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Barred from a town

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:14 am
by kong
I've not had any heat for a long time, but today has made up for that. Not just barred from a pub, barred from a town! Is this whats its come to?

First pub told not to play the machines, the landlady switched them off then ran round to a walkie talkie (yes, a walkie talkie!), presumably to pass the word around.

Next pub mysterious power cut (but it was back half an hour later), next two both off as well.

The funny thing is that the first pub used to have a perfect, but it had been so crap I was expecting to lose on it. It had been changed to a quids in america, but she couldn't turn it off fast enough!

Ever get the feeling you just can't be bothered?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:23 am
by trayhop123
had this a few times ,,,,,,, believe it or not

hunstanton ,,,,,,,,,, waffa/jim royals ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, advised to never come back(not ordered though) by the police and that the whole town is practically owned by 3 shady businessmen , and that we were lucky that the police were called first.

bulkington nr cov/nuneaton ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, first pub we did well ,,,,,,,,,, then it was walkie talkies ,,,,,,,,, by the time we walked to the second pub ,,,,,,,, they were waiting outside for us , arms folded ''your not coming in here lads'' ,,,,,,,,,,,, the rest of the village came out of pubs/shops/bookies etc to see us off ,,,,,,,,,,,, twas pretty sureal ,,,,,,,, like village of the damned or the wicker man lol.

thirdly ,,,,,,, market harborough ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, theres only one pub in market harborough ,,,,, course theres not ,,,,,,,,,,, no theres about ten ,,,,,,,,,, but there may as well be one (the spoons) because every other pub is ring round central ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i defy anyone to do well in one pub , then try to get in another without switch offs and barings lol

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:19 am
by betchrider
Got barred from the whole of southport for superstitions etc. Van full of heavies pulled up and told us to fuck off

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:21 am
by Glendale
I got barred from market harborough after playing that cluedo in the sports bar! Add 5p for credit and got it first spin! They said i was barred as i only put £1 in,not happy when i said it was 5p!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:41 am
by Scott
I went in for that Cluedo, i'd never been in there in my life, typical miserable tattooed guvenor who looked like he liked a tear up, ordered a pint and a lemonade, sat down for 5 minutes, then made my move, got about 2 steps near it and he tells me its broke :roll: i can only imagine Glendale had done it the week before so now he does'nt let any strangers play it, thats the last playable they had in there (i know of) he's got a shitty deal in now, that town is just so bad, nothing but aggro, and no amount of playing dumb, ordering 5 pints, food or having an all dayer in the pub would allow you a return visit, fire beyond belief!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:49 am
by anfield road
Pubwatch from 90 pubs for5 years,got nicked for getting a free boardfor 186 on an electro off £2!!! 30 hours in the cell..... house raided etc!!
walked in the pub a year ago to play a shuffler, ordered a pint of strongbow!! he come back with a book and said are you'' **** *****'' so i said no and he rang police!!!


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:51 am
by Scott
This pub watch thing, is it enforced by the police? or the landlords? i was told i was on it but never heard any more?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:07 am
by betchrider
Both here

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:13 am
by AMK
Mr Silcock is a rogue. A bit fat cunting rogue.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:14 am
by AMK
Mr Silcock is a rogue. A bit fat cunting rogue.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:21 am
by toothless11
I was on pub watch for 2 years for breaking a mirror accidently when pissed up... Then after I was on a ABC (anti-behaviour contract) for a year... More than likely different areas work differently... It's a pubwatch scheme in which all the landlords/ ladies meet up for a weekly meet to talk about new canditates to be put on the scheme. You will recieve a letter through the door with a list of all the areas your barred from as well as the reasoning...

If you haven't recieved a letter, you more than likely in the clear. I might also add, that they grt your name, copy and paste a photo off your facebook and then use this via the Internet, to pass your photo around the pubs... Well that's what happened to me! Lol. Cunts.

Was one of the worst times in my life, bit equally pushed we out of town travelling which I loved.


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:07 pm
by wrightn307
i walked in to a lloyds two days ago key'd up a machine bloke walked out saying the alarm is going of in back because a refill key has bin turned in the machine as this ever happend to any one ?

Re: barred

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:23 pm
by deano8177
wrightn307 wrote:i walked in to a lloyds two days ago key'd up a machine bloke walked out saying the alarm is going of in back because a refill key has bin turned in the machine as this ever happend to any one ?
I've had it a few times, games tec have it in many big chain pubs, Midas or something it's called. I also had it in an arcade when 70s first came out.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:27 pm
by wrightn307
stupid lol but luckley i just got the crown jewls i ad only put 20 quid in it lol but because they was busy it took em 20 mins to come out lol

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:28 pm
by silent g
ive plugged a pefect a few times in one session in sittingbourne and had someone come from upstairs and TELL me ive turned it of and on twice :/
im 99% sure no camera's and no people saw me so i must have been midas'd :/