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Arcade Music

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:59 am
by Ruler of The World
For some strange reason I have recently had some late night sessions in amusements of various sorts. It may be related to my sleeping pattern or something more sinister but anyway...

The topic is, those fucking songs; sorry, but they do my head in and they literally can be fucking songs - except you're sitting there listening to them and not being fucked in any sense but in the pocket or, in my case, in the head!

Why do they stick the love/headfuck songs on in arcades? They don't do it in casinos! I literally can't face it now, it is so offputting knowing I will be sat there thinking "Oh fuck off John Legend, you CUNT! This machine is gonna get all of my fist if you don't fade out soon!" and "Oh why couldn't she sound less like she is on PMS?"

The one that's really got me now is "My Immortal" by Evanescence which doesn't even have any relation to anything I could be suffering from - its just her moaning voice, I'd definitely partake in sticking a couple of socks in her gob if I ever got my way with her!

Anyway, just wanted to make the point and perhaps we could all name the most irritating songs which make us want to smash every machine in the arcade up or simply cry?

Oh, the other thing is when they accuse you of using an app on your phone to make the machines go empty! FUCKING RETARDS!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:27 am
by AMK
Cashino FM and annoying grannies playing 20 machines.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:37 pm
by Ruler of The World
What about the Gala and Mecca machine hogs? New topic for tonight I think...

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 12:18 am
by AMK
Yes annoying when the grannies have everything reserved.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:07 am
by Ruler of The World
Great tune... wish they'd play this!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:12 am
by kidgloves
I walked into my local Beacon and of the 8 machines I wanted to check, 5 were reserved, with 1 credit in but nobody playing them, the old woman in question was playing no.6 and no.7 at the time. This was out of bingo time, nobody else in the place. It fucked me off so much I complained to the management. That didn't help much, the duty manageress got her to take off 2 reserved signs and then told me "she's taken these 2 off but she's not happy about it as she has put so much money in them".....blah blah.
I asked her why she was telling me this, and what the policy was regarding machine reservation. When I pointed out she had 5 reserved, she backed down a bit but was obviously using the 'special regular I've been coming in here daily for 17 years rules'. Fucktards.
Cashino FM is an aural disaster. Sadder though, is the sheer number of the arcades that like to get mentioned in the breaks between the 'music'.
I asked an engineer once to turn up the Golden Game music to maximum because my ears were bleeding from Cashino FM. I didn't think he got the joke, but next time I went in, the Golden Games were a lot louder.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:46 am
by ridye
Play the most popular game in the UK...MONEY MAD MARTIANS X 1000 is Quicksilvers!

I got asked to remove my phone from the payout tray of a Gamestec digital in a Spoons the other night!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:08 am
by Ruler of The World
Fucking sicko granny CUNTS! But its not even grannies... its young FAT COUNCIL TRASH BITCHES! Where do they get the money to be able to play? Benefits? The younger they are, the fatter they are! Last time I had a run in with one of these whales I asked if she was standing while she had 3 on autoplay because she was embarrassed that she'd need all 3 stools to accommodate her gigantic ass if she was to sit down! Of course her reply was "Wot? FUCK OFF!"

These 'regulars' are just liberty taking piss takers - who ASKS them to get involved in 5 machines at once??? Its because they know they'll get the favourable treatment that they do it in the first place. Sorry, but if you're playing more than 1 machine at a time you're asking for it! 2 maybe but more than that is just fucking ridiculous!

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:39 pm
by pokerking2014
Your crazy man :) but sooo true, all I'm trying to do is play lol

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:26 pm
by Oscar
Where is the duty of care here?

It's not unreasonable to suggest that anyone playing more than 1 machine at the same time has a gambling problem, therefore why aren't these people banned? The answer, because the Arcades/Bingo halls/Casinos/Bookmakers don't give a toss, as long as such people continue to spend.

All of the aforementioned establishments are just holes for gambling addicts and the unenlightened to throw their money down.

I always have my ipod with me when I go into a chain arcade, Cashino FM, one sonic atrocity after another interspersed with adverts for.........Gambling.

Fred Done has sold his soul and now brazenly endorses casino games such as roulette and blackjack, the emphasis no longer on track or sporting events, now its all about a wheel and deck of cards, as new incarnations of roulette and Blackjack pop up every other week on those terminals. As for arcades, well they are so depressing to be in these days I just don't bother any more, because I just can't help but think how much entertainment there was to be had 15-20 years ago, and now there is none.

Seriously, what has the young slotter of today got to look forward to in his local arcade?

£6 for a board on a £5 jp dond 4 reeler...

Press start


LOSE. Cheers.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:38 pm
by JG
£1 for a board on a 4 reeler £5 jp.

"I want you to get a lot of money"

£24 mega streak and next two boards flash.

Be careful not to stay on it for too long, it'll flash up a message. £4.60 spent in the past thirty minutes.

That is what the young slotter (over 18 though, who plays £5 machines in Cashino) has to look forward to.

I usually block out the music in the same way that people who don't realise they (like everyone else) actually has tinnitus, blocks the irrelevant noise which is actually resistance in the nerves. Some people do have mechanical problems though (a malformed pars tensa for example) or poorer quality nerve tissue (like speaker cable....poor quality speaker cable and you hear a buzz on the speakers). I do listen to the DJ though. I like to know if Tina from Bletchley has requested Vogue by Madonna. Or perhaps Steve from Leighton Buzzard is after a bit of AC/DC. It's very useful to be kept in the loop like this.

Stay away from the bookies - the games are rigged. Fortune spins/ultra spins etc, pay no better than £2 spins, yet you can be paying ten times or even more your stake for the same spin. The roulette picks a random result and then checks its actual percentage. If it is happy to pay out, the random number stands, if it's below the 82% secret payout it may go on the take. It simply picks a random number and then picks another random number to ascertain if you get to stay lucky or get fed a wind up and or bad number.

On line is way too dangerous and full of crooks
Bookies are rigged
Bingo can be ok, but you get your mega evil grannies
That just leaves arcades.
Quicksilver only open for ten minutes each day, so I never get to go in any
Unless you live up North or in London, Nobles just means a room full of digi lo tech reflex, chrome flat top fair games and a £35 Big Deal.
That just leaves mega heat low percentage independents and Cashino. So there we go.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:10 pm
by Roll_With_It_Russ
"Game over" song... no idea what its called though.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:11 am
by dog section
the fat bifta birds in yarmouth always used to stink of stale body odour and pissy/period unique tang. every time theyd lift a wobbly flabby arm to the coinslot youd get the waft float your way.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:44 am
by Ruler of The World
Wow, such excellent and vivid descriptive writing there - you should post more often!
Next time please describe the most beautiful woman you've ever seen!

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:01 am
by dog section
mo mowlem used to get me horny,but more recently its that ann hegerty bird off of the chase that gets me bugled up. when i was a kid deirdre from corrie used to make me feel strange,then her mum blanche came along and her glasses were bigger so i used to get aroused over her.