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PKR Blackjack

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:51 pm
Avoid this one at all costs.

Just played 15 hands at $5 a pop. Beaten everytime. 4 of those times I had 21 (not blackjack) and the dealer hit blackjack every time.

Dealer would show a 6 and proceed to get 5, face card. Twice.

15 hands isnt a great deal to judge something on but it was the fact that I could predict the card about to come out before it actually did.


Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:04 am
by davidpom
Doesn't sound great. Must admit. Although as you say 15 games is not a lot to judge it on... those things can happen - I found the same when playing a real game of blackjack in a land based casino the other day.

I'd do a trial of say 100 games at a pound a shot, before making any firm observations. Thanks for the warning though (just in case). :-)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:48 pm
by dvd436
Man, I've always got on pretty well playing blackjack on PKR. Plus the poker tables are full of fish there so it's a great place to hang out.

Have you tried using one of the many optimum hand charts that are out there? If not just google "perfect blackjack strategy" and you'll come across one in no time.