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Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:48 am
by Ruler of The World
What the fuck happened???

2 supposed Muslims butcher a soldier in broad daylight to make some sort of political point! That's what I see here!

As a Muslim (but hardly a scholar as you know my daily activities) I deplore this attack and I will tell you why...

1. If they really had a point to make they would have gone to the land where these soldiers who they claim are killing people (who they call innocent) and kill them there and then, fresh and do all of this! You do NOT attack people for the reasons these fools gave. They could argue that our soldiers shouldn't be there but this is still not a reason to do what they have done.

2. All this does is make life a misery for the Muslim community, they give racists and general thugs like the EDL a reason to run around causing trouble and justify their own attacks.

3. One of the most important things in Islam is to live within the laws of the country you reside in! All this rubbish about trying to get Shariah law in England is garbage, you live amongst the people and accept their traditions and laws...if you don't like it, go back to where you came from! It is not your duty as a Muslim to convert those people in a foreign country to Islam, especially not by force or terrorism!

4. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is applicable to every faith in a state of war, I don't think there was a war going on in Woolwich so again I can only deplore and condemn this sick attack.

5. It is very hard to be proud to be a Muslim when idiots like these 2 murderers run around claiming they do these things in the name of our religion, they only damage the reputation of Muslims everywhere.

I am as outraged at this and I am sure people who will now be attacked over it are too. I just hope this doesn't make England descend into race riots over the actions of 2 animals who clearly are deranged when they stand there waiting for police like they'd killed a loose bull!

I am deeply sorry for the loss of life, it is an absolute disgrace what happened. All that has been achieved from this is racial tension and disharmony for all.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:03 am
by Spyder
I read something saying they were Somalian guys,
Also originally it was said they cut his head off.. In the videos they have a couple of small meat cleavers, it would be difficult to do this with the weapons that have
Another rumour was that the man was wearing clothes to make him obviously identifiable as a soldier, now they say he was wearing a 'help the heroes' shirt... Which you can get from loads of places...

its true, it will provoke a lot of people into various actions..

Personally I will wait a week or so to make my decisions on what happened, it may not be what people initially thought.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:52 am
by cloud9
Spyder wrote:I read something saying they were Somalian guys,
Also originally it was said they cut his head off.. In the videos they have a couple of small meat cleavers, it would be difficult to do this with the weapons that have
Another rumour was that the man was wearing clothes to make him obviously identifiable as a soldier, now they say he was wearing a 'help the heroes' shirt... Which you can get from loads of places...

its true, it will provoke a lot of people into various actions..

Personally I will wait a week or so to make my decisions on what happened, it may not be what people initially thought.

May not be what people originally thought wtf they blatantly butchered a young man to death in the street soldier or not it makes no real difference. Then he stands next to the body covered in blood giving an interview telling the camera for his reasons if it takes you a week to work that one out then god knows how you manage to make it around your route each day
a perfect with a few high pots will present you with enough decision to last you till closing

Good post ruler interesting to get a veiw on things from an Muslim perspective

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:15 pm
by titchno1
A perfect???? High pots???? I search all week for a one of them!!!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:29 pm
by cloud9
titchno1 wrote:A perfect???? High pots???? I search all week for a one of them!!!

Lol very true becoming a rare breed now

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:41 pm
by ob
One in Northfleet lovely pub lol bet its on high pots, good luck getting anything out before they switch it!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:57 pm
by JG
One of your better postings Ahmad. Human nature in one of its more extreme forms rears its ugly head again. It doesn't matter what the context, religion, sport or politics, there is always some bastard using it as an excuse to act like a ####. I appreciate that your vast majority of Muslims would not condone their actions.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:01 pm
by Scott
What a crazy, fucked up world we live in!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:01 pm
by Ruler of The World
Thank you JG. I just see this going out of control, unfortunately. It is a license to wreak havoc for EDL and bored football hooligans alike, I'm just waiting to hear of reprisals and if I was a Muslim woman all covered up today I would be bricking it! I seriously think this is the start of a major load of attacks.

Just the other day, before this happened, I was in a pub where they were having a dig at Muslims. I never react to it because there is simply no point, especially with pub folk who are all licking each other's arse holes and love to stick together on these sorts of things! Imagine what they'll be saying now? I would honestly deny being a Muslim if asked in the current climate!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:19 pm
by maverick69
Just hope UKIP never get in

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:29 pm
by Reverse
I can only say that a fair percentage of British people will now look at any race apart from British (Reason for 'Any' is because people know what the 'blokes' are like in the pub)

in a bad way .... obviusaly they have no idea how much hassle they have now caused for there race

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:04 pm
by trayhop123
very good post ahmed

a sad day for all

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:49 pm
by The Dark Horse
The whole thing seems a bit surreal to me. I don't want to start with my illuminati staged event theories but I'm sure a few will start popping up on the web soon. Taking it that this event was genuine then a few things can be said, the two men in the video were probably not actually born Muslims, they were clearly West Africans which has been confirmed today in the press. It's likely they were converted in prison where extremists prey on naive prisoners to build their army. Sadly just another form of religion used in manipulating thoughts to divide races. There will be a massive backlash against this caused by the same ignorance this religious manipulation spreads.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:18 pm
by mr lugsy
Text HERO to 70900 to donate a fiver to Help for Heroes

Lee Rigby R.I.P

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:47 pm
by Spyder
You fucking bell end.... What I ment was, it'll take a few days for them to work out what the fuck went off....

You never know, it could end up they knew each other or met before and clashed or something... The religious side of things could have been some kind of justification....

Looks like an open and shut case on the tv... But the two black guys weren't exactly gunna go up the the camera and say "we killed him cause we're high on meth and he looked at us when we drove past"

cloud9 wrote:May not be what people originally thought wtf they blatantly butchered a young man to death in the street soldier or not it makes no real difference. Then he stands next to the body covered in blood giving an interview telling the camera for his reasons if it takes you a week to work that one out then god knows how you manage to make it around your route each day
a perfect with a few high pots will present you with enough decision to last you till closing

Good post ruler interesting to get a veiw on things from an Muslim perspective