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Have you ever dated(or whatever-ed) a barmaid?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:19 am
by Master of Games
I mean as a genuine part of your run, or had 1 come on to you, etc. My mate married the 1 he went out with!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:39 pm
by The Dark Horse
Master of Games wrote:I mean as a genuine part of your run, or had 1 come on to you, etc. My mate married the 1 he went out with!
Sorry people but I had to drag this one up. I'm deeply concerned that no-one replied to this post originally. Surely not? Some of you long term players must have linked at least one in all your years spent in pubs?

I know playing fruits can make you feel scruffy and not in the mood to chat up birds, but surely on a good day in your younger years some of you must have had a go? I'm no oil painting but I've had a small handful over the years.

Barstaff are the closest thing to work colleagues in some ways. Having a good relationship with them can be very useful if not just for the social contact so badly missed when working alone.

A few years ago I knew a lot of the staff in my area well. I could get any random player I bumped into barred in most places. I had a spoons manager I was banging floating hoppers for me on request. Controlling staff is by far the easiest way to control an area.

My stereotype of the socially disfunctional pro player is seeming more accurate by the day.

Please tell me some of you lot have at least TRIED to shag a barmaid?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:45 pm
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
I went out with a bird from an arcade in Canterbury some years ago. She thought I was 23 when I was 32.
I felt a bit of a purve as she was only 19!

I was doing a good job (or so I thought) chatting up a barmaid in a West Sussex pub but the idiot of a mate I was with kept sticking his nose in with pathetic comments and ruined it.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:51 am
by maverick69
a few, nothing serious tho....get some right skanks in arcades tho

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:46 am
by titchno1
I'm a virgin

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:01 am
by maverick69
a virgin from newcastle.....doesnt happen mate im afaid

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:16 am
by titchno1
Serious. No drinking smoking gambling.. No sex before marriage.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:48 pm
by trayhop123
titch m8 ,,,,,,,, i commend you ,,,, for the non smoking drinking part ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, as i myself have never ever smoked , drank , or done any form of drugs ever.

but not sure i can commend you on the sex part ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the trouble with saving yourself brings many problems ,,,,,,,,,,,,, when you first have sex , its wonderful ,,,,,,,,,,,, but it can then trick you emotionally into thinking that this is it ,,,,,,,, this is the one im going to spend the rest of my life with ,,,,,,,, this is the be all end all of human existence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and then if the woman in question has even the slightest evil manipulating streak in her ,,,,,,,,,,,, she will walk all over you and rule and suffocate and dominate every life decision you make ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and you wont care at first ,,,,,,, because your in looove yay . ,,,,,,,,,,,, but time takes it's toll on the oppress'd ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eventually love can turn to resentment .

look , it may work out for you with your first choice ,,,,,,,,,,,, and i sincerely hope it does m8 ,

but i was married at 18 , and divorced by 21 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, im not sure i should be sharing this with the group ,,,,,,,,,,,,(because the immature twats will mock me , ,,, but the true friend members will understand ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i met angela from harlow in essex on a train to skegness ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i was 17 at the time ,,, she was going to butlins with her two kids ,,,,, and we clicked strait away ,,,,,,,,,,,,, this was the first time any woman had taken an interest in me ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and after spending a few days with her i was bessoted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at the time she told me that she had a bit of a jealously problem ,,,,,,,,,,, but i didn't know to what extent ,,,,,, how could i ,,,,,,, i was a dumbfuck 17 year old thinking with his prick.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

we got married ,,,,,,,,,,,,, moved in a council house etc ,,,,,,,,,,, and was basically at it like rabbits ,,,,,,,,,,,, i was convinced this was nirvana ,,,,,,,,,, that she was the '' one'' ,,,,,, this was my future till i die etc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eventually her jealously problem came to the forefront ,,,,,,,,,,,, (like it did with her previous husbands ,,,, 2 of em ) ,,,,,,,,,, what a dumbass i was eh ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i never gave her a reason to think i would ever be unfaithful ,,,,,,,,, but she couldn't stand me even watching the telly because there were women on it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or normal things like going shopping and being served by a female at the checkout ffs,,,,,,,,, she would lash out and hit me for no reason ,,,,,,, i had become a battered husband , like her previous ,,,,,,,,,,,, i threatened to leave many times ,,,,,, but she was always sorry and made up for it with glorious sex ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, she was hitting me a few times a week ,,,,,,,,,,,, and i put up with it ,,,,,,,,,, she was on anti-depressants and went to see a psychiatrist once a week ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but whilst there i had to stay at home with the instructions to keep the curtains closed , in case a female walked by and promised to keep the tv off ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it was that bad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, even at home together cuddled up on the sofa ,,,,,, we could be watching the tv and a female newsreader could come on for example ,,,,,,, and suddenly i would get a punch in the mouth ,,,,,,,,,,,, because in her mind , i must fancy that newsreader etc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it was a nightmare ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eventually i grew the balls to leave ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, went back to my parents ,,,,,,,,, and it took a long time to get over it psychologically .

then of course i had a few short relationships and one night stands before meeting the true love of my life tracy ,,,,,,, whom ive been with 11 years now .

ok so my story is an extreme oddity ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but ,,,,,,, be careful what you wish for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when your young , nothing is more powerful persuading and potent than the allure of fanny above all rational thought.

ps gambling titch ???

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:52 pm
by BFK
I think he might be on the wind up tray. Only cos he put gambling in the line as well. Well we all know he plays fruit machines so thats one red herring.

On the subject, I met a bird who worked in my local arcade, moved in with her almost from day one and was with her for 4 years!!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:25 pm
by layabout
Got with the mangeress of a nobles in one of the towns i played in,been with her now 11 years and have 3 kids with her,engaged but not married yet :)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:08 am
by titchno1
I was having a laugh apologies if I have made you look or feel silly any1.

I do drink I'm still in bed got back to my travel lodge last night at 530 in manchester(I'm on way to london lads watch out). How ever I might not be down long was a death in the family last night and if there is a funeral I'm gunna go home for it.

Not very often I drink work friday night and sat morning's. I'm nnot a virgin but think inv found right girl.. Ill come back to that1. Tryed a few drugs in school like most but I was always the sensible 1 not wasting money etc. On other hand you wouldn't believe my brother is drugs daily in and out of jobs his cv is like a bog roll.

Most respect tray for writing that on here that takes some balls.

Well my girl I had something really bad happed to me when 17 I'm not saying what but its life changing and sticks in my head and destroyed my family and best mates who I classed more as a brother than my real 1.

Didn't have another girl refused. Till I found natalie. She's cute but has heart of gold. She started hitting me she chased me with a bottle of vod she is a bit clingy when away for 2 mins its a nightmaree coz I'm away for a week. I ended breaking up because I got to the point I felt like I was going to hit her back through sheer anger and stress. Bringing my past up etc. (I always say you don't like my. Past fuck off you can turn around and walk away I can't) I always tell her its about. Know and future. Was split up 2 days went for meal told her. She hit me every weekend now she doesn't.

She knows I can handle myself so I don't no if she thought can just get away with it.

Like a say apologies if I made yas look daft. Sorry for bad spelling I'm thick to start with pissed still off this morning. A cba to go over and check

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:14 pm
by maverick69
feel bad for u on that one tray mate, glad u found happieness in the end though. my mate had to end his marriage for similar reasons,,,,,,u may laugh but he was being beaten up by his police woman of a wife. hes now remarried....but some woman cant handle it

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:19 pm
by blackmogu
Some of you may remember the manageress of quicksilvers in Southampton a few years back, Roberta. Tall, Eastern European blonde girl and no nonsense. Not too bad looking either. Anyways, they had a good random spinner in there, but she was like a hawk, so I invited her out to dinner one night, and started dating her, and got no heat from the arcade whilst I filled my pockets. Perfect scenario !

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:31 pm
by oldskool
i used to go out with the manageress of a snooker club. it had a fun house and would tell me when it had taken a few quid.
Also used to see a barmaid in a local pub with a monte carlo or bust. i ended up timing doing the machine when she WASN'T working her shift as she only decided to tell me she was married after i'd poked her.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:30 am
by The Dark Horse
Nice to see some ppl opening up and showing they have had genuine experiences in life.