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Attacked by a so called mate

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:19 pm
by GaryChandler
Waiting outside a pub this morning and so was an ex mate but he was in a different car park so I didn't see him when I drove in. He rings me says I'm waiting for it, even though he said he was in there last night(blatant lies)
when I question him about that he starts getting funny and says he will be going to Everything everyday now, which I replied by saying 'so will I then, I have got the money to lose' I hang up the phone and go to drive out of the pub and next thing I know he is running over to my car jumps on the bonnet and tries to kick the side window in, luckily failed. I just drove off as he is twice the size of me and not much I could do. Reported it to the police and taken pictures of foot print on bonnet and dent on bonnet, also foot print on windown, but I doubt the police will end up doing much.

Any advise anyone on what to do?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:58 pm
by jb13
Buy yourself a gun, failing that hire a minder as you have "money to lose"

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:39 pm
by layabout
Only advice i can give....... if he's twice the size you are carry a bat and hit him round the head with it next time.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:10 pm
by playahata
go for the knackers

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:15 pm
by big A
should of ran the prick over

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:24 pm
by feeder22
Whys he an ex mate? You've got a bit of a reputation of being a bit of a dick yourself at times.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:28 pm
by GaryChandler
Well after what he done this morning i wouldn't class him as a mate anymore would you?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:28 pm
by betchrider
I would t go cops Gary tbh mate! Keep them shithouses out of your business

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:35 pm
by feeder22
Read it wrong. Thought he was already an ex mate and what happened was because if that. But to fall out over a machine is pretty pathetic. The two of you competing to burn out an area is not a good idea either. you'll both lose in the long run and no doubt more violence will ensure.

You got two options stic up for yourself dont get pushed around fight fist with fist
Or take it on the chin let the aggressor win more onto another area.

Did you tell the police the situation arose over a machine?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:47 pm
by GaryChandler
I was happy to let him have it anyway, but was just funny how he said that he was in there last night and now waiting again for the pub to open?!? its when i questioned him about that he got all funny trying to give a reason why he was there again, and obviously thought violence was the only way out of the situation.

If i really wanted to i could burn him out easily as he would be skint in no time atall, helped him out plenty of times in the past by fronting a pot as he has no money, he has gone out with a player recently for a week who has clued him up on a few bits and since then he has been thinking he is the "top man", i normally leave most localish bits to him as im not a huge fan of going in local pubs where i know people that go drinking in them etc.

Yes told the police the exact situation as i have got nothing to hide, got to go back on sunday morning to give more details.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:28 pm
by Scott
Would'nt go to the police myself, not having a go but i would'nt want a reputation as a grass.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:42 pm
by oldskool
GaryChandler wrote:Waiting outside a pub this morning and so was an ex mate but he was in a different car park so I didn't see him when I drove in. He rings me says I'm waiting for it, even though he said he was in there last night(blatant lies)
when I question him about that he starts getting funny and says he will be going to Everything everyday now, which I replied by saying 'so will I then, I have got the money to lose' I hang up the phone and go to drive out of the pub and next thing I know he is running over to my car jumps on the bonnet and tries to kick the side window in, luckily failed. I just drove off as he is twice the size of me and not much I could do. Reported it to the police and taken pictures of foot print on bonnet and dent on bonnet, also foot print on windown, but I doubt the police will end up doing much.

Any advise anyone on what to do?
snitches get stitches - FACT!

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:13 pm
by tommya
Speak to big A he should be able to sort u out some gambler repellant lol

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:34 pm
by redlinesman
You've done the right thing in contacting the police Gary as it is best to make them aware of the situation if this guy is planning to hassle you in the future.

The guy on here calling you a grass probably subscribes to a certain mentality and way of thinking that is limited and you should take no notice of this. Labelling someone a grass is kind of showing your preference for a lawless state and this type of attitude has little substance.

The Chief tends to meet aggression head on but in a calm way that aims to diffuse the situation before it erupts. He has a saying that his left jab stops 99% of situations going any further as the perpetrators seem fairly keen to start shaking hands after seeing it and the other 1% get punished. The Chief does not condone violence and would only use it in self defence.

Kind Regards, Sir Linesman

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:06 pm
by betchrider
Im sure youd take that view of the police if they froze your imaginary assets. Don't go the police Gary its not the way mate