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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:29 pm
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
The Dark Horse wrote:
BFK wrote:
skinner wrote:ready to rock? italian job 2?
True but they both got fixed!! Fuck trying to set up nearest win on TIJ2's!!
Pretty sure a few ppl could still do chipped RTR's? Maybe I'm wrong.

Yes they could, Lee (Brighton) & Sam (Angmering) were especially good at them.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:04 am
by eurovision1984

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:10 am
by Master of The Game
Go to bed Jason. Stop sucking up to other players, you're wasting your time. And don't bother trying to suck up to me because I keep my mouth firmly shut, unlike you - by your own admission.

You will regret your disgusting posts about me, that I can promise you. You have over-stepped the mark now and I am very unhappy with your behaviour.

You are not only making yourself look stupid, you are bringing Joe down with you. That isn't fair, he has worked hard to establish himself and not be named like some slut in the tabloids that you've 'been seen with'.

Look in the mirror! If it doesn't crack then look at all your wrinkles and how you've aged. And then read your posts... at least 35 years younger in terms of mentality.

Happy new year, good luck - you'll need it. :shock:

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:01 am
by deano8177

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:14 pm
by Spyder
square7 was pretty good at ripping R2R regardless of the fix or not

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:42 pm
by fruity777
The R2Rs were great machines, chipped ones had the buzz and when taken out they'd lose on the first gamble. The repeat could be refused just like the kebabs and a nice 50 could follow, one of my favourites.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:58 pm
by Burn To Earn
why you mentioning my name Trayhop when I don't even know who you are? as goes for half this site.
The truth about hall of fame is that Shaun started it, showed Ash, who couldn't work out the full script. It gets passed to me. I work out a way of emptying them but only do about 60% and get stuck on others for hours. I go back to Ash and we turn it into a full on. As for Shaun I think he worked it out a little later for himself. Anyway's old news, Happy new year people. Anyway, Ahmed you're a headache, Jason I thought better of you and dark horse the person that I thought saw you didn't see anything so all good.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:06 pm
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
You should keep the last comment to pm or text level Matt. Cogs turn otherwise!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:28 pm
by MoterWayServiceMan
trayhop123 wrote:i'll hold my hands up and admit , i have never worked anything out.

i can accept that there are far more intelligent players out there than i'll ever be.

i dont disbelieve that a percentage (maybe 40% ) of things are indeed worked out.
i think the rest is passed on from the programmers down the ladder ,,,,,,,,,,, (remember , where there's fruit machines , human intervention and scope for huge backhanders , there will always be room for coruption)

but ,,,,,,,,,, and its a big but ,,,,,,, this game and its players are riddled with lies and bravado,

during the course of my years in the game i have often heard and subsequently re-heard the supposed origins of a trick ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we are told by player A '' oooh i worked that out and was on em for months before anyone else'' ,,,,,,,,,,, then player B and C state the same thing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, even in recent years ,,,,, right now for example ,,,,,, hof ,,,,,,,, who honestly worked out the empty ASH ??? MATEO ??? SHAUN from notts ??? ,,,,,, someone else entirely ??? ,,,,,,,,,,,,, im quite sure it was only one of em lol ,,,,,,, not all of em ,,,LOL,,,,,,,,,,,

these sort of claims run and run and run ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, because players want the notorioty and the reputation of being a TOP-BOY ,,,,,,,,,,, so that others may divulge info to them first in the future.

the game is one big chain/ladder ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and everyone tries to climb it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, some try to bullshit their way up.
I'm a beliver in ther will always be sum1 better.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:23 pm
by Master of The Game
Very amusing. This big fish isn't gonna bite anymore - I smell a setup. Tray's prediction that I'll be back in a spat within 2 weeks just arrived early.

Due to my immense respect for Dark Horse (although we hardly know each other) I will put the little headache outburst down to still being a very young, wet behind the ears one-trick-pony. We'll leave it at that.

Rather silly though how you had to post the comment about the person not seeing when you could have just called and told him that - why put it on a public forum thread??? Hmmm...I smell a wind up.

Yes, a setup and a wind up I can smell, AND I called myself a fish!


Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:26 pm
by Mystery_Plum
Spyder wrote:square7 was pretty good at ripping R2R regardless of the fix or not
Never met the guy but used to chat with him on Ladbrokes, God rest his soul. Great poker player too.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:20 pm
by eastangliapro
In the mean time Soda was having a conversation with another player about perfects, and accidentally slipped up, causing the other player to put 2 and 2 together and make 4. This person then immediately rang his friend from the other side of the country, and they teamed up for a fortnight, before they started getting fixed.[/quote]

some parts of that paragraph are not true

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:06 pm
by trayhop123
Burn To Earn wrote:why you mentioning my name Trayhop when I don't even know who you are

i meant no offence whatsoever .

we have been discussing method origins of late ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i mearly sited a recent example of the confusion and lies that are often born with them , and turned into chinese whispers .

if i have offended you in any way , please accept my apologies.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:56 pm
by The Dark Horse
Sigh :roll: Sigh :roll: Sigh :roll:

You clearly don't respect me if you say that and then take a snipe at my mate straight after. I can tell you he is definatly not a "one trick pony", many share the opinion he is the best player of his generation. You were a competent and well connected player in your time, but by no means anywhere near the best in your generation. He's also successful in the game of life, got savings, a nice car, normal friends and a nice looking gf. Most players could learn a lot from him.

Give it a rest for once and stop putting down people you don't even know. You don't like it when people do it to you. I know you don't always start things, but you always bite on any little thing said. Then you respond aggressivly and then complain the other person started it.

You don't have to take anyone mugging you off, but you can choose to let the odd small thing go, or respond in a more mature manner, after all Matteo is much younger than you. So just drop this one ffs mate.

And yes he must be on a wind up saying that lol.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:10 am
by Gibbons
I think he is a good player but not the best, and he's a bit too cocky for his own good.