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Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:31 pm
by JG
I knew it was all nonsense elsewhere, I shouldn't have bothered.

Discipline people....discipline :roll:


A keen disciple of Captain Discipline.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:58 pm
by Scott
If u cnt b rsed 2 type prper englsh den doubt e cn b rsed 2 rply.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:01 pm
by JG
u nd mr dizipln innit?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:03 pm
by Scott
Wot u doin psting in da daytime anywayz?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:20 pm
by JG
i frt i wd tk 2 minz to chk frtcht bt it hs trnd 2 mch lngr az i iz addctd to frtcht. i am bck ot 2 ply sum mor b4 v rst of tdys hitz gt burnd by sum1 els

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:20 pm
by Matt Vinyl
1t5 teh l33t skillz0r bwarz!!!!111oneoneone

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:29 pm
by trayhop123
now stop that chaps , its getting silly ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and ever increasingly harder to read.

Wake Up And Realise

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:37 pm
by Get Out Now
Hi everyone,

Just discovered this forum. Finding it very entertaining. I would like to share my own experiences with you all if I may.

I started playing the FOBT roulette about 5 months ago. Just a couple of pounds at first and then progressively increased my stakes (an old story I know). I would conservatively estimate that since I started I have been in the bookies about 300 times!! Different shops in various cities and towns. I too had thought that it was easy money and became dissatisfied very quickly with winning the odd twenty quid here and there. Long story short - from winning about £2,400 in a week I quickly lost the lot and then lost a further £1000 through being greedy and very, very stupid.
Being a relative newcomer to going into betting shops I must say that I can't stand the pondlife dregs who insist on offering their advice and watching your every spin. On the day I lost my grand there was a disgusting lout swearing and hitting his machine and even spitting at it and on the floor. He was also challenging whoever was in earshot to 'dare say summat'. I couldn't believe I had allowed myself to stoop so low as to be in the same room as this yob. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true.
I know how addictive these machines are and I know how desperate one feels to win ones losses back but the answer can only ever be to work hard in gainful, respectable employment and to stay away from betting shops.

Re: Wake Up And Realise

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:30 pm
by Dave FOBT King
Get Out Now wrote:Hi everyone,

Just discovered this forum. Finding it very entertaining. I would like to share my own experiences with you all if I may.

I started playing the FOBT roulette about 5 months ago. Just a couple of pounds at first and then progressively increased my stakes (an old story I know). I would conservatively estimate that since I started I have been in the bookies about 300 times!! Different shops in various cities and towns. I too had thought that it was easy money and became dissatisfied very quickly with winning the odd twenty quid here and there. Long story short - from winning about £2,400 in a week I quickly lost the lot and then lost a further £1000 through being greedy and very, very stupid.
Being a relative newcomer to going into betting shops I must say that I can't stand the pondlife dregs who insist on offering their advice and watching your every spin. On the day I lost my grand there was a disgusting lout swearing and hitting his machine and even spitting at it and on the floor. He was also challenging whoever was in earshot to 'dare say summat'. I couldn't believe I had allowed myself to stoop so low as to be in the same room as this yob. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true.
I know how addictive these machines are and I know how desperate one feels to win ones losses back but the answer can only ever be to work hard in gainful, respectable employment and to stay away from betting shops.

Re: Wake Up And Realise

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:36 pm
by Spyder
Get Out Now wrote:stay away from betting shops.
naa, stop being a pussy, live a little...

gamblings a fun pastime..

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:41 am
by Get Out Now
Dave FOBT King,

Not gay, just can't abide knuckle-scraping, lowbrow munters who sadly appear to be prevalent in betting shops throughout the UK.

You're from Scotland though so I expect you are exactly like the tossers I'm on about.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:10 am
by PMK
There are plenty of people who enjoy a punt within their means but there are also those that don't.

Fobt's are sick. Enjoy the odd punt for the banter(I freely admit I get sucked in on the odd occasion) but I feel sorry for the saddicts on these evil things.

Life ruiners for the out of control.

I know what can be lost on these in minutes. Thankfully I'm not a regular 'lose my head' guy, but for those that chase these all the time I feel very very sorry for.

No amount of debate on whether they're rigged or not will ever deter from the fact that they are the worse things to get hooked on.

I think I'd rather be a smack head than 'have' to play these with every spare penny I had.

In fact I'd rather not be around full stop.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:07 pm
by Dave FOBT King
Get Out Now wrote:Dave FOBT King,

Not gay, just can't abide knuckle-scraping, lowbrow munters who sadly appear to be prevalent in betting shops throughout the UK.

You're from Scotland though so I expect you are exactly like the tossers I'm on about.
You nearly made it without insulting me and would have become the ''BIGGER MAN'' but just like your gambling philosophy - you
Couldn’t control yourself.

My post was merely testing you and guess what? You failed horribly.

Ps - have fun chasing you losses & remember 0 is always Due !!! ha ha fucking ha

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:14 pm
by Get Out Now
Would have become the 'bigger man'....?

Words cannot express how bitterly disappointed I am with myself for failing your 'test'.

Dave, I feel that not only have I let myself down but I've let you down also. Oh the shame.

Thanks for the advice about 0 being due. I've just returned from Corals where I picked up £900 just by following your advice. Maybe you are the FOBT King after all.

Re: Wake Up And Realise

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:29 pm
by joker53
I think you will find there is 'pondlife' in every walk of life - not just the bookmakers. Train, pub, restaurant, football matches the list goes on. I am finding it hard to understand what your post is getting at, the only conclusion I can make is that you're using the post to try and convince yourself that the FOBTs are killers and you know deep down you cant run away from them.

Your last post about winning £900 sums you up and makes a mere mockery of this post. Never going to go in there ever again and concentrate solely on hard work blah blah Yer right, you are going down the slippery slope of delusion and compulsion at the mercy of these machines. Beware you may become the lout you derade in the post in just a few years down the line - the lout is probably a result of an spiralling addiction, I pity him and you.
Get Out Now wrote:Hi everyone,

Just discovered this forum. Finding it very entertaining. I would like to share my own experiences with you all if I may.

I started playing the FOBT roulette about 5 months ago. Just a couple of pounds at first and then progressively increased my stakes (an old story I know). I would conservatively estimate that since I started I have been in the bookies about 300 times!! Different shops in various cities and towns. I too had thought that it was easy money and became dissatisfied very quickly with winning the odd twenty quid here and there. Long story short - from winning about £2,400 in a week I quickly lost the lot and then lost a further £1000 through being greedy and very, very stupid.
Being a relative newcomer to going into betting shops I must say that I can't stand the pondlife dregs who insist on offering their advice and watching your every spin. On the day I lost my grand there was a disgusting lout swearing and hitting his machine and even spitting at it and on the floor. He was also challenging whoever was in earshot to 'dare say summat'. I couldn't believe I had allowed myself to stoop so low as to be in the same room as this yob. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true.
I know how addictive these machines are and I know how desperate one feels to win ones losses back but the answer can only ever be to work hard in gainful, respectable employment and to stay away from betting shops.