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Leisure Link Losing on Average £3 per Machine

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:21 am
by AMK
was speaking to an area manager recently, was shocked to learn after costs etc each machine on average they have sited is losing £3. He told me they are indeed pulling out of ALL pubs. he went on to say gamestech crushed them with the punch taverns contract they lost. I asked what would happen and he said the machines would simply be taken away.

Gamestech do not have the logistics to cover all leisure link's current machines nor the workforce, sites they suply will simply not have gaming machines, I didnt fully understand what he meant by this?

I also talked about the note scam and he told me 95% of the machines that got scammed were all covered by insurance.

I wonder if they will get bought out? their share price certainly is attractive enough for a company to buy out.

Re: Leisure Link Losing on Average £3 per Machine

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:02 am
by pierkid
playwithrob wrote: I wonder if they will get bought out? their share price certainly is attractive enough for a company to buy out.
Not in the current climate mate.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:07 am
by AMK
yeah i agree the end of machines in pubs is coming to an end, next it will be arcades and finally bingo halls. the only places that seem to do really well are holiday locations like coral island etc with 28 £500 jp machines lol

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:37 am
by andybing1978
arcades are being hit also. In nottingham 3 arcades have closed in less then 4 months, leaving only 3. One of which will be gone soon to

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:16 am
by jonnyg323
once again i say serves them right. i don't think i have to explain why, suffice to say the recent changes in AWPs have come rite around to smack them..HARD.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:34 am
by harry 3
I expect nearly all inland arcades to close. They only attract addicts now. Pure greed has finally caught up with the operators.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:41 am
by mr lugsy
if you want to see a stop to arcades closing then you all must vote conservative ,it is the labour party at the top of the hill who are turning the screw on fecs and agcs,conservatives have recently spoken out that they see seaside arcades as a part of british heritage, and im assuming by this that they may do something to alleviate the current downturns in the industry.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:16 am
by pokerpete

funniest post in ages

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:24 am
by borgcontact4
I really think its time to stop and look at the situation and with careful analysis you will see the answer it to all get out and really support and vote in ..... The monster raving looney party.
Their manifesto pledges to put all fruitie and quiz machines on free play to any member of Fruit Chat Site as long as they have posted one really funny or stupid post. t I think that just about covers everyone.!!!!!


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:38 am
by borgcontact4
Playwithrob. Seriously, INGG have announced that they are losing £500,000 per four week period. They claim to have 50,000 machines so with simple maths that is £2.50 per week. However the analysts are saying its more like £12-15 million loss per year, so that more than doubles it.
Gamestec is in a similar position in the market place. They are crumbling as they have no money, massive debts and need refinancing. I am sure every bank in the country will be lining up to offer them loads of money as the fruit machine business and pubs are bursting with people and cash !!!
A more realistic situation is Gamestec and IBN both collapse under debt and we get small operators with more care for the business after all it needs plenty of TLC from someone. Big is not beautiful in the pub machine business.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 pm
by jeffvickers
A £25 Jackpot machine with no notechanger that attracts the casual punter is a start.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:22 pm
by stuart4010
I think it's the middle of the beginning of the end for AWP to be honest. Someone who finds something to exploit on an AWP will exploit it, whether they found it by accident, or paid for information, whatever, and i'm fine with that.

But then notechangers come along and we see the real greed of people, scamming them and screwing companies out of a sizeable chunk of their turnover.

Jackpots on machines start creeping upwards, and so do the cost per play. Is it any real surprise that when the casual player can rattle through £10 in seconds the numbers of casual players are also falling?

Professional players will always make money regardless of the size of the jackpot, it's the knowledge that counts.

The lengths people go to these days in trying to illicitly milk money from nachines are indicative of the moral standards in society... low and falling rapidly.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:51 pm
by jaffacat
My wife is the manager in a pub that has machines supplied by Leisure-Link. The collector was in today and the wife asked her if it was true that they were pulling out of the pubs. The collector said she hadn`t heard anything but then phoned her boss to be told that there was a big meeting yesterday where it was being discussed and it seems it is true that they are indeed pulling out and concentrating on holiday parks and bowling alleys!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:25 pm
by swych
i remember when the machines first changed to 20p a play and people were moaning, at least when the jp was £10 was a lot easier to get the regular punter to put his few quid change in and they were never far from ready, now you can see a machine empty for up to a couple of weeks at a time and they paly really dead when they are so nobody wants to play when they put £5 in and not even a win. if they get more spins and a few small wins it keeps them interested and they are likely to have more than a couple of quid. arcade in our town is dead, i remember it was always full now the only people in there are old grannies having a cup of tea :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:06 pm
by ma71lda
Between 20001ish - 2004 I was the Manager of a relatively quiet pub, which had 2 machines. Initially they were £15 jp's (Neptunes Treasure and Spice is Right) but when the £25 jp's came out I made sure we had them immediately and LL duly obliged. Now I don't know how much other pubs were making but we made £600 each fortnight after VAT etc. Not bad considering this pub wasn't the busiest in the world and I was doing okay myself from them.

I haven't worked in a pub since nor do I have any plans to, but I can't see the same pub making as much from £35 jp machines, I would be interested to see though and to see if the collector still tries t palm people off with bags of silver. :lol:

Yeah, I'm most definitely with JV on this one, 'make £35 jackpots history, cheaper boards now, make £35 jackpots history, cheaper boards now'. Paaaaaaaaarty, scatter! :P