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Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:05 pm
by Dpmorgan23
Hi im Dave. 24 and been playing for several years now. All started when i took a part time job in a hip shop when i was a kid and they had an arcade in the coffee shop. Always remember the machine where you had to get a 2 Special sign and a 2 on the reels to get unlimited nudges for a 3.00 jp. Had to be careful not to nudge in a 10p win with two of a kind though. Never really made fantastic money out of the machines these days but have had a few things come my way such as cracker and cash raker which obviously didnt make me a fortune. Play alot in Croydon but it seems to be covered pretty well down there. Love to play club machines and have to say that oh ah dracular was the best as they were so easy to read. Gold digger also used to do me proud aswell. Had 3 £250 out of it in 8 days once. Well thats about me anyway. Hope i didnt bore you too much and thanks for reading... Dave

Hi Im Nick

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:30 pm
by GamberNick
Hi im Nick and im 15 been playin fruits for about 2 years was on £5jp now £25jp ive had sum good days and bad days i gamble at services becoz i live few mins walk lol my best win so far isnt alot 2 sum of you gd gamblers is £35 from £2 on reno casino not bad and other days i can go and waste £40 jst like that :D

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:40 am
by Guest
I have just joined.

I am a long time looser, usually I just have a few quid, sometimes more than I can afford.

I am old enough to remember £2 jackpots and being happy at winning that. I have learned little over the years, especialyl not to play.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:45 pm
by joe3_3
Hi obviously new to the site! Used to play fruities alot, loads to chose from in brighton sometimes to many !! however likeing the online poker more at the mo!

Question really I have seen things on the site reffering to 'cheats' etc but are they ever posted when its likely to be of any use?
Or is it just the privilidged few who are i the know?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:28 pm
by grant7909
hi im grant from a small town near manchester. play bandits all the time. i work in local wetherspoons and try my luck every nite once closed. usually a nice little earner.

used to be much better when the good old vivids where there

pie factory and such v.easy money.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:38 pm
by JustAnotherClone
Welcome to both of you.

Joe - You will be lucky to get "cheats" but and sensitive info is usually discussed by pm and not on a public forum for obvious reasons.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:01 pm
by deanbarton33
Hi, i'm a newbie to the site. Ive played m/c's for a long time, but never really looked too much in to what i'm doing.

The m/c's i've been playing recently are x-rated (red), trail blazer (mazooma) and jewel strike (red). I'm not the most knowledgeable person, but i have picked up on what can be useful to take, and what's a waste of time. A lot of what i've learned i can see people have already posted on the site, but if i think i can help i will as there are some handy tips i've picked up from here too. I've looked through the site, but didn't understand some of the terminology...
SSS (forum about abracadabra)
IM i thought meant immortal???
and what is a set-up???

sounds thick i know, but i wouldn't mind getting involved in some of the discussions.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:39 pm
by tka
Hi Dean, welcome to the forums, I know that IM is Invincible Mode but other than that some of the other guys will have to help you out :) I only know about SWPs

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:36 pm
by Ricky
Hi All

I've been visiting for a few weeks now but have never really introduced myself. I live in Hereford and really play for fun, got lucky recently with an unchipped lucky strike and have therefore been researching other machines I play. Pleased I found this forum

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:12 am
by bombfrance
Hey all, im Ben, 19, student at plymouth uni. Been playing a little while but unfortunately usually end up on streaks, wins for a day, £25-£30 up if lucky, lose for a day, same amount down. Know a few tips, but any more would be much appreciated. Tend to play "A Knights trail" (global games)and "pick of the pack" , if anyones got any ideas?? Cheers.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:13 pm
by maggie5573
hi all my name is maggie and yes u guessed it im a newbie im 32 live in west mids with hubby and six kids . 2 off my boys are disabled and suffer from cp and other problems we also have 2 cats and 2 fish lol not that u really wanted to no that but hey thought i shud tell u any how lol any way if any 1 out there sees this and fancy a chat pm me pls also if u want to drop me sum tips for this site i will be most grateful thanks all for reading this bit of boring info hope to hear from sum 1 soon thanks all tc and keep smiling xxxxxxxx :wink:

Another newbie!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:23 pm
by leee
Hi, Im Lee, I have been playing fruties for many years, with mixed results, my woman gets pissed off with me playing, except when I win, when she is keen to share the profit!
Hopefully, I can help others and others can help me, to ensure this great pastime is continued! :P

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:12 pm
by Demmerz
Welcome to all!

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:45 am
by maggie5573
hi there lee im new to nice to see u on here gl with getting ur tips to win

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:26 pm
by Twedd17
Hi i'm Jonathan, I live in the north east. Been playing since the age of about 13. Once won my dad £55 back in the day and was hooked ever since....nightmare!

Tend to try to avoid arcades and concentrate on the pubs, as everyone seems more accomplished than me...

Got a few tips and would be happy to share where I can.

Good Luck