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Roulette at the services, bingo,anyone ????

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:11 am
by harry2 ... ck-5688381

Top Tory to push for more 'crack cocaine' gambling machines in motorway services and arcades.

Culture secretary John Whittingdale has previously called for the fixed-odds terminals which allow bets of £100 every 20 seconds in be allowed in bingo halls.

Controversial ‘crack cocaine’ gambling machines could be rolled out to motorway services and amusement arcades by the new Tory culture secretary, campaigners warn.

The Mirror can reveal John Whittingdale has previously called for the highly-addictive casino machines to be allowed in more venues including bingo halls in a speech to gambling industry insiders.

He also pushed the previous Coalition government for rules to be relaxed to allow more of them in high street bookies.

David Cameron’s surprise new choice to head up the Department for Culture, Media and Sport has sparked demands that the Government clarify its position on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs).

The controversial roulette machines let punters bet up to £100 every 20 seconds and have been linked to problem gambling and anti-social behaviour.

Mr Whittingdale told gambling bosses: “People talk of (FOBTs) being the crack cocaine of gambling.

“I’m not so sure they’re even the cannabis of gambling.”

Adrian Parkinson, spokesman for the Campaign for Fairer Gambling, said: “We have a new Conservative majority government and what appears to be a new pro-FOBT Secretary of State in John Whittingdale.

“As chair of a select committee in 2012, despite the public backlash against FOBTs, he actually supported betting shops being allowed more of them.

“Then last year he spoke in favour of FOBTs being allowed in other high street gambling premises such as arcades and bingo halls.

“We have to ask the question now - has government policy now changed on FOBTs and under the Tories are we facing a major proliferation of this addictive gambling product?

“John Whittingdale needs to come clean about his intentions toward FOBTs and betting shops.”

John Whittingdale backed “parity” for more family-friendly venues to join bookies in stocking the lucrative touch-screen casino machines in a little-reported speech at a trade event last year.

In his previous job as chairman of the culture, media and sport select committee he also supported ending the current four-per-betting shop limit.

It comes a year after the Mirror revealed BACTA - the trade body representing parts of the gambling industry - had written to MPs demanding the machines be allowed in to its adult areas of amusement arcades and bingo halls. These could also include non-staffed games areas at service stations.

The machines are currently only allowed in betting shops. The Labour Party had pledged to give local authorities extra powers to restrict the number of FOBTs in high streets.

Mr Wittingdale told BACTA’s annual conference in December 2013: “The claims of addiction and damage they cause are unproven. We need empirical evidence that they aren’t as addictive as the anti-FOBT lobby make out.”

He added: “If it is established that (FOBTs) don’t offer any big danger I would certainly extend them to AGCs (adult gaming centres).”

Campaigners are demanding the maximum stake be reduced from £100 to £2 per spin.

Simon Storer, head of communications for BACTA, insisted his trade body was “absolutely opposed” to FOBTs in their current form.

Mr Storer said: “We feel the £100-a-spin stake needs to be dramatically reduced because it is immensely damaging communities.

“This is bringing the industry in to disrepute.

“They need to take the toxicity away then once that happens we can look again at the situation. Clearly we have lost an awful lot of businesss to this type of gambling an it is unacceptable.”

Speaking about the new Secretary of State, Mr Storer added: “We will deal with him, of course we will.

“We are trying to stress the need for this problem to be dealth with.”

A spokesman for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport told the Mirror: “The Government’s policy on FOBTs remains the same.”

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:11 am
by moterwayplayer
I can't wait will be awsome doing m1 chasing zero section

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:29 am
by JG
I'm having the orphelins out in Donnington, be warned!

Thanks for the heads up Harry. Doesn't surprise me. If anyone could get FOBTs in even more places it'd be the conservatives. LinkedIn etc can become LinkedOut as the £100 max stake comes back in force without registering.
Grannies will be doing brains between bingo sessions and FINALLY Ethel and Mildred will empty their wallet...or more likely luck out the whole night on voisins de two little ducks.
Already most bingos and arcades are kitted out with most of the hardware. Scientific Games have TITO (ticket in ticket out) T777, T888 AND Nevada (Ladbrokes FOBT) terminals in most Meccas. Roulette is not yet on The Nevada, just B3 games, but it could be ported over in minutes if the legislation arises.
Inspired Gaming offer profit share on their Storm cabs in the majority of UK AGCs and Moto, Roadchef and Welcome Break.

Just needs the culture secretary to take a few more 'donations' from 'mystery' benevolents and it's 'place your bets' in far more venues.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:18 pm
by Oscar
May John Whittingdale die in immeasurable pain.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 9:33 pm
by quizard
Sat on a Keybet at Hartshead Moor at 2am. Can't wait lol :)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:51 pm
by Roll_With_It_Russ
Jackpot should be increased in my opinion, so you can win a larger amount for the same stake

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:09 am
by Ruler of The World
I think you're all being a bit harsh here. We all have a choice over what we play, having FOBTs available pretty much anywhere 24/7 doesn't mean you're marched onto them at gun point by a Tory MP and forced to empty your wallet and coins into them! I think they should be banned altogether and that roulette should be a game you can only play in casinos or online.